Cali profile picture


Be Fearless Choose Love

About Me

Music, literature and nature have saved my life because those three sustain me. I am originally from Northern California, home of redwood groves, empty beaches, friendly people, vineyards and fog. I approach all life with reverence. I am most impressed by people who have learned how to respect the rights of others, people who use their lives for what they believe is the greater good in this tender world, and who challenge themselves on a regular basis. Life is a process of learning, exploration, experience and finding out what your purpose is here on earth. My mission statement includes cooperation, harmony, leadership and balance. My vision does not tolerate negativity, violence, greed, vulgarity, rudeness or belittling old, young, weak or otherwise less powerful human beings, creatures or elements in nature. (' 3.gif');"

My Interests

I am interested in getting off the grid; reeling in politics and putting democracy back into the hands of the people; curtailing global warming; spiritual truth; acting silly; finding lost and beloved possessions, like a favorite glove I left on the seat of a taxi once on my ride to Gamla Stan, and the grey sock with little mushrooms on it that I am always thinking will turn up inside the leg of a pair of pants, or in a little zippered pocket of a worn out suitcase; I am interested in figuring out how to get lonely people with means to fall in love with orphans and those in despair; polishing silver and refinishing old furniture interests me but rocking in a hammock does too. I am interested in running around the world running marathons; putting telephone wiring under ground; changing the educational system so that going to school is an exciting, fun and altogether enlightening prospect, and I am interested in putting people to work in useful, productive and inspiring ways, along with reforming healthcare, the growth and distribution of healthy foods by small family owned organic farms, and thinking up ways to convince people there is enough love in the world to demonstrate and secure peace. I am interested in protecting elements in this reality such as the ecosystems so that safely providing inspired living now and in the future is beyond risk, I am interested in the survival of butterflies, and I am interested in those who have more on their minds than themselves.

I'd like to meet:

People who make time and who are not in a rush, those who lead by the heart and follow their purpose. People who are sensitive, those who are striving to become conscious and people who are critical thinkers. People who value their health and work toward maintaining it, people who long to grow spiritually and those who enjoy their own process of living. What facinates me is the exchange of ideas, and although I appreciate the finer things in life, I also love simplicity and beauty, in art, nature, science and within the interiors of the human heart. I enjoy people who have learned that compassion is a reasonable quality to carry in their human tool box; I love people who take risks, protect nature, animals, children, the sick, the weak, the elderly, the poor, and those who create, with sound, color, images, words, cloth, dirt, flowers, paint - whatever is at hand to fuel expression to move this sacred planet forward.