THELEMA, Pre-raphealites, Dali, Giger, Rops, german expressionism, surrealism, fallen angels, all things dark and beautiful...
anyone remotely intriguing and not vapid...yeah, I like that!
The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud, Spiritual Front, Folkstorm, Morricone, Coil, N. Cave and family, K. Bush, T. Waits, godspeedyoublackemperor!, G. Friday, M. Almond, Brel, Piaf, L. Cohen, J. Cash, DiJ, swans, more...
Now that's just silly! Let's try directors...Kurosawa, Greenaway, Jackson, Jodorowsky, Barney, Anger, Russell, Jeunet n' Caro, Merchant/Ivory, Coens, Svankmajer, Lynch, Waters, Polanski, more...
Books? Too general. Authors: Lautremont, Spare, Crowley, LaVey, Lovecraft, Mishima, De Sade, Cave, O'Conner, MacCarthy, Wilson (Bob and Colin), Koja, Gaiman, and a whole lot more...including Lon Milo DuQuette!