In case you haven�t already seen it, has recently relaunched with a sleek new design.
The relaunch includes a return to�s literary roots with contributions from original writers including David J. Schow, Maria Alexander, Thomas S. Roche, M. Christian, Amelia G, Christa Faust, Clint Catalyst, and Mehitobel Wilson.
The improved forums now have much faster performance. There is also a new Commentary section where members can discuss all the fiction and article offerings on the site on an individualized interactive basis. Plus, of course there is still room for Spooky News, Whining, and discussion of Literature, Music, Fashion, Politics, TV, Movies, and Games.
The redesigned also has two new features to help people in the scene like you promote your own sites. There is a banner exchange and a topsites. Author sites and small press publisher sites joining the banner exchange now will receive double bonus exposures. This means that Gothic and horror authors and publishers will receive two banner impressions for every single impression shown on their sites. Dark art sites and dark fashion designers joining now will receive 1,000 bonus exposures and an even ratio. Most of you are probably already familiar with the basic concept of this type of promotion, but the site has some explanation and feel free to email any questions you might have. The really special aspects of the Gothic Banner Exchange and the Gothic Topsites are that they allow you to run banners on for free and they facilitate you sharing site visitors with like-minded sites.
If you would like to advertise on or sponsor the occasional newsletter, please email [email protected] with info on what you are advertising, in order to receive rates.