Hearken as the Witch's word
Calls the Lady and the Lord
Moon above and earth below
Sky's cool blue and sun's hot glow,
In this right and ready hour,
Fill these pages with thy power.
May no unprepared eye to see
The secrets which entrusted be.
To I who walk the hidden road
To find the hearthstone's calm abode.
Guardians from the four directions,
Hear me and lend Thy protection:
May these truths of Earth and Skies
Shielded be from prying eyes.
But to the witches whose map this be
May the way be plain to see;
And through all the coming ages,
May we find home in these pages.
Snow skiing,Water skiing (OKAY just skiing) rock climbing, hanging with friends on the back porch with the BBQ going!!!! love to paint, I have a few on canvas but lately it has been statues and the house.
I work @ the Georgia Renaissance Festivals. I first got involved with fairs in Colorado. I've been all over the US to different fairs since, (my kids are in school so for now I am off the road).
I like drum jams & Belly Dancing. Trying to get Keltic Son to pick up his Drum (or any musical instrument) >:)
Renaissance, Victorian, and Gothic Artwork.Astronomy we have a big Meade telescope we like to set up in the yard and check the stars.
Oh yeah and really big fires!!!! check the blog on the lunar eclipse.
Magic the gathering cards (for the artwork)my husband is a wizard.
Reading my tarot cards, Friends are always over to have thier cards read!
Working in my garden, I have roses, irises, day lilies, and a few herbs but I'm working on putting in more. Can't seem to keep a Rosemary plant alive! LOL just one of those things.
I am no longer accepting new friends sorry if you know my last name then you are in or if you have my regular e-mail then I can give you my password. I've got all the friends I can keep up with.
I like all types of music these are just some of my favorites;
Queenryche,White Zombie,Better Than Ezra,Gwen Stephonie,Goo Goo Dolls, Buck Cherry, 3 Days Grace, Linkin Park,Evanescence,3 Doors Down Oasis,Older stuff like ,Bob Seiger,Pink Floyd, Bob Marley, Still adding to this list.
Protection spellBy the dragons light,
On this Blessed night.
I call to thee,
By the power of three.
I conjure thee,
To protect all that surrounds me.
So mote it be, So mote it be, So mote it be.
B rated Horror and Sci Fi Flicks! Pirates of the Carribean (anything Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom),Star Wars all of them, Apollo 13,Princess of Theives, Princess Bride,Fried Green Tomatoes, Braveheart.
Charmed,Supernatural,Smallville,Deadliest Catch (husband got me hooked),Anything HGTV,Old shows MASH,Battlestar Galactic,Star Trek (Enterprise, Firefly).
All Mytholoy,Greek, Roman, Egyptian ect. Illuminatius, (I've read it 3 times now).
I reference my Collection all the time. Some of my books are Raymond Buckand,Scott Cunningham, Gavin and Yavonne Frost, Amber Wolfe,Gerina Dunwich,& Patricia Telesco. (there are more but you get the general idea
love all the Harry Potter books, I was in Canada painting wooden swords and sheilds, Children there were asking me to paint Gryffindor emblems on the sheilds. Well I started reading the books and loved them.
I also like Christine Feehan Carpathian Novels. Very Hot
Anita Blake Vampire Hunter (all of them)
Mostly I read for work Holistic Medicine, Alternative Nuetracudicals... Plants extracts that kind of thing.
All my friends some way shape or form! You are all a part of me!
"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy:
They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
My heroes are real life heroes, One is a good friend of mine Jaqueline, she is a powerhouse I really want to be more like her when I grow up.
The other one is Pam, She changed my life when we were teenagers, got me into the marching band color guard, and was there for me thru some very ruff times. (Car Accident and Physical Therapy). I don't think she even realizes how much she did for me.
And my Mom who is always patient and a pillar of streghth.
View my page on PaganSpace.Net