Twinkle Toes profile picture

Twinkle Toes

OK, the next person who asks if I want to go to Taco Bell gets a punch square on the nose.

About Me

I am the only person I know who can honestly say he has never eaten a Cheeto. And I want to keep it that way. Also, I am about an inch from a nervous breakdown. Could the two facts be related? Could Cheetos be conducive to mental health? I guess I will never know.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Anyone living here in Los Angeles who still has even a trace of humility (see under "Heroes").Also, people who realize that this heading is grammatically incorrect.And in addition, I would like to meet more people who dress like this:


This is the only record album I own:


Anyone living here in Los Angeles who still has even a trace of humility.I would also have to consider as a true hero whoever or whatever invented the lemur, an animal which stands as proof that dadaism is, in fact, a naturally-occuring phenomenon.

My Blog

The Prague Airport

I just flew out of Prague yesterday and, while checking in at the airport, was confronted with the requisite sign informing passengers which items could not be carried onto the plane. On the list (or ...
Posted by Twinkle Toes on Thu, 31 May 2007 07:21:00 PST

Lost pet threat . . .

For whatever not so sophisticated reasons, one of my recent hobbies has been posting preposterous lost pet flyers around the neighborhood--there was one for a lost unicorn, a rhinoceros which had run ...
Posted by Twinkle Toes on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 08:22:00 PST


This was an utterly bizarre day in Ecuador . . . especially the assassination . . . memorable. July 16, 2006, from Ecuador: I am in Quito, Ecuador, and this is turning out to be a very strange day.&nb...
Posted by Twinkle Toes on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 01:02:00 PST


I have been asked to start posting some of the emails I sent from out of the country. Honestly, I must be one of the world's worst archivists . . . before today I have never posted a blog, I have neve...
Posted by Twinkle Toes on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 01:28:00 PST