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well of course people like your moms, and your uncle "shirly "with those combat boots and da pink skirt,d&b heads,d&b soldjahz,drum and bass fanatics,more junglist jungle drum and bass monkeys all koool kidsjimi hendrix,all die hard orthadox junglist and junglettes(2tee's for titties) as well as b boys and bgirls worldwide,all zulu kings and queens,anyone who is into the bad brains or the dead kennedys or fishbone!!!! anybody trying to bubble bounce and make power moves,anybody hipstepin into the future like my comin bonifide in all mekennedys any one who ever went to a hardcore matinee @cbgb's nyc between the years of 1981 to 85. people that love dj paul nice beatzas much as i do,people who can freestyle like my boy akbar reppin chi town and nyc and digital konfusion family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! spiritual people,not theologist but people that pray,meditate and contemplate life,i wanna meet anybody with a helicopter so i can go pick up jae parlae and smoke a couple of blunts and peeep out the new york city skyline or even circle da fuckin city of paris with some fly honey dips and cute dj chicks cause thats what my boy jae parlae says he wants to do and fam looks out for fam!!!!!!!! feel?????? i would like to meet people that make beats @t this time i am primarily looking for people making d&b,ragga and hip hop beats (not r&b "rap" beats) but bonifide certafied fat hip hop beats ones that make mceeez get open for real u make beatz i wanna know,promoters, underground independant labelsi wana meet and as well honor all real revolutionairies ones that give of ther own free time to educate and help others,people with facts about preserving the earth, i wanna meet every and all "mr roughneck reality" fans,i wanna meet people into yoga,sages and monks from india and the himalyas,people into metaphysics and divine light and bielive in a divine energy i chose to call love, i wanna meet chicks to type this shit for me in exchange for a free homed cooked "ital" meal seen. i want meet your sister!" anyone with a ragga soundsytem and into the sound clash bizznizz,i am in the process of making a book on soundclash and sound system bizz from all over the globe so if you got a ruff sound sytem and yu nah rump fe kill a fossy hole bumba clot soundbwoy and dust out to blood cleet sound from over de so.... link up na man seen big tings a gwan and we deya fe link up politik and praise jah, i wanna meet your mom the art for a link to new album peace jamalski link to new album and vibes
Get Mash Up – JAMALSKI
Ragga Youth - JAMALSKI featuring Michael Rose - JAMALSKI
Devil Dandruff – JAMALSKI (DJ RINSE Remix)
. Drum&Bass In Parisww.blacklabel-records.com click the art for a link to new album featuring tunes from capital j (cannada) and future prophecies(norway) ,dirty deeds,(la) dj simon and chopper(germany)kantyze(paris) and a gang of other ruffneck rollers bangin out da d&b maddness seeeen bless up big up jamalski remeber jah light and stay blessed up to de maxclick the links below to peep some kutz drum and bass,jungle,hip hop ragga dubplates and video clipsbizz fe life !!! Jump Spread Out - Jamalski 1993 video Piece of Reality - Jamalski anti bush videoGet Mash Up – JAMALSKI
Ragga Youth - JAMALSKI featuring Michael Rose of black uhuru- JAMALSKI
Devils Dandruff – JAMALSKI (dirty deeds) Remix)
video with MC JAMALSKI pendulam ,le lutin, MC KRAZY B KISS FM and gang of others on tour in france (Video)
Stop - Jamalski, DJ Simon & Chopper Skunk - Jamalski (Skapunkmix) ruffnecks Revenge - Jamalski & DJ RINSEb mix from 2000 African Border - Jamalski 1993clik here for my other my space page with music more vibes and mad pics and flys come sighn on nowJump Spread Out - Jamalski 1993 video Piece of Reality - Jamalski 1993 video JAMALSKI RIPPIN DJ ZINC AND JAMALSKI AFTER TERRORIZNG THE VENUE WITH DJ MARKY (BRASIL) and elisa da brasil (paris/brazil) DOM AND ROLAND AND SKI CATCHIN WREKS FOR CHECKSclik here for my other my space page with music more vibes and mad pics and flys come sighn on nowmusic for me=life=living and livings is not easy! this world is crazy with its ups and downs,wins and losses,relationships,wack r&b,loves and lost loves,fear,povertywar,death ang famine and to some clear reasons(the united thieves, colonialist and corperate nazi pirates of the west). for most of the world life is ruff.....for some of us life is what we make it, but then again some people were just "dealt a bad hand" like people born in places that have have been raped and robbed of thier natural resources and there histories and cultures like the congo,haiti,palestine,all through the world " the gabrini greens aka the chi-town....back to the point!!!!! music m-m-m-m-m-m-music no matter what trials and tribulations we experiance is always there for us,music brings people together,music is a tool that can be utilized to release the pressures of this world,music is also a living spirit that connects us to the ancestors,and the spirit world!!!!!!!!!!!! music unlike people is always there for us and if we cant find it we can make it !!!!!!!!!l for me music is a revolutionairy tool to spread information, educate,spark thoughts and to uncover truths hidden from years of lies and deciet.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Copied from -- Find me on MySpace and be my friend! music is what i live for as well as the earth and its creation; let me take a moment to just drop some names of big influences in my life!!!!off the head top: bad brains,stimulators when harley flannagan was a 13 year old drummer (from the cromags) and me and jimmy gestapo(murphys law) would go se sss decontrol and@maxs kansas city in 1982. the dead kennedys, the necros,the mob,discharge, and my all time favorite for "good ol american hardcore" which i consider the stage after the west coast (punk)era of circle jerks and doaand blag flag is MY OLD SCHOOL SUPERHEROES ............................................................ ...MINOR THREAT...................................................... . ............................................................ .......................................................... BUT THEY COULD NEVER TOUCH THE MAD SKILLS OF THE BAD BRAINS THE BAD BRAINS BROUGHT THAT LOUD FAST RULES ATTITUDE AND THE DUB REGGAE AND WITH HR ON THE MIKE ITS WAS JUST INCREDIBLE; EVEN the misfits could not touch them any way u guys are to young you would not understand lets jump off that style and jump into this one ok ;;;get out your.2 pencil for this segment of my"music box on my page @my space i will just ramble off different groups and people that i look up to or have been influenced by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!jonny ringo,lee vancliff,clint eastwood&general saint,mighigan and smiley,rankin toyan (in case you don't know what i am talking about.....make an engine search you gota freekin computer use it for something other than trying to get your pee pe wet!!!!!! back to bizz lets see yellow man&fathead'purple man,nigga kojack,major worries,admiral bailey,tiger,king jammys,king tubby,scientist,grand puba,art of noise,kraftwerk,residents,mantronix,just ice,cold crush brothers,grand wizard theodore,grandmaster kazz,bgarlie chase,kool moe de,trecherous 3,funky 4 +1 more,afrika bambatta,afrika islam,kool g rap, all forms of electro hip hop from the 80's,agustus pablo,lone ranger,studio 1,ranking joe,mikal"grammy" rose pinchers,vybes kartel,bailey,fearless,tc islam,bdp,prt,daddy freddy,roker tee,dj paul nice,rasco,planet asia,just-ice,kooool g rap ,douigi fresh,lakim shabazz,koooool rob gee,shinehead,black sheep,3rd bass,public enemy,the boogie boys,adolf da assasin,das efex,malcom maclaren,stanly clarke,herbie hancock,mahuvishna orkestra,baba mal; DJ ZINC IS NOT YOUR AVERAGE PRODUCER PEEP SKILLS!!! AFTER TERRORIZING THE DISCO......
kung fu kult master,style wars,wildstyle,clode encounters of the third kind,buttman goes to brazil,qaudraphenia,up in smoke,wizard of oz,warriors ,the good the bad and the ugly,traffic,heavy metal, the city of gods(brazil joint based on a true story of drugwars in the slums of brazil this flic is super tight)
living in paris without good cable so french tv sucks but in germany they got some fat music shows and no matter what shows on nature and other cultures intrest me the most if any one dave chappel show in some format that can be sent on aim=mrjamalski hook it up
autobiography of a yogi,mans eternal quest
marcus ,,malcom,martin,your moms,mahtma ghandi,all kids who grow up in pissy ass projects in america and make it out alive and with an education,anyone and every one who never gives up on life no matter what thier experiances are,mom dad granmas and divine guides universal all junglist