Gothic Glenn profile picture

Gothic Glenn

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I am very quite, shy of person,learning how to be socialable now. Like to be with friends alot.I also very private. I do support other scenes - because I do travel alot. I belived supporting/promoting other scenes makes the goth scene better. Some of Myspace friends know how I feel about the the scene in general- BTW I am current readding alot of my friends from my old profile - my old profile was serverly hacked into

MySpaceTV Videos: International Pony - Gothic Girl by international pony

My Interests

The gothic subculture from AROUND the world == and would like to met other goths/punkers/metal heads from other countries. By any chance - any Hip Hop gothic girls about

I'd like to meet:

other goths for chat and exchange ideas. I also not into Drama. Looking for someone to chat intellegently. Also I get annoyed when people think I am their personal Dr. Phil or shrink -- If you can not deal with your personal problems in life - you need to find someone else to cry to. If you are an loser web slut that needs an addy - go hang yourself or find some self-steem. Also if you are an Nigerian (Yes there are Nigerian honeys on MySpace) go find someone else to go for money and also stop usuing fake pictures of young hot looking models -- I can tell that you are an fake. Also if you are an eye candy chick, do not bother me about adding you. I am not into hotty looking eye candy chicks at all - that means you like to lead an degrading life and have low selfsteem. And furthermore if you are an band - DO NOT INVITE ME -- I will find you and add you myself or someone recommands me to you, or I know of your band. Also, JUST BE YOUESELF


Old school Goth, Dark Classical, Experimental, New Age, Swing and Big Band, Surf, Opera. I like alot particular type of bands, especially little known bands from around the world. I feel the the best goth bands in the world are the little known ones, especially up and coming local bands. Also look at my friends list - it will show some of the bands that I have an interest in


Movies old classic Horror movies - silents and up to The House of Hammer classics. Spigetti Westerns, old silent movies, B-grade Sci-Fi movies, art-house,foreign flims, independentand chessy cult movies also


Television Garry Anderson series - Thunderbirds Are Go series,U.F.O,Captain Scarlet,Night Gallery,Millenium,Babylon5,The Prisoner,Dark Shadows,The Night Stalker,Twilight Zone,The Outer Limits,Tales of the Darkside,The Television Garry Anderson series - Thunderbirds Are Go series,U.F.O,Captain Scarlet,Night Gallery,Millenium,Babylon5,The Prisoner,Dark Shadows,The Night Stalker,Twilight Zone,The Outer Limits,Tales of the Darkside,The Avenagers,The Addams Family,The Munsters, Red Drawf, Blakes 7, Dr Who,The Green Hornet


Old/New Horror classic Poe to Rice. Shakesphere, Russian Literature,Classical Literature


The Green Hornet, Number 6, Roy Rogers, Gene Audry

My Blog

My Birthday Wish

what I want for my Birthay is an Hip Hop Gothic Girl all wrapped nicely neat - lol 
Posted by Gothic Glenn on Sun, 25 May 2008 06:40:00 PST

American Punker Scene

Here is an food for thought about the American Punker scene. As I remember - The American Punker scene came about in the 70s. Here where I am getting at -- really that is wrong -- the earliest punkers...
Posted by Gothic Glenn on Mon, 12 May 2008 07:06:00 PST

Goth Pagents

What happened to the traditional goth pagents of yesteryear. Todays so called goth pagents have to many corporate sponser contestants. Gothic pagent shows suppose to have outfits that the co...
Posted by Gothic Glenn on Mon, 12 May 2008 06:59:00 PST

Gothic Generation of Today

 Why this generation of the gothic scene is more concern about drama than being an community?
Posted by Gothic Glenn on Mon, 12 May 2008 06:57:00 PST

Have the Goth scene "sold out"

What happen to our scene -- It have gotten to commericalized. Seem everytime you look about the scene is get to "fake". What happened to the scene from the "80s" when it was not commericalized. What&n...
Posted by Gothic Glenn on Mon, 12 May 2008 06:50:00 PST

About me being hacked

Well I was recently been hacked. I have sent out new readd me requests. I was able to get into my old profile friends list to do the readds. If you got the readd request - please readd me and let me k...
Posted by Gothic Glenn on Sun, 04 May 2008 10:02:00 PST