I'm a photographer here in Los Angeles. Was born and raised in Boulder Colorado - came out here from Boston to attend the Art Center College of Design, which I graduated from in Dec. 2004 - I shoot babies, grandmas, muscle people, fetish girls ..... blah blah blah and three blahs later I've come to the conclusion that a resume on the internet for strangers to question if I'm cool or not is a bit akward ......
Clients Include: The Advocate, Bizarre, Businessweek, ESPN Magazine, Fast Company, Forbes, Getty, Jupitermedia, Newsweek, New Yorker, LA Weekly, LIFE, Los Angeles Magazine, Muscle & Fitness, PHAT Photo, PHOTO Magazine, Puma Jeans, TIME, Village Voice, Galerie Fuze, Berman & Turner, Musee de l'Elysee and Aperture Gallery.
Photo exhibition with Kerry Skarbakka in Washington D.C coming up in June at Irvine Contemporary gallery in Washington D.C
Behind the Scenes
ESPN magazine Cover and 6 page spread May 2007 of Ultimate Fighter Chuck Liddell and his son Cade (cover and opening shown here)
My 5 page spread on X Game Athletes and their siblings in ESPN Magazine (4 pages shown here) January 27th issue ...
REGENERATION: 50 Photographers of Tomorrow exhibit at the Alyce de Roulet Williamson Gallery in Art Center College of Design - Pasadena California. Speaking January 31st. Opening Febuary 1st.
Village Voice cover and spread I photographed of the comedian Sarah Silverman ....
Aperture Foundation accepts image of Abandoned Housewife in their limited edition program
Regeneration: 50 Photographers of Tomorrow book syndicated throughout the United States. Published on Pages 160-163