Bryan profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

If you want to know more
Read my blogs or ask!
I am at turning point in my life. I thought I had found the person to share it with but the situation we were presented with was a lot for us to both handle and we struggled. 2007 was so hard in so many ways so I am glad it is a new year. I am hoping it makes up for the bad parts of last year. It would be hard to top the good parts but live, love and learn. So far, this year has been amazing. I have so many wonderful friends and the Fates keep putting people special people in my path. One just may be my partner in crime...
I am pursuing my love and hobby of photography. I have a corporate day job that keeps me traveling quite a bit. Too much sometimes. But when I can't take the corporate world anymore I hope to have my photography. Experience and arguable talent in shooting women, concerts, landscapes and architecture. Check out my folders and leave some comments and critiques. Interested in shooting? Let me know. Pure TFP work for now. If you are in Jacksonville or New Orleans, that is the easiest. But not opposed to traveling to shoot either. Hit me up!
I shoot with a Canon EOS 40D
Canon 55mm f/1.4
Canon 17-40mm f/4 L
Canon 28-135mm f/3.5
Speedlite 580 EX II
Speedlite 550 EX Slave
Smith-Victor KT900 Light kit (for starters..)
Need one more lens and I am set!
Come a long way from a Yashica FX-2!
But WHO am I? I am pretty much a 41 year old male who's like a 21 year old at heart. Or 2 at times! LOL I love and live for music, reading, photography, travel, food and wine and energetic people who love life. You only live once and who knows what comes next so enjoy it! I have a son and a daughter. Gavin Walter is one cool kid and Matin Lilian is going to be a handful for any guy in about 18 years! I get to see them one month out of the year...
I live in Jacksonville but have lived in Sacramento, CA, Boston, MA (for 10 years!) and New Orleans, LA but was born in (do I have to admit to this?) New Jersey. I also am in Reno, NV as much as possible to see my kids. Who knows where I will end up? Remember, you only live once! Live life to its fullest! In fact, as soon as I can get a break from work I am going to take a trip. Just me and my camera. Any suggestions as to where to go are welcome!

My Interests

Music, photography, concerts, my iPod (30,070 songs and counting!), reading, vampire and horror movies, the gym and working out, travel, burlesque, my children, positive and attractive women, cooking, food, wine and anything hedonistic with someone who truly enjoys life! Only met one person in my life that shared those interests and could do that though. So far. But I am not dead, yet.

I'd like to meet:

Other photographers, models, burlesque dancers, make up artists, hair stylists, artists, musicians and YOU.

Basically, anyone who sees my photos (both of me and by me), reads my profile, shares my outlook or has a counterpoint to make and is intrigued enough to write to me. I figure at that point there is enough in common that we would really get along well. The most important thing in any sort of relationship is that you can communicate openly. I am done with games and drama and people who are all about themselves. A real relationship is a partnership and the sharing of two lives. I used to be someone who was all about themself but as I have said, live, love and learn. I am a much better person now. Age is good for something! LOL

As far as famous people I'd like to meet...hmm. Would love to hang out with Jeremy Davies. I think he is a cool actor. Weird, but cool. Add Christopher Walken to the list. Weird and cool again. Hell, anyone cool would be good! I travel a lot so if there are cool people in any of the following cities, feel free to say Hello. Nashville, Memphis, Tulsa, Des Moines, Holland MI, New York City, Ft. Lauderdale, Tampa, Orlando, Los Angeles, Reno, New Orleans...!


Last 10 songs that played on my iTunes!

Pretty much anything other than new country and folky folk. I used to DJ at an alternative radio station so that is my first love. I enjoy chill out music and candles with a glass of wine in the evening. Favorite bands are Radiohead, Coldplay, Nine Inch Nails, Elvis Costello, U2, Catherine Wheel, Better Than Ezra, Cowboy Mouth, Lloyd Cole, Nick Cave, Paul Weller, Bettie Serveert, The Clash, Dresden Dolls, Skinny Puppy and WAAAAAAY too many more to list. But then I also like a lot of classical music, jazz, blues and some world music. Music has been my drug of choice my whole life. Literally. Music is my hot hot sex!

Here is where I am going to share a current list of what is on repeat in my CD players and on iTunes. To be updated....


I love going to movies! Some all time favorites of mine (in absolutely no particular order) (except maybe the first few!) are Zandalee, Million Dollar Hotel (yes it was written by Bono but it is a GREAT movie!), After Hours, The Hunger, Cat People, Nightmare Before Christmas, 28 Days, Resident Evil, From Dusk Til Dawn, Boondock Saints (rented it by accident and LOVED it!)most all horror movies (A or B), The Matrix, Star Wars (all of them), Tomb Raider (both), The Third Man, Labrynth, Lost Boys, Underworld, Office Space, Dude! Where My Car?, Alien (series), Under the Tuscan Sun (how the heck did THAT get in here?), whatever that space movie was with the killer beach ball ("Dark Star" directed by John Carpenter - Thanks Sara!), Beetlejuice, 12 Monkeys, Kontroll, London (great soundtrack!)....hell, I could go on forever. I have a pretty large and eclectic DVD collection. If this list appeals to you and you have some faves not listed, please let me know what they are! As I said, would love someone to go to and watch movies with.
Great foreign movie that is multi-dimensional. Meaning, it will leave you thinking! Rent it or buy it today!

Ode to New Orleans....come back soon my fair city!
This one was pretty good!
Johnny Depp is amazing...
I love Nightmare Before Christmas even more but this is a great movie! I love Chef!
FINALLY got to see MirrorMask! Went in keeping my expectations low and was blown away. Reaffirms that Neil Gaiman is an un-American God. If you like Labyrith, Neverending Story and similar you will love this!


Not a fan of TV as a whole. That said I do love all the CSI shows (Vegas is the best) and some of the Law & Orders (TNT marathons are EVIL!). Other than that, I'll watch Leno or Letterman depending on who the guests are. Used to enjoy being forced to watch a plethora of reality TV programs on TLC and the like too. But no more... Recently discovered NCIS and I think it is hilarious!


I read SOOO many books that I could not possibly list my favorites here. Topically, I will read almost any interesting horror novel as well as books set in interesting or familiar settings (New Orleans, Boston, Venice, Paris, etc). Anything that questions our origins on this planet, what the majority call religion, the reason for Aztec and Mayan civilizations and the reason they are gone, Egyptian lore included, decent vampire novels (trust me there is a ton of CRAP in that vein) and anything with a cool cover and an interesting sounding jacket. I travel a lot so read a lot. Some specific books I have really enjoyed: "White Apples" by Jonathan Carroll (most by him), early Anne Rice including "Feast of All Saints", "Link" by Walt Becker, everything by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child and many many more. I also liked Dean Koontz's "The Taking" Cool story for him. I will add more here as I read them.
I also love to read magazines. Wine Spectator, Rue Morgue, Bon Appetit, Gourmet, Food and Wine, Travel & Leisure and Conde Nast Travel.


Two. My Grandfather and my Dad. RIP. William Orville Large and Walter Alan Cichon. My Grandad was born November 8, 1921 Died March 17, 1999 Sucks. He died while I was at a Love and Rockets concert so I have that to forever relate to one of my favorite bands. He gave me the life I have and made me who I am and gave me the opportunity to grow. Everyone should be so lucky to have a "father" like him. My father is MIA in Viet Nam. You can search the internet for his name and get his military information. Next time there is an election, please vote for whoever is least likely to take us to war. No other children should grow up without their Dad because his life was thrown away to "protect our country." Diplomacy is the best way to protect our country and our, and our childrens', future.

My Mom died in 2007 too at the age of 58. I miss her. She was more like an older sister to me but that is not a bad thing. I am now the oldest person in my family...

My Blog

The New More is Jess

Is there a master plan for the universe? Is there even a minor plan for individuals? Hard to say. After all that I endured in 2007 I would hope it was not part of any entity's plan for me.  But t...
Posted by Bryan on Wed, 21 May 2008 09:51:00 PST

The New Jess is Definitely More!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the new Jess!  So what you may not know the old Jess? I can assure you it is no matter. My latest photos bring you Jess for your viewing pleasure! Lik...
Posted by Bryan on Mon, 12 May 2008 09:31:00 PST

Coolest Dad Ever! (Repost from 2006)

The following is actually a blog from my old profile that was deleted in March 2007.  I guess with Mother's Day coming up and with my Mom passing away this past year and my son's birthday on May ...
Posted by Bryan on Fri, 09 May 2008 09:36:00 PST

Shoot with Blonde Bombshell Britney!

No other description is apt for this girl!  I just have to say that I am so very fortunate for not only my friends but the people I get to know in the course of life that are so cool and that mor...
Posted by Bryan on Fri, 09 May 2008 11:55:00 PST

Sierra’s Sexy Bikini Shoot

She's back!  I can't go too long without getting Sierra back in front of my camera. In fact, we've decided to collaborate on a project to be unveiled next year. No details just yet but if you are...
Posted by Bryan on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 06:35:00 PST

Thank you Bruce Springsteen

Last night was a night to remember and one to tell my children and grandchildren about but you get to hear about it before all of them. For those that know me personally, you know that I look exa...
Posted by Bryan on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 06:33:00 PST

The Captivating Quiana!

This past weekend I finally got to shoot with the other Fafi girl!  You all have (hopefully) seen Sierra's photos by now.  She of the yellow hair inclination in the Fafi set.  Well, now...
Posted by Bryan on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:54:00 PST

The Fantastic Stefanie!

Okay, I am a little slow here but it was a busy week. And hey, better late than never! And trust me, these are worth the wait. Last weekend I was lucky enough to finally get to shoot the fantastic Ste...
Posted by Bryan on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:11:00 PST

Sierra’s Sexy Sequel

What better way to end a fantastic weekend other than with posting some new pictures of the popular Sierra!  As always, she was so much fun to work with and is always on time, easy going and of c...
Posted by Bryan on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 09:36:00 PST

Making the Block

For those of you that were my friends when I had a profile last, you know I used to write a lot more than I have lately.  I was recently accused of presenting myself other than how I feel.  ...
Posted by Bryan on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 09:18:00 PST