Gabrielle St. Eve profile picture

Gabrielle St. Eve


About Me is the main website for me as an artist and instigator, in general. And is the MySpace page with music tracks.

I prefer to keep the personal stuff a mystery. If you know me, then you can guess. If you don't know me, you can just imagine.

I love my friends and it's good to have another timesuck website to share more stuff on. That said, I try not to blog on more than one site. If you are curious about my musings, see my LIVE JOURNAL .

with affection,
L. Gabrielle Penabaz

My Interests

Making art of all kinds. There's always the occult, which just means you have to look a little deeper to see what's in front of you. I like cooking and all the metaphors it provides. I like sports as a concept. I throw parties. I am a travel whore.

I'd like to meet:

Really smart sexy people.


Intensity. This means rock-n-roll, punk, new wave, indie, industrial, electro, etc... and... heart-stopping madrigals, classical, unclassifiable soundtracks etc... I love good lyrics. I love being blown away by someone's unusual point of view.


The gorgeous and the surprising. Epic things and the super clever. Brazil & Blade Runner to anything by Mike Leigh, LOTR to Shallow Grave (from the makers of Trainspotting), and so on and on. The classics, of course, Hitchcock, Fellini, yadayada.


HBO things seem to be the best. Six Feet Under, Sopranos, Carnival, etc...


Chuck Palahniuk, Martin Amis, David Sedaris, Neil Gaiman, Jonathan Ames, Oscar Wilde & many more. I like my men dark hearted, witty and much too smart for my own good. I'm lucky these authors are either distant, in relationships, gay, dead, or a combination thereof.


I can find the hero in anyone.

My Blog

Hungry Man

Last night I was walking East on Bleecker Street. Right before you get to the Bowery, there's a bar with a large picture window. Inside, was a strapping young man digging into a large sandwich. He ...
Posted by Gabrielle St. Eve on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 10:27:00 PST

Dean Johnson, RIP

I live in New York City. I am the type of snob who can tell you about 103 2nd Avenue long before it was a sports bar, a barbecue palace, and an Italian Restaurant before that. I can tell you why it'...
Posted by Gabrielle St. Eve on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 08:41:00 PST

Student Fridge Doesnt Speak Back

Just now, I was cleaning out my scary little student fridge. I talked to my student fridge, and said, "I scaid o' you!", like Amy Winehouse, fresh outta rehab. It said nothing back. Not because it ...
Posted by Gabrielle St. Eve on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 05:19:00 PST

Most excellent sloth

I usually post on Live Journal, but since the word of the week is procrastination, I am both "on top of my game" by posting on both blogs and "slothing" by posting instead of doing more important thin...
Posted by Gabrielle St. Eve on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 10:02:00 PST

Floating in Ireland

I've been away all summer, pretty much. London, Birmingham for the Fierce Festival (working on Nicole Blackman's BELOVED), Venice, St. Marcel, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid and now Ravensdale in Ireland.I...
Posted by Gabrielle St. Eve on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 09:33:00 PST

Cesar Salad - A short film

Cesar Salad - A short film... that I started a year and a half ago and shelved when the anvil of reality was thrown by the editor in me - it needed more. I worked on other stuff. I ignored it 'til t...
Posted by Gabrielle St. Eve on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 08:29:00 PST

Storytelling this Wednesday

Ever heard of The Moth? They do storytelling slams as well as fancy curated events with different themes. Of course, I have been chosen for a nocturnal theme.I feel very lucky to have been chosen fo...
Posted by Gabrielle St. Eve on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 08:58:00 PST

I broke down. Even though there are too many websites for Saint Eve already, this one plays tracks straight away:
Posted by Gabrielle St. Eve on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 06:16:00 PST

The Blog Phenomenon -

Hello! If you're interested, please check out my blog at I try to keep it pithy and honest. MySpace is a beautiful thing. Please forgive what might be a disloya...
Posted by Gabrielle St. Eve on Wed, 12 Oct 2005 02:18:00 PST