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After lifelong searching and self-examination, I've developed spiritually in a rather eclecktic fashion, emphasising always healthy lifestyle choices and practices.
I've always been a solo practicioner, not adhering to any one particular religion or path, but striving to attain and integrate the most positive and constructive aspects of other religions and paths into my spiritual development and perspective.
When not working to pay the bills I enjoy mthe company of my family and friends, making jewelry, stained glass, reading, fishing, and developing my stone and crystal collection and associated knowledge base and skills.
Otherwise, I'm an easy-going nature nut. Love chocolate, good music (just about any genre goes!), my cat, good friends and good times. If you want to know more, just ask me.
Please visit Tie Eldalieva Here
You scored as Shamanic Pagan. A shamanic pagan's roots are generally found in Native American faith. A true love and respect for the earth and all that it yields is central to their faith. Wisdom is most often found in spirit guides or totems, who can be animals, ancestors, or spirits. Pagans who follow this path tend to be far more aware of the delicate web that interweaves the lives of every person and thus move within that web accordingly. They're usually deeply insightful, friendly, loving people and excellent friends and parents. Mysterious and strong, as well, they are often the protectors of their friends and family as well as the moral compass for their friends and loved ones.
Shamanic Pagan
Eastern Pagan
Zoroastrian Pagan
Celtic Pantheonic Pagan
Ecclectic Pagan
Greek Pantheonic Pagan
Kabbalistic Pagan
Roman Pantheonic Pagan
Egyptian Pantheonic Pagan
Norse Pantheonic Pagan (Asatru)
Sumerian, Babylonian, and Mesopotamian Pagans
Catholic (Pagan?)
What kind of Pagan are you?
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