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The Truest Form of Love Is Found In Death- Kristy Tallman
WELCOME TO my realm ofinsanity.....
"In truth I am but a wordsmith surrendering my words toyou....Kristy Tallman" TM
Psychological Thriller/Horror Fiction Author, KristyTallman, is a Chester, Virginia based writer whose work is not your usual runof the mill horror. Tallman is determined to bring you the truest mosthorrific monsters that walk this earth born of your very own loins – humans bothmale and female.
Psychologically you will not only be enthralled by thetrain crash you watch unfold, but worse you will be left scarred from thedeepest wounds a human can endure – truths. Wicked, devious, haunting deeds willkeep you turning the pages in spite of your desires to walk away. You can’t becausethe horror is that horrifying.
Her family origins are steeped in the Appalachian Mountains ofVirginia, West Virginia and Kentucky. She has spent most of her life visiting thetales and learning the wisdom these great mountain’s inhabitants possess as shevisited family and lived a portion of her life there within the shadow oftheir mystifying allure.
It is from this she brings to you the art of storytelling – passeddown through the generations of her family with each member adding to hertalents. Talents she continues to hone and perfect in efforts to keep youcaptivated as she weaves her tales of terror.
Tallman the author of the best selling novel The All-Soul’sFaire and her newest release Crows on the Cross haschosen to dedicate herself full time as an author intent on scaring the hell out ofher readers. “You’ll either love me or hate me after reading my books, but Ipromise you – you will beg for more!â€
Tallman has
mesmerized awards committees and audiences throughouther life with her writing,
her photography and her artistry.
She has received recognition as asongwriter by VH1's sponsored Save the Music
Foundation for two years running.
Not only has she authored two publishedbooks of poetry under the pen name
Rainey Moon, but she also has written professionally asa staff reporter for
local newspapers. Also under her pen name, shejoined several dark Poets
in the Nox Anthology which was created to have itsproceeds donated to shelters
for battered women. She continues to reach out by makingcharitable donations to
organizations through her book sales.
She has been the Associate Editor ofa tri-city newspaper and has also been
Editor in Chief of an online e-zine, which encompassedthe arts, music, and
She has held national publication asan equine photographer and has carried
this through professionally in the publishing industryas well.
Tallman's debut novel, The All-Soul'sFaire, has received international
acclaim, been nominated for prestigious awards and thereviews prove her work is
a storm brewing on the horizon of great authors.
Her writing has been compared to someof the top players in her league
including Clive Barker, Dean Koontz, Thomas Harris,Clive Cussler, H.P.
Lovecraft and Alfred Hitchcock at his best.
Praised by her peers, critics, andher readers, Tallman continues to climb on
the best sellers lists locally and nationally being inthe top 100 New Releases
by Barnes & Nobles and the top 50 Sellers locallyeven after a year of old Cecil’s Hicks firstappearance.
Tallman is the Founder & President ofThe Next Generation Writers, an advocacy
organization to aid in the continued success of smallpress publishers, their
authors and self-published authors.
She is also a member of the FloridaWriters Association and a regional
representative of the International Order of HorrorProfessionals.
Now the real me.....
Do youreally want to know the real me?
The realKristy is just a person just
like you. I live each day to it's fullest and never takefor granted the gifts
of life I have been given. My first gift in life hasbeen my writing but I have
been blessed with many more as my life has progressed.Being a writer is the
most precious opportunity in life I have achieved. It isa dream come true, a
dream I was a close friend of since childhood.
I have also been blessed with three beautiful children,one is an angel and the
other two are the lights of hope in my life. My life hashad it's share of ups
and downs and some days, yes the downs outweigh the ups.The thing is though,
you have to keep going. I have and always will for aslong as I am given here on
this earth because of many reasons. To understand youmust know where I come
from to see where it I get my strength.
My parents were both natives to the mountains ofVirginia and West Virginia.
They relocated to Chesterfield, VA when I was born. Myfather was a Vietnam
Veteran and he came home to work 27 years at PhilipMorris. My mom on most
occasions stayed home and raised me and my youngerbrother. We were a happy
family and we were brought up by the old ways. The timeswhen parents instilled
in their children not only to do unto others as youwould have them do unto you;
but too, to always find that inner strength you weregiven to keep going when
times aren't so good.
I was a hell raiser growing up and my brother was thegood kid. We love each
other very much even though we fought a great deal whenwe were kids. By the
time I was 17 I was pregnant and married. I dropped outof school to get my GED
two weeks later because I made a conscious choice tohave my daughter and with
that choice came responsibilities. When the school toldme due to my time out
from being sick as many new mothers are, I would have torepeat the 12th grade I
knew school wouldn't feed my child so I hit the workingworld. Five years later
I had my son and six years after him I had my youngestdaughter. A year after
she was born I divorced my ex-husband who taught me howto appreciate what
battered women endure both physically and mentally. Ittook me thirteen years to
figure out I would be okay if I walked away so I did.
I was single for seven years, and during that sevenyears life was hard as a
mother of three trying to make it alone. It was duringthat time my father
acquired cancer. We believe this was due to AgentOrange. His battle lasted 5 years and when the finalbout returned he
ask me and my brother if he could stop his treatmentsand I told my father he
had fought the war and was a valiant soldier. I knew hewas tired and it was
time for him to put down his fighting gear and go hometo a place where there
was peace. He passed away in January of 2005, thesoldiers stood in wait for our
graveside service where my final goodbyes were read anda fiddler played the
most beautiful version of Where the Green Grass Grows.My father went home to
the angels and peace was found.
Here in the world we live in life was seemingly at it'slowest point without my
father's presence. I moved in with my mother because sheneeded me and I too
needed her but I wouldn't know why until the coldestWinter would come into our
lives. My oldest daughter, in November of that sameyear, was killed in a car
accident and to this day no one can tell you how her carleft the road. The two
things that were suppose to save her life were thereasons she died. Because she
wore her seatbelt she was held stationary as the car hitthe tree on the drivers
side, the airbag deployed adding to her already severeinjuries even more. It
shattered her ribs and punctured her lungs. It was thedarkest day of my life.
My daughter went home to the angels to be with myfather.
In 2006, at the ripe old age of 36 something was wrong.I didn't feel well but I
didn't have a clue that I was having a heart attack.Imagine my surprise when I
was in the emergency room and they told me that. Ofcourse, they believed I was
using drugs because no one that age has heart attacks.This time though, because
of genetics that pertain to cholesterol, I was having aheart attack and two
days later after they had me stabilized enough I haddouble bypass surgery. My
angels watched over me.
From the heart attack I acquired panic disorder which isnot abnormal it's
origin mixed. Partly as post traumatic stress from thelife threatening event
that had occurred to me and the other half from theloses I had never allowed
myself to grieve for. It took almost two years for me toget it under control
but now it is for the most part and life is good.
During this time my mother's brother died and threedeaths of those very close
to her heart in one year was a heavy pain her heartstill battles with. A pain
we all deal with in our own ways, but it is a pain youmust set aside because
you dwell among the living and they need your love asmuch as you miss those you
In late December, my now husband and I ran off to Vegasto get married. Another
gift given, my angel on earth who loves me deeply and isone of my biggest
supporters of my writing. He and I seem to be meant foreach other - he gives me
laughter, love and happiness each day. Yes we are stilllearning things about
each other but the surprise is that we have so much incommon and for the things
that we don't they are just compliments of who we are asindividuals and that is
the key to love. Letting each other be the person theyare - letting them
live their dreams as they have them and being supportiveof even their crazy
I have abeautiful best friend whom I
love dearly - she is as retarded as I am but she is manytimes the strength that
picks me up. She has traversed through my life with methrough the good times
and the bad - I don't know what I would do without herand many times when you
see me at a signing you will see her there with me.
We love to live and live to love in my home I share withmy mother who has seen
far too much pain in these last years. We are alltogether here for each other
and life even though not completely right is good. Weare blessed in many ways.
You may wonder why I share so much of this personal sideof my life with you and
my only answer to that is to let those who walk in theshadows know they are not
alone. I do not tell you any of this because I want youbuy my books because my
books and my life are far from comparable. It, to me, isnice to know I'm not
alone so by sharing my world with you if in any smallway I can let you know you
are not alone then this is why this message was writtenand why you read it.
My beliefs are mostly grounded to my Native Americanheritage and my temper
alongside my playful funny side I attribute to my Irishheritage. My life, my
strength and my love I attribute to my family and my bffwho have always instilled in each
of us, hope, love, laughter and harmony. May your lifebe filled with the same.
Disclaimer: For any one wantingto use any of the information here on this page orwithin the blog - please contact me prior to use - it ismost likely I will give you permission to use it but asI would ask you please respect and ask me. Thanks somuch! Kristy
Things I
Riding our Harley - There is nothing I love more thansitting on the back of
my husband's bike. We ride like we live - with angels toguide us and protect
us. I want to learn to ride though so I can feel theroad under my feet and the
power of the bike guiding me through the wind.
Bowling on the league - my doctor laughs at me if Ihappen to hit his office for an ailment before a bowling night and I ask him canI still bowl - It's not about the competition but about the friendships we makeand the fun we have as we bowl. Now I don't say that because we do poorlybecause we are hanging in the top ten with some pretty heavy bowlers this season andso it is I say it in truth.
I love the beach - I love the waves crashing againstthe shore and the sunsets you can only see near the equator.
I love to travel and meet new people. My dream is togo to England one day and stand on the same ground as Shakespeare oncedid.
I love old literature - most of my influences comefrom the dead. My favorite writers are Dostoyevsky, Joseph Conrad, Bram Stoker,George Orwell, Hawthorne, Poe, Emily Dickenson and so many more that many wouldnot hear of often in circles of conversation such as Milton, Steinbeck, JohnWilmot (The Earl of Rochester)....damn the list could go on forever.
But most of all I love my family - my angels an myfriends who are always a part of my life. My children, each very different fromthe other are the most beautiful masterpieces I have created and no wordswritten could compare to what they mean to me and their beauty I see in them. Me andmy mom are each others beacons on the shores of sadness - we shine a light foreach other that only we understand and if I had one wish it would be to heal herheart and her lungs and give her happiness beyond measure. My husband is mysalvation, he gives me comfort in the storms of my life, he teaches me not tofear the things we cannot change, he gives to me hope each and every day.My bff - we have matching tats - I'm tweek and she's craig - should either of us ever getinto a persistent vegetative state I get the monkey lamp and she says shegets my husband's Harley but I'm not sure how that will work out. Either waywhile we are in the living she owns my heart just as much as everyone in my familydoes - she is my rock and my grounding point - she keeps me sane when my panicdisorder flares up. She travels with me to events, to my crazy doc's office -that's what I call him and no I'm not certifiable yet although some jealous authorswould say different. But yeah when we are 90 she and I will be the two oldladies bickering with each other over something or another just because we can. Ilove her - I love my kids, my mom and my husband. I am blessed.
I will be at Myrtle Beach Bike Week from May9-17 - 20% of the proceeds of the sales from my bookswill go to feed the hungry! I have a goal to fill an18-wheeler full so hope you will stop by and help usout!I have been gettinga lot of emails regarding helping out the goal we haveto fill the 18-wheeler full of food. Many of you can'tbe at Myrtle Beach Bike Week so I have set up a donationbutton for you in the event you would like to help out.This is a tax deductable donation so keep your receiptsof payment. If you want to send check or money ordersplease send them to:
Realm of InsanityPress
c/o KristyTallman
PO Box3285
Chester, VA23831
When we get downthere we will present Bikers Against Hunger with thecheck that will include both the sales and donations onour last day. We hope you will be a part of thiswonderful cause! No one should go hungry, not in theUnited States when we all have at least a dollar togive.
Any amount ofdonation is accepted andappreciated!
I'll postupdates to the blog as to how well we are doing with ourgoal and if you donate we will list your name if youchoose to allow us.
Thanks so much for yourhelp!!!
Much love,
Special Deal - Only Through May 31
Help us help the Bikers Against Hunger!
With our food/monetary/book sales drive for the Bikers Against Hunger I will be offering a special deal on my books from now until the end of May. 10% of each sale will be given to Bikers Against Hunger and you get a free Highway to Hell Tour T-shirt to boot (while supplies last). Now you can get both The All-Soul's Faire and Crows on the Cross for only $27.95 - Autographed and shipped directly to your house. While supplies last you will also get a free t-shirt! Regular price for both books is $31.90. Books will be shipped out after May 17th as we have to have all of our stock available for Bike Week - not to mention I won't be here to ship them to you. Hope you'll help this worthy cause and help stop hunger in our nation.
Crows on the Cross & The All-Soul's Faire - $27.95
Autograph To Whom?
What Size T-Shirt