TENGWAR is an idea, a deep search, a dream.
Of course, the dream wouldn't be possible without a band. But that is a long story...
After the first demo attempts made in 2001 by composer, singer and bass player Thorvi Fairstone in collaboration with guitarist Julián Barrett (LORIHEN) and Galician piper Mariano Rapán (ACHAIVA DA PONTE), the need to settle a band starts to be noticeable.
Being a part of a trend including strategic allegiance with groups such as Dolmen and Skiltron, the band made the first steps on its own on October of 2003, concentrating on the difficult task of giving shape to an ambitious musical project featuring traditional Celtic and Medieval instruments in almost every song.
Thus, Julián and Fernando Bonino –guitarist and drummer of DOLMEN– join together with Thorvi Fairstone and the Galician piper Juan Pablo Aguirre (GALAIKATOLEMIA), and a little later, female bass player Patricia Flores, this resulting in the founding core of TENGWAR.
This team succeeded in the recording of the first demo of the band in which Irish folk fiddler Alfredo Fariña (DERWIDD) was also involved as a guest musician.
But soon Julián Bonino was absorbed by a personal project and there would be a vacancy in the guitarist place for more than a while.
Finally with the incorporation of guitarist Germán Hecker the band was completed and ready to strike. The dream was marching.
Disinterested collaboration of "Celtic" and "medieval" musicians such as violinist Seumas Mac Lìonadair (FINGAL, BRIONNA), flautists Rubén Soifer and Gachi Flores (TOCANDO EL AIRE) or the singers MartÃn PrÃncipe (ARKHAM) and Abel Leguizamón (DOLMEN) to mention some, and the guitarist Emilio Souto (SKILTRON, FËANOR) was the key to finally configure the band.
Many difficulties and efforts having been left behind, TENGWAR finally reaches the audiences on October 9 of 2004, in a festival given by the Argentine Tolkien Association (ATA).
After this presentation Seumas Mac LÃonadair, Rubén Soifer and Gachi Flores formally join permanent staff of the band.
These days the band plays some of the songs that are intended to be a part of their first album: "The Halfling's Rise"
The circle closes. The idea becomes reality. The dream lives on.
Idea and Concept
Near the year 1999, having been captivated for a long time by J.R.R. Tolkien's narrative, Thorvi Fairstone feels the ultimate impulse that made him found TENGWAR.
The idea incubated through many years was in its prime.
And that idea couldn't be separated from the concept: fascinated since childhood with that "tell-tale" proper from the Opera (Wagner, Mussorgsky, Verdi) as well as from "program music" of Romanticism (Mendelsohn, Saint Sans, Grieg, Rimsky-Korsakoff), he has met a fascinating story, worth to tell, irresistible.
But an idea needs a language to be expressed.
And the search of that language would lead him to find one of his three great musical passions: Celtic Music. The other two being Power Metal and Medieval Music.
To flow, a language must be acknowledged, drunk from its very fountains.
That's why, after his incursion into traditional institutions such as Centro Galicia de Buenos Aires (School of Celtic Music, Polyphonic Chamber Choir and Abrego Celtic Chamber Orchestra) where he made a deep exploration of Galician roots and folklore, since 2000 he became a part of ACHAIVA DA PONTE (Celtic Folk Music).
From this powerful crossing, Tolkien and Celtic Music vs. Power Metal, Romanticism and Medieval Music, TENGWAR comes to life.
The books of J.R.R. Tolkien, his fantastic world, full of magic and heroism, had delighted millions around the whole planet. His famous trilogy, "The Lord of The Rings", has every ingredient of the Epic Fantasy genre as well as great contributions from Nordic, Germanic and Celtic traditions.
On "The Halfling's Rise" -their first work, from which two tracks are anticipated on the Demo EP "The Pilgrim's March"- TENGWAR aim to make homage to that magic from a musical point of view, trying to catch the most impressive passages lived by the heroes of Middle-Earth during the Third Age by bringing them to song.
Many of the passages depicted on "The Fellowship of The Ring" are there revisited: from Bilbo's Birthday in The Shire, to Frodo's election -forced- to carry the One Ring alone leaving behing the rest of the Company, passing through Rivendell, Caradhras Peak, Moria and Lothlórien; all of that is in TENGWAR's songs, sometimes adding music to poems written by Tolkien himself.
To divulge Tolkien's work as a poet is also a goal for TENGWAR.
On rather few occasions it is mentioned the extraordinary ability of this writer to create verses of undeniable beauty and, at the same time, of a great epic-historical verisimilitude, that is to say, modern verses that resemble ancient.
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