Smart, fearless journalism
Mother Jones magazine , , and Mother Jones Radio Archives are independent, nonprofit, award-winning news sources dedicated to bringing you the best in investigative reporting.
Since 1976, we've never shied away from the interests and issues that others ignore. We were founded on the idea that smart, fearless journalism leads to answers. And we've never been afraid to ask the tough questions.
Now celebrating our 30th year, Mother Jones magazine is an established leader in independent, thought-provoking, original reporting. In recent issues, we've reported on Bush's lies leading up to the Iraq war, campus activism, corporate social responsibility, global warming, immigration, voting fraud, race relations, and Guantanamo detainees.
Our website, is known for its original reporting and popular daily blog . Mother Jones doesn't just cover politics either. Our Arts & Culture section and our Environment & Health section always has up-to-date articles as well.
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