Holistic Medicine is a non-medical philosophy. The ideals consider both the physical and mental health as well as spiritual aspects of obtaining a balanced system. Some of the alternatives to traditional medicine are commonly known as Acupuncture, Chiropractics, Yoga, Aromatherapy, Homeopathy, Reiki, and many more. Where traditional medicine attempts to "cure" a specific ailment, holistic medicine treats the person.
I refer to my practice as Integrated Holistic Therapy. The combination of different healing modalities are used to accomplish maximum conclusions with the body. The modalities that I practice are: Reiki Therapy and Chakra Therapy. Reiki & Chakra Therapy is very effective not only for the treatment of physical pain and mental unrest but is also effective for most other conditions as well. The combined energy of Reiki and Chakra therapy relaxes the mind, spirit, and body which allows for a deeper level of healing to occur.
Reiki, (pronounced Ray-kee), is Japanese for Spiritually-Guided Energy or Universal Life Force. Rei means Universal or all-encompassing and all-knowing. Ki means life-force energy and is the same as Prana in Sanskrit or Chi in Chinese.
Reiki is a complementary, spiritual, and alternative therapy that has been used to help heal almost any imbalance or unease that you can think of. Reiki is totally non-invasive and my clients are always fully clothed during a session.
Always remember that Reiki is not bound by time & space. This enables me to perform distance healing. Whether you live next door or in the United Kingdom, Reiki can be performed from any location without either of us having to leave our homes.
Chakra Clearing & Balancing
The origins of the word Chakra is Sanskrit which means vortex.
The 7 major chakras act as transmitters & receivers for energies. Each chakra functions on three different levels the emotional, spiritual, & physical . Balance is the key to a healthy well-being. When there is imbalance it can manifest in many various ways, with a general feeling of "something being off." When the chakra is functional & cleared, it can perform its work completely, process energy, bring energy to the physical organs and subtle bodies and remove used stale or stagnant energy from the system.
When a chakra is blocked, it becomes dysfunctional & will stops spinning. If a stressful condition continues for a long time, the chakras may even close up.
When the physical body has to function under continued stress or depression, the chakras cannot work properly & spin as needed becoming blocked & unbalanced blocked with stale and stagnant energy.
Please contact me at
[email protected] for questions regarding classes I offer or to schedule an appointment for a treatment.