SageWytch profile picture


Cead Mile Failte (A One Hundred Thousand Welcomes)

About Me

If you send me a Friend's Request ....
And your profile is set to private, I will deny you.
I like to see a person's profile before adding them as a friend.
I would rather find out ahead of time if we have anything in common.
If you have your religion listed as Christian/Other, I will probably deny you.
To my way of thinking, you're either one OR the other, you can't be both. If you think you can, you haven't read your Bible!
I am not here for the numbers!
I am here to make friends ... that means sending comments,
emailing each other.. at least every now and then.
And once I have added you as a friend,
if I never hear from you again, you will eventually be deleted ...
no warning given!
Again, I am here to MAKE friends, not COLLECT them!
That said ...
Welcome! Welcome to my sanctuary... my realm of magick and wonder .. my escape from the mundane world. Here, I am known as Lady Sage of the AutumnMysts, guardian of dragons.
I am a free spirit, a Pagan that tries to live life to the fullest. I am peace loving, but have a fiery temper. I am honest to a fault, outspoken, loyal to the nth degree, a true friend in all ways.
I am a collector of many things.. but I try to keep it down to dragons and daggers... though fairies and swords do creep in.
I enjoy going to our local Renaissance Faire every year. I try to go as often as possible and have fantastic adventures every time I go.
I love Samhain/Halloween, Yule/Christmas and Mardi Gras above all holidays... I enjoy decorating my home to reflect my love of the holidays and seasons.
I love my family and would do anything for them. I am in a long term relationship with my Knight in Shining Armor...
I am a grandmother for the first time and I look forward to this part of my life. My only daughter has been the focus and love of my life for 26 years... now she is blessing me yet again with a daughter of her own ...
There was once a time if you had told me I was going to be a grandmother I would have shuddered in horror. But, as a friend once told me, "This too shall pass." LOL Now, I am a proud grandmother. This tiny bundle rules my world. It was an instantaneous process ... she is my world now!
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My Interests

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"When one defines oneself as Pagan, it means she or he follows an earth or nature religion, one that sees the divine manifest in all creation.
The cycles of nature are our holy days, the earth is our temple, its plants and creatures our partners and teachers.
We worship a deity that is both male and female, a mother Goddess and father God, who together created all that is, was, or will be.
We respect life, cherish the free will of sentient beings, and accept the sacredness of all creation."

Cool Slideshows

What Level of Witch are you
Congratulations you have achieved level 4 witch status... you have studied hard and learned well!!
Take this quiz !

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What mystical symbol are you?
You are a Pentagram...
Take this quiz !

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You scored as Water. Water is the element that predominates in your life. Water rules the signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.










Which of the Five Elements are you?
created with

What's Your Chinese Zodiac Sign and what's it mean?
Year of the Sheep (Ram)
People born in the Year of Ram seem to be, at first glance, better off
than those born in the zodiac's other years. But ram year people are often shy,
pessimistic, and puzzled about life. Sometimes clumsy in speech, they are always
passionate about what they do and what they believe in. The sign suggests creative,
artistic, passionate, elegant, warmhearted, honest, charming but pessimistic, timid,
disorganized and vulnerable. Too much dependent on material comforts, they are quick
to complain and do not respond well to pressure, but will find their own natural solution
to a problem when given space.
Take this quiz !

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I'd like to meet:

Cool SlideshowsThese pics were taken at the LA Renaissance Faire this past Nov/Dec 2006. We were fortunate enough to attend 3 times... a wonderful adventure each time!

The Gate
The gate I see before me,
leads I know not where.
So I stand and ponder;
should I, do I dare?
The knowledge held beyond
maybe more than just hear say.
They say to learn it,
would take eternity plus a day.
The Magic Realm is what I speak of,
and first steps are not taken lightly.
So take my hand, an lead me through,
and let the candle burn brightly.
It will lead us back safely,
to our earthly domain.
With the hope and knowledge
we shall try to gain.
Each time we walk, through The Gate!
By Thunder Wolf


There's so much out there... and I like so much of it.. Djilia Phralengo, Enya, Clannad, Rascal Flatts, Tim McGraw, Trace Adkins, George Strait, Edwin McCain, Rammstein, Rob Thomas ... the list is long ...


Lord of the Rings trilogy, all of the Harry Potter movies, all of the Highlander movies (especially End Galme), Hidalgo, Practical Magic, all of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, 300, Ghostrider, and my all time favorite is a little known movie named Sylvester starring Melissa Gilbert



Terry Brooks is my favorite author... also enjoy Anne Rice, Dean Koontz, David Eddings, Margaret Weiss, Andre Norton (I'll miss her), J K Rowling (gotta love Harry Potter!) ... anything science fantasy. Oh, can't forget Nora Roberts/J D Robb.. that lady is awesome!


When I actually sat down and thought about "real life"
heroes I was surprised by how many are in my life.
Have to start with my sister, Penny.
The lady is awesome! She has been through so much in her life;
a lot of it tragic, and still ... she's a total ROCK for the family.
She is a best friend as well as my sister!

Next, my daughter, Jes ... how to sum up in a few words?
She has grown into a beautiful young woman that I am so very proud of ...
She is my daughter, my confidant, my buddy ...
Always there to share both laughter and tears.

Then there is my life partner, Tom ...
He's been such a support system for me the last three years.
Can't imagine him not in my life.
He is truly my Knight in Shining Armor!

My Blog

The Witch In Me

The Witch in MeThe Witch in me is the candle, whose fire never burns out.The Witch in me is the air, who can caress the trees' leaves with only one breath.The Witch in me is the sea, whose waves are l...
Posted by Lady Sage on Tue, 22 May 2007 12:04:00 PST

Home at Last!

Hard to believe how much your life can change in 3 short days.This past Thursday, at 8:19 pm, my first granddaughter was born.  She weighed 6 lbs, 13 oz and was 19" long; such a tiny thing. ...
Posted by Lady Sage on Sun, 20 May 2007 04:40:00 PST

Grandbaby update (once again)

Once again, Jes and I visited our respective doctor's offices.Jes went to meet her new OB/GYN and came out of there feeling very aggravated, frustrated and disgruntled.  Not so much with the doct...
Posted by Lady Sage on Fri, 11 May 2007 04:13:00 PST

Progress .... and progress ...

Yesterday was visit-the-doctor-day for me and Jes.  Got the staples taken out of my knee... was glad about that, they were beginning to bother me, and hindering my progress with the flexing exerc...
Posted by Lady Sage on Wed, 02 May 2007 01:56:00 PST

Witch Facts

Like love, Witchcraft is different for each person. Witch is probably one of the most difficult words to define. Its usage and etymology are shrouded in the deep of history. We cannot provide a defi...
Posted by Lady Sage on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 04:28:00 PST

What does it mean to be a Witch?

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A WITCH?CloudDancer (The Lady Vatrovia...LadyV) ©I had to add this page to my site because I keep coming across people who tell me they want to be a witch because they want to ...
Posted by Lady Sage on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 01:31:00 PST

Changes for the better

    The time has finally come, and I am oh-so-ready.  Going to the hospital tomorrow morning for my total knee replacement.  I have lived with this pain for so long and it has...
Posted by Lady Sage on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 06:04:00 PST

Treasures in a flea market

Yesterday, Tom, Jes and I traipsed up to Baton Rouge to visit one of our favorite haunts, the flea market!  Usually a sunny and somewhat hot adventure, we were dismayed to find the temperature dr...
Posted by Lady Sage on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 12:15:00 PST

The baby shower

Was writing to a friend about my daughter's baby shower yesterday... was laughing so much while writing I decided to share the memory with everyone... Yesterday turned out to be a totally wonderful da...
Posted by Lady Sage on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 04:24:00 PST

Silhouette pics and 3D ultrasounds....

What a busy and exciting week this is... Jes' pictures came in.. and they are so gorgeous!  Pics of her maternity silhouette and her and Mikey... will post them as soon as MySpace lets me... grrr...
Posted by Lady Sage on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 12:25:00 PST