Greetings! I am a fantasy/fairy artist living in Southern California. I also breed horses. My buddy Jess Galbreth, another artist, convinced me to set up this myspace page, so here I am. :) So, the basics:
I'm 38, have two kids and a darling husband. My 16 year old son has a myspace page too. I wonder if he'll add me as a friend or if thats just way uncool???
I currently have 7 horses, plus 3 foals that are with me till their new 'moms' come get them, and few a others I look after. I'm told I'm a pretty successful artist, and since I do actually make some money at it, I guess thats so. You can decide for yourself if you like by viewing my work on my main website.
Toadstool Farm Art
If you'd like to see my horses, I have a website for them too:
Toadstool Farm
Please dont get upset if I dont answer your messages to me. I get so many that it would take up an awful lot of my limited work time to answer them all. I DO read every one though, so please keep them coming. And if there is something important you need from me, you can always email me. Thats the best way to reach me. Thanks!
Here are a very few selected pieces of my work for your convenience.