Calantirniel profile picture


aka Lisa/AarTiana

About Me

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Click HERE for excellent Planetary Hours Calculation!
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Click HERE for Planetary Declination Measurements!
Click HERE for Declinations Calculator (converts Declination to comparable zodiacal sign/degree)!
Click HERE for Fixed Stars!
Click HERE to purchase the BEST beginning astrology book ever, Astrology: Understanding the Birth Chart by San Diego's own Kevin Burk
I am the owner and crocheter/designer for AarTiana Custom Crochet , and create custom crochet headwear out of hemp, cotton, and wool blends: Tams, Snoods, Dreadbags, Beanies, Skullies, Cufis (also called Kufis), Head rags (also called Kerchiefs, Triangles or Scarves), and other custom items - 10 years in business with many hundreds of satisfied customers - PLEASE visit my page!
More about me: I am not into "religion" per se - though I have been deeply exploring Quendi, or Elven Spirituality via Professor Tolkien's works (mostly the Silmarillion) as of late and the path is developing beautifully! It is called Tië eldaliéva , meaning the Elven Path (as in spiritual path) and we hope to have a manuscript for submission to Llewellyn completed in a short time (and we have back-up just in case). Because of this new stand-alone path forming, I became a legally ordained Minister through the Universal Life Church on Yule/Turuhalme, 2007. I am also a professional Astrologer (leaning toward Western Classical but also enjoy Vedic) and just so happen to be the founding and current President of the Montana NCGR Chapter . I am also an Author, Tarot Card Reader, Pendulum Dowser and Intuitive Consultant. I have recently achieved Master Herbalist certification, having completed the School of Natural Healing program, thanks to scholarships from the school, as well as the Soroptimists. I am a Traditional Usui Reiki Level II and hope to achieve Reiki Master by Summer or Fall of 2008, as well as help implement the Elven "healing" system that is surfacing. Afterward, I hope to pursue Shamballa training.
PLEASE ADD Tië eldaliéva, the Elven Path to your CovenSpace!
PLEASE ADD Tië eldaliéva, the Elven Path to your PaganSpace!
PLEASE ADD Tië eldaliéva, the Elven Path to your Page!
Recently, I was approached to share some good herbal research links on the internet, here are some EXCELLENT ones that will keep you busy for DAYS!
Video Footage from Dr. Christopher when he was alive, provided by Wholistic Botanicals, LLC , the ONLY company manufacturing Dr. Christopher's formulas for commercial sale - and as they should be (the only way to do it better is to grow and make it yourself!)
North American Institute of Medical Herbalism, Inc.'s MedHerb Publication and Materia Medica
David Hoffman's Materia Medica
Native American Ethnobotany Database
Wildman Steve Brill
Susun Weed
James A. Duke, PhD's Phytochemical/Ethnobotany Databases
"A Modern Herbal" by Maude Grieve Online!
Michael Moore's SouthWest School of Botanical Medicine
TONS of Herbal Texts here, and don't skip over the Eclectic Medicine and Thompsonian stuff - check it out!
More great herbal texts online at Henriette's Herbal
(Remember to check the Classic Texts link as she even has links to Cayce's and Culpeper's works!)
And if you live in Northern ID, Eastern WA or Western MT, there is the Montana Herb Gathering on August 1-3, 2008, west of Kalispell, MT!
NEWSFLASH!!!! Sharon, Ed and Nicole, the Annuals Editors at Llewellyn accepted more of my articles for publication!!! So here is a complete list so far:
2007 Wicca Almanac published "Magical Hemp" which featured a complete magickal correspondences reference table!
2008 Magical Almanac has published "DNA Dowsing" and can now be purchased for only $3.15 at Llewellyn ! I also received from "Chuck" here at myspace an interesting article on verbal commands to DNA . For more info on Dowsing, my favorite beginner site is from Walt Wood, one of the best resources I have ever seen at any cost. More advanced users will LOVE the e-Books available through Glastonbury Archive at . For free dowsing charts, visit .
2008 Herbal Almanac has published "Henna for Hair" and "4-Step Herbal Cleanse" and can now be purchased for only $3.15 through Llewellyn !
2008 Witches' Companion has published "The Star Queen" which includes Varda Elentari from the Elven Path!
2009 Herbal Almanac will publish "Plant-Based Fabric Dyes."
2009 Witches' Spell-a-Day Almanac will publish approximately 25 spells, 5 of which relate to the Elven Path!
2009 Magical Almanac will publish "Magical Cleansing Reactions."
The 2010 Annuals are now in process - stay tuned!
THANK YOU to Raven Digitalis , author of GothCraft and the NEW Shadow Magick Compendium , who will also be published in MANY of these annual publications, for the emails you sent me saying they needed articles!! Keep an eye out as the gifted and talented Estha McNevin may also be published in the Llewellyn Annuals!!
OCTOBER 6, 2006: My crochet website is receiving attention from of all places People Magazine ! Apparently, Mary-Kate Olsen has been photographed wearing a red knitted/crocheted tam and when their readers inquired as to where they could purchase one, they responded by adding my link to their page! Here is the link ! So I will likely have a heavy crochet season and need to stock up on red yarn! :-) In the meantime, I have a quick example for those who wish to see MY version hehehe!
Tië eldaliéva, the Elven Path at
Ilsaluntë Valion's Forum for Elven Spiritual Discussion at
My Crochet site at
My Witchvox Profile
My Profile
My awesome husband, Ray's prior band Den of Thieves (1988-1997)
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 !
OH - and enjoy the tunes! :-)

My Interests

Click Here to visit Elven Path on

Classical Western and Vedic Astrology, Tarot, Dowsing (especially with a Pendulum and I like DNA Dowsing), Crocheting with Hemp, Herbalism (mostly Western Medicinal and Magickal, but like Chinese as well as Ayurvedic - also see the 2007 Wicca Almanac for my Magickal Properties of Hemp Article), Crystals and Gems, Paganism, Heathenism, Asatru and other Teutonic, Norse and Germanic spiritual practices, Druidism, Celtic Shamanism as well as other forms, Wicca and Witchcraft and magick in general (and working with the Fae, or Faeries), and as of late, Elven Spirituality, particularly through Tolkien's Arda, or Middle-Earth works (collectively the Legendarium and includes the Silmarillion and Morgoth's Ring).

I'd like to meet:

I have plenty of friends at this point, but I am here for networking purposes at this time!

However, sometimes I wish I was more of a tech geek because I would have more than "Top 40" of you guys believe me! Please forgive my inability to list you where I want to!


Dead Can Dance (all of them), Lisa Gerrard, Collide, Anois (Elvenhymn is very nice!), Enya, Loreena McKennitt, Delerium (especially Karma, and love Nuages du Monde), Blackmore's Night, Rhea's Obsession, Zingaia, Cybertribe, Lumin "Hadra" and their new one, Irina Mikhailova, Amethystium, Aurah, Aera Cura, Ether Aura, Angels of Venice, Enigma, Faun, Qntal, Castus Rabensang, Sharon Knight, Pandemonaeon, Narsilion, Omnia, Irfan, Vladislava, Myth, Azam Ali and Vas, Niyaz, Afro-Celt Sound System, The Moors , Mediaeval Baebes, Nest and other projects involving Laurie Ann Haus, the "Steam" soundtrack and weirdly, much middle-eastern belly-dance music and even much world music as well (check out Carvin Knowles , as well as The Fellowship - In Elven Lands ). I also like rock, although it was more my past than present, still love Black Sabbath, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Jane's Addiction (and LOVE Deconstruction), Tori Amos, and the first two CD's from Garbage too. And I even like some electronic music (like older DJ Shadow, Massive Attack and Thievery Corporation) and goth music too (I particularly like Dargaard, Regan, Switchblade Symphony, The Birthday Massacre, Faith and the Muse, as well as Bauhaus and Skinny Puppy - and Gary Numan's newer work like "Jagged" is GREAT!), so I guess I am all over the map! ;-)

I also have some friends who are in bands, anything from 70's style soul (Hobex) to total death metal (Sator Square) so check it out! Also, my awesome husband Ray was in San Diego-based Den of Thieves (1988-1997) , a GREAT hard rock/metal band - please send either of us a message and we will arrange to get you some Den of Thieves music! :-)


All 3 LOTR extended movies (especially the 1st)! Also, MirrorMask, Chronicles of Narnia, Mists of Avalon, Merlin, Willow, Dark Crystal (and cannot wait for Dark Crystal II), Labyrinth, Legend, Conan, Underworld (both), Matrix, and almost anything by Tim Burton, especially with Danny Elfman and Johnny Depp! Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Charley and the Chocolate Factory, Sleepy Hollow, the list goes on (and of course I love Johnnie Depp as an actor regardless, from Secret Window to Pirates of the Caribbean and nearly everything in between). I also LOVE the X-men series - I knew there was a reason I really like Famke Janssen's energy - we virtually share the same birthday! WOW! I also really enjoy What the Bleep and The Secret! I like many movies but these I can watch again and again!


Almost all the TV I watch is on the History Channel, especially if it is ancient - although I have been occasionally checking HGTV as it helps me for manifesting the house I want. With the family, we catch Carlos Mencia because he is FUNNY!


I have just achieved "Master Herbalist" through my herbal school. One of the books during my Herbalist studies I particularly liked is "Green Pharmacy" by Barbara Griggs. It discussed the history (and somewhat the pre-history) of Western Herbalism and really Western Medicine as we know it. Many believe that the age of so-called "chemical" medicine happened during the Industrial Revolution and/or at the turn of the 20th Century, but it appears that, besides heavy bloodletting, widespread and heavy use of mercury, a very poisonous metal, was in vigorous regular practice from the 1300's and escalated in popularity despite its disgusting setbacks (how about death?) for some 500 years! I am glad I live now!
Realm of the Ring Lords by Laurence Gardner (relates the Tolkien Ring Legends, the Legends of Arthur and the Holy Grail and relates it to the Elven Bloodlines, very controversial and scholarly at the same time!)
The Lord of the Rings (LOTR) Trilogy
(In particular, the Appendices in Return of the King that relate to the Elven Symbols, Languages and Calendars).
The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien (edited by Christopher Tolkien) 1977
The History of Middle-Earth (HoME) Series (12 volumes, includes Lost Tales I and II, and Vol. 10, "Morgoth's Ring")
Unfinished Tales and also the Letters of JRR Tolkien
For non-Tolkien related:
I have been doing much Celtic Ogham and Tree Alphabet study and seeing relationships with the elven material. "Whispers from the Woods" by Sandra Kynes, as well as the classic Steve Blamires' work "Celtic Tree Mysteries" are part of this, as well as learning about the trees here in Montana on a more mundane level. I had no idea how many trees help one connect with the elves/fae or their respective realms (and Rowan, or Mountain Ash, particularly interests me since it relates to dragon as well as elven energy - and there is LOTS here in MT! I also want a Willow staff!)


Whoa, a heavy question! Let me say that I have respect for anyone who acts with valor, honor and balance! :-)

My Blog FREE Monthly Conference Calls!!

Anyone (in US or Canada) who is interested in learning about astrology can join us, and though it is free, you are responsible for long distance charges if they apply to you - we are looking into ways...
Posted by Calantirniel on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 07:00:00 PST

Improper "Big Pharma" Influence in Medicine is VERIFIED!

Improper "Big Pharma" Influence in Medicine is VERIFIED!This is a BIG step in the right direction for health care in the USA! It has been no secret, but no one was talking about it since the monetary ...
Posted by Calantirniel on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 01:07:00 PST

Eclectic Pagans Podcast interviews Tië eldaliéva!!

Aikanar and I are getting INTERVIEWED for the Eclectic Pagans Podcast about the origins of Tië eldaliéva, the Elven Path!  Wehew!! :-)Tom will interview us on Sunday, August 19, 2007 at 11am PT ...
Posted by Calantirniel on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 04:37:00 PST

Fireweed Combo from Alaskan Flower Essences - WOW!!

As you guys probably know, the real "pinnacle" of my schooling passed on Saturday night, when I finally finished my thesis on Plantain. I am not out of the "woods" yet as I still have 100 herbs to s...
Posted by Calantirniel on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 08:09:00 PST

My "Mission" dated May 11, 1996!

This is incredible!  Here I am going through a whole bunch of papers that I haven't seen in years - and I find this gem (and others will likely follow)!  Keep in mind when I wrote this, I w...
Posted by Calantirniel on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 08:11:00 PST

Astrology and Elven Path - Musings!

As some of you know I am President of the Montana Big Sky NCGR Chapter, I received my weekly e-newsletter fromNational with all the astro-happenings if you will.Something caught my eye! Astrologer Al...
Posted by Calantirniel on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 12:00:00 PST

How I found Elven Spirituality

I got an inquiry about this today and thought my answer should be (after modification) posted on my blog!It still seems very surreal to me when I explain this to others, as it wasn't just one event, b...
Posted by Calantirniel on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 01:24:00 PST

People Magazine's website picked up my

Imagine my surprise when I read an email from a websurfer (and potential customer) that they found me on and that she wanted to order a RED Tam like Mary-Kate Olsen (and Ashlee Simpson)...
Posted by Calantirniel on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 09:01:00 PST

My "healing" with Karen last nite! :-)

I guess I couldn't wait for the Full Moon hehehe but no matter!  Ever since my surgery in January 2004 in which my right ovary (it had a cyst and turned itself over, causing PAIN) and my healthy ...
Posted by Calantirniel on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 07:10:00 PST

How I got my name(s)

Well, this subject came up in one of my gazillion bulletins and I thought it would be a great first blog!  It is funny, I write all the time but it is so weird making one of these - guess I need ...
Posted by Calantirniel on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 02:05:00 PST