As for some more personal traits: I am honest, passionate, opinionated, stubborn, and have a seriously f'd up sense of humor (Or so I'm told). My friends are my strength and my inspiration so if you end up being one... well, you get it!
So... if you are curious, here are some of the things with which I was once involved:
I had recently rediscovered my love of acting and had begun to actively pursue it again. I was involved in live theater in a production called Dungeon Master . (No... it isn't as kinky as is sounds, which may or may not be good.. hmmm). It is part improvisation, part sketch comedy, and part live action role-playing set in a fantasy-like realm (Think Dungeons and Dragons meets Monty Python, hahahaha). Every episode is different. There are both new and recurring characters, so it gives one a chance to try many different things on stage. If you live in the LA area and want to come, click the link or send me a message for info! If you do decide to come out let me know so we can meet! I am not in the current cast as I have had to cut back somewhat on my projects. Dungeon Master is on hiatus for the holidays and will return in February of 2008.
Once upon a time every Tuesday you could hear me and my pal Shok doing one of the things we do best:The iRRegular Show returns later this month, complete with video feed! Now back in full swing!!We'd take calls via an online voice message program called Skype (, we have guests, play music, and generally have an awesome time. This project has also gone away.
Also you used to be able to see The iRRegular Video Show on This show was similar to our above mentioned radio show, but you get to see us live and streaming (No, not streaking.. pervs!) and we play videos instead of music.... that is when we aren't having interesting guests, going off on some tangent about life in Los Angeles, or making fun of people in the news!
You can now see me in a short film, which recently finished post production and is on DVD. "Super Zero" is now available @ Carmelina Films
I have a small part in another film called "Rose" This is one of several projects on which I've worked with writer / director L. Alan Brooks of Bizzlejig Films. This film had it's premiere in Las Vegas in October of 2005 and is now available on DVD through and other DVD retailers. It is under the title "Rose of Death".
So, yeah.... I'm get a little busy sometimes, don'tcha think? Not so much these days though. I've scaled back lots of projects in favor of radio and working on breaking into it once and for all. I suppose we'll see what happens.
Anything else you want to know..... ask, damn it!!
See this? This is my "Yeah, whatever.. just ask, you know you want to" face!!!