Bret profile picture


...still we wished the seconds could be years...

About Me

I am a collector/afficionado/perveyor of all things dark and wonderful...from the faintly ridiculous to the overwhelmingly sublime. Ask and ye shall recieve, said a book once.

Shane MacGowan... unconsciously brilliant. You
can intelligently debate any topic from
theology, history, literature and philosphy...
though only while you're out of your skull on

Which fucked-up genius composer are you?
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My Interests

THELEMA, Pre-raphealites, Dali, Giger, Rops, german expressionism, surrealism, fallen angels, all things dark and beautiful...

I'd like to meet:

anyone remotely intriguing and not vapid...yeah, I like that!


The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud, Spiritual Front, Folkstorm, Morricone, Coil, N. Cave and family, K. Bush, T. Waits, godspeedyoublackemperor!, G. Friday, M. Almond, Brel, Piaf, L. Cohen, J. Cash, DiJ, swans, more...


Now that's just silly! Let's try directors...Kurosawa, Greenaway, Jackson, Jodorowsky, Barney, Anger, Russell, Jeunet n' Caro, Merchant/Ivory, Coens, Svankmajer, Lynch, Waters, Polanski, more...


Books? Too general. Authors: Lautremont, Spare, Crowley, LaVey, Lovecraft, Mishima, De Sade, Cave, O'Conner, MacCarthy, Wilson (Bob and Colin), Koja, Gaiman, and a whole lot more...including Lon Milo DuQuette!

My Blog

My health...yup.

Ok, so last week when all was right and natural in the world, my blood pressure revealed itself on a routine exam to be 155/99. This is not good. I've in recent years discovered it was slightly elevat...
Posted by Bret on Thu, 29 May 2008 05:48:00 PST

The Point.

My last blog was not a mere rant about cheesy porn music, but a statement of the fact that because SOMEONE used that terminology it is now a part of our vernacular. This is offensive to me when wrong ...
Posted by Bret on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 07:21:00 PST


The douche who decided that Bom chicka wa wa is the soundtrack for 70’s porn is an idiot. Who the fuck made this decision? 70’s porn soundtrack is either classical or scratchy Stratocaster...
Posted by Bret on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 11:35:00 PST

Tagged by Lucy and Mike!

Here's how you play:Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their na...
Posted by Bret on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 02:01:00 PST


Ok here's the new me (post surgery): Doesn't look too bad. 2707_18471.jpg...
Posted by Bret on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 08:39:00 PST


I just had surgery on my nose...well the area didn't look like it was healing well so I went in. It turns out there was a large clot that needed to be removed. In doing so all the enaesthesetic draine...
Posted by Bret on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 07:35:00 PST

As promised...

More to come! Ok, this was supposed to be a pic but photofucket is apparently not my friend today...I'll upload it to my pics. Go there, then. Or here.
Posted by Bret on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 02:10:00 PST

Update: The new blog

Ok so before I was 20 I was blessed with two Basal Cell Carcinoma (read: skin cancer)s growing in a happy little place above my left medial canthus (that little space in the corner of your eye). I had...
Posted by Bret on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 07:10:00 PST


Ok I have a problem...what the fuck is a "boo"?  I hear people refer to their "boo" on the occasion and it for some fucking reason infuriates the living fucking hell out of me when I see the word...
Posted by Bret on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 12:32:00 PST

I was thinking about this.

This is one of my favorite romantic quotes (paraphrased in the film IMPROMPTU) by George Sand, in her novel Mauprat: "I am not full of virtues and noble qualities. I love. That is all. But I love stro...
Posted by Bret on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 07:43:00 PST