R.E. Brown: the Sniveling Goat profile picture

R.E. Brown: the Sniveling Goat

Art is essentially the affirmation, the blessing, and the deification of existence.

About Me

I light candles to my holy trinity, Marcel Duchamp, Iggy Pop & William Burroughs. Father, Son, Holy Ghost. I pray to Johnny Rotten (Or Malcolm McClaren, whoever you believe) I pray to Andy Warhol (Or Andy Koffman, whoever you believe) I flog myself in the name of Arturo the Aqua Boy because in the end, nothing is ever enough. I make compulisve obsessive art. http//www.thesnivelinggoat.com I hate evil monkeys.

My Interests

R.E. Brown is represented by
Blood Orchid Agency
P.O. Box 63774
Philadelphia, PA 19147
(267) 210-9547
[email protected]


I'd like to meet:

Every person who ever lived. I want to see them, hear them, taste them. You see, I bless the reality underneath. Every day is a party with the material at hand. Dancing vagrants, inbred fruit venders, cell phone thespians. These are my favorite things and they are here. Right here. Angry traffic cops, old trannies in the daylight, body fat, incense, horseradish, middle-aged whores. These are my favorite things and they are right here. Nothing is ugly when you only have one life and I ask you who has two? They say everything is fascinating to a child, little animals that have no shame. Why do you? Smell that city heat garbage rot? Taste that ice cream? Those moments are real and meant for you. Hurdy gurdys, sharp cheese, broken hearts, road kill, pigeon shit, dark beer. These are my favorite things and they are right here.

I do not make art for inner peace or for the exploration of self. I create for legacy and forced dialog, for my own narcissistic imperialism. I create to conquer and challenge.

I have chosen the least respected of mediums because with respect comes acceptance. Acceptance means absorption into society. Absorption into society means mediocrity. Mediocrity means failure. I believe we are at a cross roads in art history. There are no possible break throughs left in the old ways. Academic institutions are filled with fear and rules. Galleries are filled with masturbation and boredom. What is life without a challenge?

Non-award-winning photo montage artist & renowned tap dancer Robert E. Brown pushes the visual envelope to it’s breaking point with his overwhelming photomontage prints. Brown barely graduated from the University of New Mexico with a BFA and a background in printmaking. He was an early member of the Basement Films collective, a member of the Black Family collective, the Muse Gallery and was the proud founder of the now defunct Family of Shame subversive arts conglomerate.

Brown has exhibited in Philadelphia, New York and Washington D.C. His work is in several collections. He also enjoys refering to himself in third person, is the author of 3,600 unread haiku poems, and the unwritten novel "Pierre the Feisty Rodeo Clown vs. the Wrestlers I know."


My Team

My wife

My web designer

My agent

My printer

My special project photographer I

My special project photographer II

Oh see how my empire grows...
I covet a whole army of monsters, gods, freaks and geeks

The Beast

The Void







Anne Boleyn

Candy Mayhem




Mr. Deadguy



Lord Kelvin






The Machine

Melissa Bang Bang


Lulu Lollypop

Tom Costa



Large Marge

view my converts

My Blog

ssshhhhhh. savor it.

that quiet moment, as the hurricane spins around you and the gods hammer against the sky and you are about to go over into the abyss. It's relaxing. Savor it.
Posted by R.E. Brown: the Sniveling Goat on Fri, 23 May 2008 08:37:00 PST

As the winter of my discontent draws on...

Since I have god knows how long to wait before I get the green light for the Sideshow Nation project, I have finally taken some time to return to my prints. Looking at some of the early panels for the...
Posted by R.E. Brown: the Sniveling Goat on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 01:13:00 PST

This is the era of the Goat.

I'm a month behind in reading responding to emails and my presence on myspace has been almost nil recently. But it's for very good reasons. For the past several months I have been working on two ver...
Posted by R.E. Brown: the Sniveling Goat on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 08:45:00 PST

I’m in the All Systems Go! group show.

I'm finally starting to get off my ass and am starting to show my work again publicly. If you happen to be in florida, I have two prints hanging in the All Systems Go! group show at the Oglesby Galle...
Posted by R.E. Brown: the Sniveling Goat on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 08:40:00 PST

how big is your tattoo?

It's time for me to drop accolades on my tattoo artist. I cut a deal with Trish Sanchez a hand full of my prints for possesion of my left arm, right arm and back. During this time, Trish has become a ...
Posted by R.E. Brown: the Sniveling Goat on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 07:58:00 PST

Kiladephia, Filthadelphia, I think I need to learn French.

9 days ago a 14 year old kid was shot dead because he didn't move his bicycle out of the street fast enough by a car full of 18 year olds. It was five blocks from my house. The city is averaging 10 m...
Posted by R.E. Brown: the Sniveling Goat on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 07:15:00 PST

I'm lecturing in Stockholm Sweden for a week

Well it's confirmed. I am going to be shipped out and put up in Stockholm this October with old Family of Shame Alumni Ryan Widger. I am going to guest lecture at Konstfack University for a week in O...
Posted by R.E. Brown: the Sniveling Goat on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 03:12:00 PST

UPDATED Stimulation Snake panel TWO Sneak Preview.

Panel two completed. I'm very pleased with this one, I feel like I took some risks with the composition and it paid off. However I feel that the connector elements to panel one are a little too minima...
Posted by R.E. Brown: the Sniveling Goat on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 04:39:00 PST


It's done! It's done! Well, we have some changes to make but the www.thesnivelinggoat.com is all but finished and we are launching the site. To celebrate the launch of this site and the completion of ...
Posted by R.E. Brown: the Sniveling Goat on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 06:09:00 PST

UPDATED Viva las vegas: This was a wedding no one will ever forget.

Vegas for 5 days is probably too much for anyone to handle. As I boarded the plane, bleary eyed and stinking, I actually thought to myself, "I think I need a break from fun." But I loved that town, gr...
Posted by R.E. Brown: the Sniveling Goat on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 04:36:00 PST