I am currently not taking in any animals. I no longer have the property to do hands on rescue work. I am, however, still very heavily involved in helping animals. I am going to focus on legislation to help animals, training, keeping animals in their homes wherever possible and whatever else is needed.
I run Safe Dogs By The River, a training, rescue, nutrition and education endeavor. When I rescue, rather than just churning them out into sub par households; where their fate is as questionable as their history (just to say I placed animals), I invest heavily in individual animals. If they have issues, we work to improve or manage them - and be honest about them. I train until they can pass the AKC Canine Good Citizen Test, or as close as possible (or equivalent with cats & other animals).
I believe our animals belong in our homes, and I teach them how to do that. Animals don't automatically know how to live in our world. Their natural behaviors are the very things that cause us to banish them to the outdoors, relinquish them or otherwise neglect their needs. We owe it to them to teach them how to live happily in our world. There are no stupid dogs, just lack of proper communication. Truthfully, the animals are easy, it's the people that are hard.
Where I live there is no municipal animal shelter, only one full time animal control officer and nothing of any real consequence at all regarding animal safety or control (there is nothing for the financially challenged people here either, but that's a different battle). Average citizens are doing the job that should be done by Animal Control. Small rescues like me are bombarded with calls about all manner of safety, compassion and injustices affecting animals. The ONE Animal Control Officer has 575 square miles to patrol, which does not include the tasks of putting together a shelter & staff - with NO budget - NONE! His hiring was a token gesture from a Commission bent on keeping their heads in the sand! I am involved in the fight for a shelter, low cost spay/neuter program, anti tethering ordinance and just a basic system that every municipality should have.
If you have a moment, contact Marshall County, Alabama Commission about the need for these very basic services (which are required under Alabama State Law), 256-571-7701. They need to know how you feel. They need to be unseated - each and every one. IN our elections make Animal Control issues a priority - make them take a position!
We have more road kill than I have ever seen in my life. In the fight between animals (both owned and wild) & cars - the animals are losing every day. Let them know you are aware and you are watching. This is of epidemic proportions and there is NO EXCUSE. We need your help, the animals need your help - PLEASE let your voice and outrage be heard.
You would be blown away by the sheer need and lack of resources here - I am. I cannot sit by and watch the needless suffering of our beloved companions. I want to help enact change - to make it better for the animals and in turn for the people. We need minimum laws to bring safety to the animals and people of my county.
There is no law regarding dog bites, this is a basic common sense issue to protect all people and animals. This epidemic is a health issue, an ethical issue, just plain a BIG ISSUE. It affects everyone, not just here but everywhere. When we allow this kind of political apathy to fester and continue, we are responsible for our fate as much as they are.
I am asking again, imploring even .... get angry, get involved. Help me help the animals and people where I live. Call our Commission, tell them how you feel. If you live here, call them every time you see a stray dog, a dead animal, litter of puppies or kittens under an abandoned building, a starving dog on a chain, colonies of feral cats, when you need low cost spay/neuter services - anything. When you want to be a good samaritan but you are unable, call the Commission and ask them to come get and care for the sweet pregnant hound down in the ditch behind your home. Put them on speed dial if you have to. We need help, everyone's help near and far. Here's the number again: 256-571-7701. Thank you.
Back to Safe Dogs By The River....
I also offer training for people and their companions. I teach the people how to have the dog they always wanted - by showing them how to communicate with their animals. I use only positive methods like clickers, treats, love and success. I do have certain restrictions for taking new clients.
While my concentration is on domestic dogs for now... my heart and soul knows exactly where I would like to be in my future. I have spent all this time learning canine behavior for the ultimate goal of working for the reintroduction of wolves back to their wild places, all of them. Wolves were once the most widespread mammal on earth - and then we came along! I want to work toward righting a severe wrong. Ultimately I would love to have a facility large enough to offer breeding programs where I could research as well. My soul really just wants to hear wolves howl. In the mean time I will listen to dogs howl.
I do not believe it is in the best interest of any wolf to be bred with dogs for pets. We have more than enough dogs to choose from, and we can't properly care for them as it is. While I will always work to find the best possible homes for all canines already in existence, I do not believe we should continue hybrid breeding. Too much suffering has already been bestowed upon one of the most intelligent (and so much like us) creatures on this planet. Let's concentrate on what and who is already here.
Click to see our pets!
Oh yeah, If you have a profile that takes 10 fucking minutes to load and freezes my computer to do so, DON'T SEND ME A FRIEND REQUEST. My life is simple, my friends are simple, and my profile is simple.
Furthermore, please don't leave me a comment saying "thanks for the add". If you would like to say something about me or to me - great - otherwise if you have been added we both know it, no need to advert it. As long as I am on the subject, please none of the "have a happy Friday" or any other generic type comment - the day of the week or any other non personal thing is of no consequence to me. And if you know my name, please don't use it on any postings - there are too many nuts on this site and this is how I can tell friend from freak, so to speak. Also, DO NOT BUY ME AS A PET - I will just delete it.
I believe good manners go a long way. As such, please be advised of the following:
I do not AIM, IM, Yahoo Messengenger or whatever - so please do not ask. I do not wish to exchange nude photos, receive illiterate emails (i.e. WuZ uP and such things), or icky pick up lines. While I am open to meeting new people, receiving & giving compliments, I am not interested in filthy emails with people I don't know (I reserve the right to do that in private when I do know someone though).
Thank you for respecting me and my request.
In Memory of The Farm That Saved Animals:
A few of our Happy Endings: