razor1 profile picture


...everytin' is everytin'...

About Me

mostly i resist and survive, but i comply and die a lil' sometimes, i keep moving because it is harder to hit a moving target, i want to see as much of the world as possible before my time runs out, i think about my children every day(1 son, 1 daughter), i need to be near the ocean and the desert and the mountains simutaneously, i never hate a hustle, but i strongly believe that i would never have to fuck someone over to survive and i live my life accordingly...i am not a righteous man, but i know righteousness, i am not a wicked man, but i know wickedness...i try to see beauty and art in every aspect of life...

My Interests

music in just about every form you can imagine, visual arts, everything from custom car painting to graffiti to sculpture to film, dogs(american pit bull terrier), horticulture(medical marijuana cultivator), traveling as much as possible, beaches, mountain summits, dry lake beds, untamed rivers and hot springs...

I'd like to meet:

anybody, really, my parole officer thinks it will help reintroduce me into the population quicker and my shrink thinks it'll stop some of those voices in my head...IM.... s13razor...or... burnerclothing.com


not in any specific order- jazz(ragtime to dixie to swing to bebop to free to lounge), blues(folk to delta to country), soul(mostly old school), rock(oldies to acid to metal), funk, reggae(roots to rocksteady to ska to dub to dancehall), punk(early l.a., s.f., n.y., mpls., d.c., some london and an occasional new tune) some electronic( probably more than i realize), hip-hop(watts prophets to kurtis blow to afrika bambata to blowfly to uncle jams army w/egytptian lover to run-d.m.c to ice t to wrecking crew to n.w.a. to beatnuts to dr. dre to too short to sage francis to lil' john to breakbeats from cool herc to q-bert to who's spinnin' tonight?)jah warrior shelter hi fi is who i affiliate with these days...that about covers it... ...MY FIRST HOME STUDIO-1978...


i have watched a lot of them that i consider profound pieces of art, from silent to hollywood major to foriegn to independent to pornographic to erotic...




...i like to read, from historical to fictional and a lot of poetry in between...



My Blog

..life in a holiday...

Life In A Holidayit all can be sofleeting, so taken for grantedlike teeth that seem healthythat get knocked loose in a torrent of blood, spit and dramait can all be so expansivelike the feelings that ...
Posted by razor1 on Mon, 12 May 2008 04:01:00 PST

...checking in..

...its been a long minute...i have been very busy the last couple of months...i like working a lot, it keeps me outta my head...i recently got to spend a couple of dys shooting the bad brains for mtv...
Posted by razor1 on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 03:10:00 PST

What Are The Chances???

nearly missed and running scarednearly saved and running out of timefar from finish lines and modern luxuriesfar from die-cast desires and regretsfar from homefires and the bondage of capturea life sp...
Posted by razor1 on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 12:02:00 PST


it becomes something elsenot completely unexpectedlybut a mystery, nonethelessexpectations crumble to dustand new forms of past livestake shape and grow intoself-sufficient dreams becomebankrupt night...
Posted by razor1 on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 11:35:00 PST

Sept. 11

...my lil' brother's birthday is today...I know kinda how he must feel for the last 6 years...my birthday is obscured by a historical event also...its december 25th...my birthday always seemed so insi...
Posted by razor1 on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 11:21:00 PST

...to be new again...

things fall in and outof placeas worlds turn towarddarkness and daylightin intervalscoated by lifeand lubricated by experienceas the spasms rollacross the linear landscapenearly seven billon momentsth...
Posted by razor1 on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:21:00 PST

...you get so alone sometimes...

...if you go to bukowski.netthere is a timelinewhere they have preserved his lifeand traced his movementsfrom place to place, job to job,machine to machine(typer,car),book to book and reading to readi...
Posted by razor1 on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 10:01:00 PST

...caught without...

i have done most of the damagewith the bare handor holding a sharp steel edge(hence the moniker)but i was raised from an early ageto be proficient and respectfulof firearms and ballisticsand that god...
Posted by razor1 on Wed, 30 May 2007 11:29:00 PST


i never blacked outnot oncesome things are hazybut i still can remember feelingsin momentsthat i would rather haveobliterated on one of  mymany attempts at self-poisoningthere are not enough bot...
Posted by razor1 on Wed, 23 May 2007 06:41:00 PST


kisses that taste likewarm apple pieyour skin so soft and radiantas we lie naked in close embraceon a summer beach just before sunsetthe warm wind licks at usas we lick at each otheryour face so brigh...
Posted by razor1 on Tue, 08 May 2007 08:19:00 PST