[email protected]
Links to VIDEOS
YouTube demo of my too-simple-to-rig election software...
validvote demo
and some neandercon-safe rockstarism on YouTube also... FREAKING SWEET hobo guitar
validvote script package for e.g. Linux
Video and bloggery of me at abovethelaw.com commenting onD.C. v. Heller ETC. I want to give America what it wants; Bush gone. The following Amendment is how, with a bit of house-cleaning on the Hill as well. Listen to me webcast from mondaynighttalk.com
The Right Thing Amendment
At noon on the day after this Amendment is ratified the occupants of the offices of President and Vice President shall be removed, and replaced for the remainder of the current Presidential term of office by Richard Allen Hohensee, President, and Senator Russell Feingold, Vice President.
All persons who, as Senators or Representatives, voted in favor of Public Law 107-243 allowing the invasion of Iraq are hereby disqualified for life from the offices of President and Vice President, and shall be disqualified for life from holding office in the Congress, which disqualification shall begin at the end of their current term of office if they are still holding office in Congress when this Amendment is ratified, and they shall further have no Impeachment vote during their final terms, nor shall they be in the chain of succession to the Presidency.
All biological descendants of Prescott Bush, President George Herbert Walker Bush's father, shall be disqualified from any office in Congress, the Supreme Court, the Presidency or any of the first eight offices in the statutory chain of succession to the Presidency until the year 2200.
Biological siblings, half-siblings and children of Presidents shall be disqualified from the office of President. Nieces, nephews, grandchildren and subsequent issue are not disqualified.
I don't need money, in the usual campaign funding sense. This isn't an election campaign. My target audience is several thousand State legislators. I need people to contact their STATE legislators. Are you, or do you know somebody, in a State capitol? You/they can get the message about Hohensee-Feingold to the State senators and representatives in person. SPREAD THE WORD. Get the Boston Herald article out of my blog and spread it around.There is a LOT of stuff in my blog; my platform, election software I wrote, my Iraq plan, and more. There's even more stuff on my Linux page, like programming languages I WROTE, music theory work and so on. A lot of that is not for normal human beings, but it should give the distinct impression that destroying things like the Bush crime mob is not my first love, and I prefer to be creative rather than destructive as President.
"90% great",When you're tired of being such suckers I'm ready to be President.
Hohensee or WW III
Welfare is for poor people.
Democracy is for people, not corporations.
Cronyism isn't capitalism.
Abortion isn't an issue. Life begins when your mother says.
I make it possible. You can make it happen.
Being 1000 times better than Bush will be the easy part.
America wants real change. Let's give America what it wants.
It's a sad day when the States have to defend themselves from the President and Congress. It will be a joyous day when they do.
Bush is a menace. I'm just a nuisance.
They don't make oval offices for normal people.
It ain't easy being unbelievable. Nobody believes you.
I wrote HOHENSEE-FEINGOLD. Of the main-sewer Presidential candidates, maybe Ron Paul could write something like that. But guess what, Bubba? He didn't. I did. And all my music and computer stuff and my construction/surveying work is as good as HOHENSEE-FEINGOLD, but there's only a few hundred people who understand the significance of e.g. writing a 386 assembler in Bash (one of my feats of whack computing).However, as another example of my works, see votescript in my blog. THAT is what election-assistance software should look like. I'm told using votescript "is pretty straightforward if you know how to read".
And I'm over 35, US-born, have lived here for well more than 14 years, and NOBODY will send the right message to a federal government run amok like I will.