Libby profile picture


everything is yay and cutie in my world! :)

About Me

I am a happy soul visiting this world... ~ recreating myself anew each day in the next highest version of myself ~ I see the utter perfection in everything, both the bitter and the sweet ~ I see the gift in every encounter ~ I see beauty in the chaos ~ I like to help raise the quality of consciousness of the world ~ My world is the reflection of my perceptions ~ I believe everyone is a god ~ The sun is always shining behind the clouds ~ All is in devine order ~ I am silent awareness ~ I am that I am ~
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. We are all meant to shine, as children do. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
by Marianne Williamson

My Interests

CURRENT MOON moon info

Being yay! :), shifting consciousness, synchronicities, energy work, evolving the mind/body/soul, rehabilitating injured pelicans and sea birds, spirituality, metaphysics, Reiki, balancing chakras, color therapy, fitness, yoga, alternative/holistic healing, breathwork, middle eastern dance, belly dance, trance dance, african healing dance, walking barefoot on the earth, philosophy, quantum physics, inspirational quotes, meditation, crystals & gemstones, aromatherapy, massage, feng shui, travel, reading, surreal art, mystic art, cooking, wine & dine, yummy food!, chocolate, snuggling, the ocean, nature, happy faces/smileys :), fireworks, Disney World, fairies & angels, glitter and sparklies, music, gurus, shamans, breakdancers, hard pounding BASS!, positivity, Sufi poetry, detoxes, vibrational sound therapy, chanting, bija mantras, Qigong, spiritual alchemy, creating my reality, love ♥ , passion, romance, people who inspire me, Rumi, cymatics, spirals, aura-soma, sparkly makeup, indian head massages, metaphors, energy vortexes, the expansiveness of the desert, mountains, waterfalls, stars, butterflies, peace, flowers, plants, trees, bougainvillaeas, organic living, essential oils, herbal teas, sage smudging, space clearings, photography, ancient civilizations (egypt, lemuria, atlantis, etc.), quartz crystal singing bowls, making my own jewelry, beading, being creative, making gem elixirs, admiring the beauty of this world, ......

CUTIEsizing the world! :)

disney dork :)


"A dream is a wish your heart makes, When you're fast asleep. In dreams you lose your heartaches. Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams and someday, Your rainbow will come smiling thru. No matter how your heart is grieving, If you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true"

I'd like to meet:

Those who think "outside of the box"...


Ambient, Acoustic guitar, chakra balancing music, Miami Bass, Breaks, Middle Eastern, Indian classical, esraj, tabla, sitar, flamenco, tribal, old skool, Electro, House, Drum&Bass, downtempo, Trance, Retro, Rock, jazz, mariachis, christmas music, some Country, bamboo flute, violin, celtic harp, cuban music from the 1930-50's, ... I like all kinds of music, depends on my mood at the moment :)
Soulwire, Benjy Wertheimer, Shantala, Momu, H.U.V.A. Network, Solar Fields, Steven Halpern, Karunesh, Life in Balance, Jonathan Goldman, Cell, AES Dana, Hol Baumann, Depeche Mode, Ayub Ogada, Ennio Morricone, Jds, Tipper, Andy Page, Plump Djs, Orbital, Unkle / James Lavelle, Zabiela, Icey, R-Fresh, Kraftwerk, Lsg (Into Deep), Dynamix II, Evil 9, Layo & Bushwacka, Sade, New Order, Cure, U2, The Cult, Rush, Erasure, Bryan Adams, Dixie Chicks, Phil Collins, Scorpion, Jimmy Buffett, Yanni, Enya, Sarah Brightman, Pink Floyd, Andy Williams, Prodigy, Run DMC, Ice T, MC ADE, Eric B & Rakim, Cachao, Buena Vista Social Club, Ibrahim Ferrer, ... way too many artists to list...


Lord of the Rings, What the bleep do we know?, Baraka, Contact, The Secret, What dreams may come, the good the bad and the ugly, Once upon a time in the west, Final fantasy the spirits within, Tombstone, Gladiator, King Arthur, Xanadu, The Abyss, Cocoon, Reality Bites, Pretty woman, Willy Wonka, Heat, Gigi, Dr seuss-how the grinch stole christmas (the cartoon), Wizard of oz, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Good Will Hunting, Neverending Story, Closer, The Notebook, Chronicles of Narnia, Happy Gilmore, Star Wars, The Matrix, Disney movies... Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, Lion King,.... Prince of Egypt, spaghetti westerns, documentaries, ..... way too many to list... :)

~ I Love Passion ~

~The Ideal Relationship~"A profound psychic and spiritual connection with a twin soul. In a joyous, passionate, romantic, and truly intimate union. With god and goddess making love to us through each other."


I hardly watch TV.... but when I do its to watch: Food Network Channel, History Channel, Travel Channel, Discovery Channel, or my Spiritual Cinema Circle dvds.

"When you get to the end of all the light you know and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, Faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: Either you will be given something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly."

pic of tree in energy vortex Arizona, Nov '05


Some of my favorite authors are: Neale Donald Walsch, Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss, Eckhart Tolle, Joe Dispenza, Doreen Virtue, Alberto Villoldo, Deepak Chopra, Eric Pearl, Gangaji, Gregg Braden, Marianne Williamson, Elizabeth Clare Prophet...
Some of my favorite books are: Conversations With God (the whole series), The Power of Intention, The Power of Now, Course in Miracles, A new earth, Energy Anatomy, Sacred Contracts, The Alchemist, The nature of personal reality, Animal-speak, Nature-speak, Seth books, The God Code, The Reconnection, Reiki the healing touch, A journey through the chakras, Rumi, Ramtha, Tao te ching, The crystal bible, Inspiration (dyer), Being in Balance, Gemstone energy medicine, The return of merlin, Theres a spiritual solution to every problem, Energy secrets, Energetic awakenings, The Power of Shamanic Healing, Sanctuary, A Return to Love, The Law of Attraction; The teachings of Abraham, The celestine prophecy, ... ...too many to list, I read a new book every week. (yes I know... Im a dork)
"Today is a new day, and it is up to you what you make of it. Your first waking thoughts can color the whole day. They can be happy, positive thoughts or miserable, negative ones. Never be influenced by outer conditions: by the weather, for example. It can be pouring with rain, but if your heart is filled with love and gratitude, your whole attitude will be of sunshine and blue skies."

My Blog

happy spring! :)

Happy Spring!!!yaaaaaay! :) When you plant a seed in the ground, it may look like any other seed, brown and dried up with the appearance of no life force in it. Nevertheless, you place it...
Posted by Libby on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 09:04:00 PST

Spiritual facts about Belly Dance

ZEN, YOGA AND THE ART OF BELLY DANCEBelly Dance is a deeply meaningful artistic and spiritual path that leads towards self-discovery, self-actualization and an essential understanding of nature and li...
Posted by Libby on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 11:28:00 PST

Don't Look Back

Don't Look Back As you travel through life there are always those times When decisions just have to be made, When the choices are hard, and solutions seem scarce, And the rain seems to soak your parad...
Posted by Libby on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 08:08:00 PST

My spiritual retreat in Greece

I just spent the last 2 weeks in Greece & the Greek islands... Here are some pics from my experience. I had the chance to visit beautiful places, archeological sites, ancient civilizations, museums, e...
Posted by Libby on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 08:16:00 PST

An important message for Everyone :)

Everything that occurs, everything that has occurred, is occurring, ever will occur, ... Is the outward physical manifestation of your inner most thoughts, choices, ideas, and determinationsregarding ...
Posted by Libby on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 07:52:00 PST

Everything you do Affects EVERYTHING!

This video has a beautiful message :)Everything You DoAffects EVERYTHING!!!!! Get this video and more at ...
Posted by Libby on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 07:41:00 PST

Vibrate on This.

Increasing The LightRaise Your Vibration Everything in the universe is made of energy. What differentiates one form of energy from another is the speed at which it vibrates. For example, light vibrate...
Posted by Libby on Wed, 31 May 2006 01:35:00 PST

My personal experience...

Many wonder why I feel the urge to want to visit the desert yearly. Some see the desert as some boring, empty, dry place.I on the other hand, have a different perspective of the desert.Last month I to...
Posted by Libby on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 09:01:00 PST

the awakening...

The Awakening.. There comes a time in your life when you finally get it... When in the midst of all your fears and insanity you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries ...
Posted by Libby on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Break through the limitations of the mind

This may be very looooooong, but well worth the read! :) By Joel S. Goldsmithauthor of "The Infinite Way" (This Letter was taken from the 1961 Maui Advanced Work #436, Reel 3, Side 1) Dear Friend:If y...
Posted by Libby on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 07:37:00 PST