Marla Rutherford Photographer profile picture

Marla Rutherford Photographer

Looking for people to photograph and/or hang with

About Me

I'm a photographer here in Los Angeles. Was born and raised in Boulder Colorado - came out here from Boston to attend the Art Center College of Design, which I graduated from in Dec. 2004 - I shoot babies, grandmas, muscle people, fetish girls ..... blah blah blah and three blahs later I've come to the conclusion that a resume on the internet for strangers to question if I'm cool or not is a bit akward ......
Clients Include: The Advocate, Bizarre, Businessweek, ESPN Magazine, Fast Company, Forbes, Getty, Jupitermedia, Newsweek, New Yorker, LA Weekly, LIFE, Los Angeles Magazine, Muscle & Fitness, PHAT Photo, PHOTO Magazine, Puma Jeans, TIME, Village Voice, Galerie Fuze, Berman & Turner, Musee de l'Elysee and Aperture Gallery.
Photo exhibition with Kerry Skarbakka in Washington D.C coming up in June at Irvine Contemporary gallery in Washington D.C
Behind the Scenes
  • ESPN VIDEO (click on VIDEO to left) and article of ESPN Cover shoot with Liddell
    ESPN magazine Cover and 6 page spread May 2007 of Ultimate Fighter Chuck Liddell and his son Cade (cover and opening shown here)
    My 5 page spread on X Game Athletes and their siblings in ESPN Magazine (4 pages shown here) January 27th issue ...
    REGENERATION: 50 Photographers of Tomorrow exhibit at the Alyce de Roulet Williamson Gallery in Art Center College of Design - Pasadena California. Speaking January 31st. Opening Febuary 1st.
    Village Voice cover and spread I photographed of the comedian Sarah Silverman ....
    Aperture Foundation accepts image of Abandoned Housewife in their limited edition program
    Regeneration: 50 Photographers of Tomorrow book syndicated throughout the United States. Published on Pages 160-163

  • My Interests

    or rather favorites: Eating, Sleeping, Drinking, Scuba Diving, Traveling, Ling Ling, strippers, sushi, driving the desert, seeing a new movie, watching an old movie, landing in a place I've never been before, deadlines, photography, massage, creepy children, hot nerds, dogs ... but only when they're not mine. fast typing. real dancing. deep breathing. stretching. thinking. humor. babbling bullshit. being socially straight but thinking theatrically bizarre ... . Learning lessons. Drawing conclusions. Finding mistakes. starting over. genuine smiles. classic lines. White wine. Netflix. Aliens. Halloween. That random life I just stumbled upon. The Future. Perception of the past ... and the constant revelation that I should just enjoy the present.

    I'd like to meet:

    Stylists, MUA's, Hair Stylists and models .... TFP only.Model Search : Burlesque dancers, fetish gals, pin up dolls, ex convicts, tattoo connoisseurs, red necks, alternative models, big bossomed babes, hillbillies, hipsters, senior citizens, albinos, children, retards, nerds, losers, politicians, toy makers, circus performers, rubberists, muscle pageant contestants, truckers, white trash, any trash etc. etc.Unless you hold the title of the ones I've mentioned above please do not request to be my friend, unless you are alrady my friend in real life. I do not want more "fantasy" friends to add in internet land, only those who I can artistically collaborate with or more.....Cheers.


    Techno/house for dancing. Tom Petty for driving. Classical for studying. Ambient for working. Ani when I'm sad. Covenant when I'm blah. Everything when I'm happy.


    Exotica, Boogie Nights, Aliens, Heat, Pulp Fiction, Capote, Dead Poets Society, and Baraka.


    Project Runway, Six Feet Under, 24 and the News.


    Shogun, Memoirs of a Geisha, Fast Food Nation, and anything by Tom Robbins or David Sedaris


    My sister, Dad, David Cross, Gregg Segal, Sebastiao Salgado, and Dan Winters

    My Blog

    Photo in DISCOVER Magazine

    July issue of DISCOVER magazine. My niece's debut as a model. She's looking at my mom who's coaxing her to come over with gummi bears. Article on Belly button infections in infants .... so random what...
    Posted by Marla on Wed, 30 May 2007 03:56:00 PST

    The Oil Crash

    So I saw this movie the other night started ballllll---iiing. I've traveled a lot - 34 countries so I'm not totally ethnocentric, but then sometimes I really wonder if ...
    Posted by Marla on Wed, 30 May 2007 05:36:00 PST

    New Shoot with Viktoria

    New Shoot with ViktoriaPhotographer: MeMUA: Jennifer CoronaHair: ChristineModel: ViktoriaAssistant: PepeStudio: Ronnie DarlingClothes: House of Harlot and Torture Garden ...
    Posted by Marla on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 09:36:00 PST

    Darenzia in Hotel

    Model: DarenziaMUA/Hair: Jennifer Corona Assistant: Brandon Showers...
    Posted by Marla on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 01:34:00 PST