Senator Mike Gravel profile picture

Senator Mike Gravel

Let the People Decide~Vote Gravel '08

About Me

www.Ni4D.US Senator Mike Gravel: Man for America
Mike Gravel was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, to French Canadian immigrants. He attended French-speaking Catholic schools, and as a teenager, when he wasn’t working with his father and brothers in the house painting and construction business, he volunteered in local Springfield politics, developing an avid interest in governance and government.
In the early 1950s, Mike Gravel enlisted in the U.S. Army and served as adjutant in the Communications Intelligence Service and as a Special Agent in the Counter Intelligence Corps in Germany and France.
After graduating with a B.S. in economics from Columbia University, Mike Gravel moved to Alaska, where he built a real estate business. He served in the Alaska House of Representatives from 1963 to 1966, and was then elected to two terms in the U.S. Senate, representing Alaska from 1969 to 1981.
Senator Gravel served on the Finance, Interior, and Environment and Public Works committees, chairing the Energy, Water Resources, Buildings and Grounds, and the Environmental Pollution subcommittees. During the environmental watershed decade of the 1970s, he co-sponsored or co-authored every piece of meaningful Senate legislation dealing with air, water, waste and energy.
In 1971, as a freshman senator critical of the Vietnam War and of government secrecy, Mike Gravel used his position as a senator to release the “secret” Pentagon Papers and facilitated their publication as The Senator Gravel Edition, The Pentagon Papers, Beacon Press (1971). This publication occasioned litigation, Gravel v. U.S. Government, resulting in a landmark Supreme Court decision relative to the Speech and Debate Clause of the United States Constitution, establishing the precedent that members of Congress cannot be bound by the official secrets of any presidential administration.
Senator Gravel waged a successful lone filibuster for five months, ending the military draft in the United States. He forced an end to the undersea testing of obsolete nuclear warheads in the earthquake-prone area of Amchitka Island, Alaska, which could have compromised the food chain of the North Pacific. He also initiated the national and global critique of nuclear power generation.
Despite being opposed by both government entities and the oil industry, in 1973 Senator Gravel introduced the amendment to authorize the construction of the Alaska oil pipeline, building support and allies to secure passage of the amendment by a single vote. In addition to providing jobs and a wide array of economic benefits to citizens of Alaska, the pipeline has been responsible for providing 20 percent of the United States’ oil supply over the last generation.


Senator Gravel’s business activities have encompassed real estate, finance, and energy. He also worked as a cab driver in New York City, as a clerk on Wall Street, and as a brakeman on the Alaska Railroad. Senator Gravel was the founding president of the Democracy Foundation, Philadelphia II, and Direct Democracy—nonprofit corporations dedicated to the establishment of direct democracy in the United States through the enactment by American voters of a federal ballot initiative called the National Initiative. The National Initiative will permit citizens to vote for or against policy issues that affect their lives. Senator Gravel lectures and writes about governance, capitalism, Social Security, tax reform, energy, environmental issues, and democracy. Books authored by Senator Gravel are Jobs and More Jobs and Citizen Power. He holds four honorary degrees in law and public affairs.
Senator Gravel is married to Whitney Stewart Gravel and has two grown children: Martin Gravel, living in Colorado, and Lynne Gravel Mosier, living in California. The Gravels have four grandchildren: Renee, Alex, Madison and Mackenzie.
Senator Gravel announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination in the 2008 presidential race on April 17, 2006. Subsequently, on March 25, 2008, Senator Gravel announced he would join the Libertarian Party. Senator Gravel's candidacy officially came to an end on May 25, 2008, after the Libertarian National Convention. Senator Gravel will continue to work on making the National Initiative the law of the land, and he will also go on book tours across the United States.

My Interests

Empowering the American people with the central power of government: lawmaking. For more information, go to


Power to the People vs. Give Peace a Chance

Helter Skelter X


Mike Gravel - Rock -

Senator Gravel Lobbies Obama Girl! The music video!

My Blog

Thank You

Thank You May 26, 2008 Dear Friends, We want to thank you for the support and dedication that has sustained us throughout Mike's campaign.  Yesterday, Mike knew that his career in politics ...
Posted by Senator Mike Gravel on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 10:14:00 PST

Jimmy Carter vs. AIPAC

  Last week, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and almost everyone else in the Washington establishment including the State Department have condemned and criticized Jimmy Carter for his latest atte...
Posted by Senator Mike Gravel on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:25:00 PST

A Personal Message from Mike Gravel

  Gravel For President 2008     Dear friend,I wanted to update you on my latest plans before news gets out. Today, I am announcing my plan to join the Libertarian Party, because the Dem...
Posted by Senator Mike Gravel on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 02:48:00 PST

Statement on Edwards’s Dropping Out

It saddened me greatly to hear yesterday that John Edwards had decided to drop out of the race. We may have had our differences on some issues, such as supporting gay marriage and ending the war on dr...
Posted by Senator Mike Gravel on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 07:05:00 PST

Dennis Kucinich’s Brave Voice

Dennis Kucinich deserves the praise and gratitude of all Americans who want our government to promote peace and justice at home and abroad. On all the issues, Dennis took brave, honest positions that ...
Posted by Senator Mike Gravel on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 11:09:00 PST

Impeachment Statement by Presidential Candidate Senator Mike Gravel

While I've been outspoken in favor of the Impeachment of Vice President Cheney and President Bush since last July, today I'm announcing my very strong and unqualified support for Impeachment. I want t...
Posted by Senator Mike Gravel on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 08:07:00 PST


December 5th, 2007 Former Senator and current Presidential candidate Mike Gravel today denounced the White House over the continued accusations made by George Bush concerning Iran's nuclear program. ...
Posted by Senator Mike Gravel on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 11:18:00 PST

A personal message from Mike Gravels daughter, Lynne:

..> ..> Hello Gravel Supporters! Here's a quick update to let supporters know where the campaign is going. As of today, the Gravel Campaign is right on schedule when it comes to getting Mike's n...
Posted by Senator Mike Gravel on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 09:09:00 PST

Russerts UFO and other Debate Mysteries nd-other-d_b_70662.htmlPosted October 31, 2007 | 06:20 PM (EST) A few thoughts on last night's debate: * "Where's Mike?" Isn't it am...
Posted by Senator Mike Gravel on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:05:00 PST

An Urgent Message from Mike Gravel

Urgent MessageFrom Senator Mike Gravel Monday, October, 29, 2007Friends,Corporate censorship has taken over. I have been excluded unfairly from the MSNBC Debate at Drexel University this Tuesday.I won...
Posted by Senator Mike Gravel on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 09:38:00 PST