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About Me
"It is easy to be overwhelmed or intimidated by the realization that the war-makers have enormous power. But some historical perspective can be useful, because it tells us that at certain points in history governments find that all their power is futile against the power of an aroused citizenry." - Howard Zinn, from A Power Governments Cannot Suppress
"An eye for an eye, only makes the world go blind," -Mahatma Ghandi.

search any brand, product or company:

Complaining is easy. Want to impress me? Do something about it.The name is Stephen and I want to unite people of like-mindedness. Please visit my friends. We may not agree on everything, but as long as we can come up with some basic ground rules for co-existence, we will live together amicably.
I am here to use this space as a place to bring together people who think like I do; to promote causes I feel are vital to our survival; to promote political agendas that I feel work toward the common good; to attain knowledge about the issues and things that concern me; to share that knowledge with those I call friends; to enlighten myself in the spiritual realm and share that light with those who cross my path; to do good things for people and the planet.

My Interests

Current Cost of the Iraq War.

Decide for yourself. Educate yourself.
findlaw news
Multinational Monitor - Yeee Haaawwww!!!!

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I'd like to meet:

Those who seek solutions to problems with our world. Friend adds are turned off for now. If you REALLY want to join the family, please send me an email. Thanks.

A Short Video Poem by Woody Harrelson :)

Now please, go outside and breathe in some fresh air for a bit. Check out the stars or lay in the grass, climb a tree or pee on a rock along a stream. Life is not about watching other people on tv screens or reading about their lives or their wives on computer screens. Life is about living. Shake a stranger's hand, or smile at an unsuspecting person. Pet a dog, or watch a bird. This is a cool place to meet people, make "friends," and join a cause, and to learn. But this is NOT real. Action is real. Life is real. Love is real. Go be real.


muse, The Devil Makes Three, Radiohead, Incubus, Tool, Box Car Racer, Cold Play, The Grateful Dead, Jeff Buckley, Gov't Mule, Antonio Estevan Huerta, Ours


Team America, Donnie Darko
The Corporation


Fuck TV


Everyone Poops, 1984, People's History of the United States, Illusion, What Really Matters: Searching for Wisdom in America


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My Blog

Where they stand

While I cannot vouch for the validity of the information contained in the following graphic, I do trust the source and believe it to be accurate. Let me know if it's not. And if anyone has a listing f...
Posted by Stephen on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 07:21:00 PST

Do you Facebook?

After avoiding it for so long, an ex- got me to join and I'm not sure whether to stay. I am very cautious here with personal information, but that place is off the freaking hook with the questions it ...
Posted by Stephen on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 07:29:00 PST


I love walking around New York with a huge smile on my face. The masses wander here and there looking down, bearing a frown or expressionless face. Their lives are likely no better or worse than mine....
Posted by Stephen on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 07:38:00 PST

Great, great movie

It's called "Four eyed Monsters" and you can watch it all here:Four Eyed MonstersDo it. Trust me. This one is ground breaking and you can all relate. StephenPS - Thanks, Justin....
Posted by Stephen on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 10:58:00 PST

Renaming the snooze button

I have renamed my snooze button, because I'm not really snoozing. I'm prolonging the dream. Maybe I just hate waking up and not having you there next to me, cuddling close or nudging your nose into my...
Posted by Stephen on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 01:43:00 PST

My prolonged absence

Hey all, Just popping in to let you know what's up. After coming back from Cali, I really tried to stay away from MySpace, and my computer, as well. It's something I've advocated for years and Califor...
Posted by Stephen on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 12:01:00 PST

Guess who said it?

"You attack Muslims in Palestine; you attacked us in Somalia; you supported the Russian atrocities against us in Chechnya, the Indian oppression against us in Kashmir, and the Jewish aggression agains...
Posted by Stephen on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 10:40:00 PST


Home. Well, not really. More like, it's good to be back. But I miss home and want to get back there soon, so let's play while I'm still here. Just not now. My mind is in shock and my life is forever c...
Posted by Stephen on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 08:54:00 PST

Understanding the role of Iraqi oil

Two must read articles: Whose Oil Is It, Anyway? and Boogie: A Guide to the Struggle Over Iraq's Oil and Opposition to American Oil Grab Is Unifying Iraqis ...
Posted by Stephen on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 12:45:00 PST

Why democracies fail

"Man is lazy, and doesn't want to inform himself. The penalty for not participating in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." ~ Plato.
Posted by Stephen on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 10:45:00 PST