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Classical Western and Vedic Astrology, Tarot, Dowsing (especially with a Pendulum and I like DNA Dowsing), Crocheting with Hemp, Herbalism (mostly Western Medicinal and Magickal, but like Chinese as well as Ayurvedic - also see the 2007 Wicca Almanac for my Magickal Properties of Hemp Article), Crystals and Gems, Paganism, Heathenism, Asatru and other Teutonic, Norse and Germanic spiritual practices, Druidism, Celtic Shamanism as well as other forms, Wicca and Witchcraft and magick in general (and working with the Fae, or Faeries), and as of late, Elven Spirituality, particularly through Tolkien's Arda, or Middle-Earth works (collectively the Legendarium and includes the Silmarillion and Morgoth's Ring).
I have plenty of friends at this point, but I am here for networking purposes at this time!
However, sometimes I wish I was more of a tech geek because I would have more than "Top 40" of you guys believe me! Please forgive my inability to list you where I want to!
Dead Can Dance (all of them), Lisa Gerrard, Collide, Anois (Elvenhymn is very nice!), Enya, Loreena McKennitt, Delerium (especially Karma, and love Nuages du Monde), Blackmore's Night, Rhea's Obsession, Zingaia, Cybertribe, Lumin "Hadra" and their new one, Irina Mikhailova, Amethystium, Aurah, Aera Cura, Ether Aura, Angels of Venice, Enigma, Faun, Qntal, Castus Rabensang, Sharon Knight, Pandemonaeon, Narsilion, Omnia, Irfan, Vladislava, Myth, Azam Ali and Vas, Niyaz, Afro-Celt Sound System, The Moors , Mediaeval Baebes, Nest and other projects involving Laurie Ann Haus, the "Steam" soundtrack and weirdly, much middle-eastern belly-dance music and even much world music as well (check out Carvin Knowles , as well as The Fellowship - In Elven Lands ). I also like rock, although it was more my past than present, still love Black Sabbath, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Jane's Addiction (and LOVE Deconstruction), Tori Amos, and the first two CD's from Garbage too. And I even like some electronic music (like older DJ Shadow, Massive Attack and Thievery Corporation) and goth music too (I particularly like Dargaard, Regan, Switchblade Symphony, The Birthday Massacre, Faith and the Muse, as well as Bauhaus and Skinny Puppy - and Gary Numan's newer work like "Jagged" is GREAT!), so I guess I am all over the map! ;-)
I also have some friends who are in bands, anything from 70's style soul (Hobex) to total death metal (Sator Square) so check it out! Also, my awesome husband Ray was in San Diego-based Den of Thieves (1988-1997) , a GREAT hard rock/metal band - please send either of us a message and we will arrange to get you some Den of Thieves music! :-)
All 3 LOTR extended movies (especially the 1st)! Also, MirrorMask, Chronicles of Narnia, Mists of Avalon, Merlin, Willow, Dark Crystal (and cannot wait for Dark Crystal II), Labyrinth, Legend, Conan, Underworld (both), Matrix, and almost anything by Tim Burton, especially with Danny Elfman and Johnny Depp! Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Charley and the Chocolate Factory, Sleepy Hollow, the list goes on (and of course I love Johnnie Depp as an actor regardless, from Secret Window to Pirates of the Caribbean and nearly everything in between). I also LOVE the X-men series - I knew there was a reason I really like Famke Janssen's energy - we virtually share the same birthday! WOW! I also really enjoy What the Bleep and The Secret! I like many movies but these I can watch again and again!
Almost all the TV I watch is on the History Channel, especially if it is ancient - although I have been occasionally checking HGTV as it helps me for manifesting the house I want. With the family, we catch Carlos Mencia because he is FUNNY!
I have just achieved "Master Herbalist" through my herbal school. One of the books during my Herbalist studies I particularly liked is "Green Pharmacy" by Barbara Griggs. It discussed the history (and somewhat the pre-history) of Western Herbalism and really Western Medicine as we know it. Many believe that the age of so-called "chemical" medicine happened during the Industrial Revolution and/or at the turn of the 20th Century, but it appears that, besides heavy bloodletting, widespread and heavy use of mercury, a very poisonous metal, was in vigorous regular practice from the 1300's and escalated in popularity despite its disgusting setbacks (how about death?) for some 500 years! I am glad I live now!
Realm of the Ring Lords by Laurence Gardner (relates the Tolkien Ring Legends, the Legends of Arthur and the Holy Grail and relates it to the Elven Bloodlines, very controversial and scholarly at the same time!)
The Lord of the Rings (LOTR) Trilogy
(In particular, the Appendices in Return of the King that relate to the Elven Symbols, Languages and Calendars).
The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien (edited by Christopher Tolkien) 1977
The History of Middle-Earth (HoME) Series (12 volumes, includes Lost Tales I and II, and Vol. 10, "Morgoth's Ring")
Unfinished Tales and also the Letters of JRR Tolkien
For non-Tolkien related:
I have been doing much Celtic Ogham and Tree Alphabet study and seeing relationships with the elven material. "Whispers from the Woods" by Sandra Kynes, as well as the classic Steve Blamires' work "Celtic Tree Mysteries" are part of this, as well as learning about the trees here in Montana on a more mundane level. I had no idea how many trees help one connect with the elves/fae or their respective realms (and Rowan, or Mountain Ash, particularly interests me since it relates to dragon as well as elven energy - and there is LOTS here in MT! I also want a Willow staff!)
Whoa, a heavy question! Let me say that I have respect for anyone who acts with valor, honor and balance! :-)