sun god profile picture

sun god

I am here for Networking

About Me

I am a Major Deity in a rather unfashionable corner of the Milky Way. You'll find that I am a beneficent and even charming Celestial Entity if you make unto Me the proper offerings---first gleanings are good, also a bit of milk and honey, but in a pinch a still-beating human heart would do---but woe unto thee who incureth My rage. (Just kidding--I've been in anger-management class and have become a new god...utterly amiable!)

You may think that I have nothing better to do than wheel around the sky during the Luminous Hours and go a-visiting with the Gods of the Underworld at night. But you would be sorely mistaken, My little mortal friend! ;-)

I am known around this planetary sphere by many names: Sky Deity, Sol, Ra, Surya, Belenus, Taiowa, Huitzilopochtli, Shamash, Apollo, Dagur, Ahaw Kin, Ndriananahary, Lono, Fire Wheel, Great Burning Orb, Inti, Izanagi, Helios, etc. etc. etc.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Other astral deities. Maybe some mere mortals as well.

My Blog

Inca Creation Story

Here is one version of the Inca creation myth and my central role in it: "In the most ancient of times the earth was covered in darkness. Then, out of a lake called Collasuyu, the god Con Tiqui V...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 12:07:00 GMT