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Hey there my name is wayne. I love meeting new people. I am 36 years old and sure and the hell don't look it. I love wrestling as u can tell my fav is rey mysterio. I will add any body but if u r under 17 I will not comment or message u. If ur profile says 17 or older then I write back to almost every message I get and I W4W all the time but I will check to see if u posted for me before I post for u. My friends I will leave u with this little lymric for when life gets to rough:LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, TAKE MY ADVICE PULL DOWN YOUR PANTS, AND SLIDE ON THE ICE
Hey, all you bands out there you want to get noticed? I will whore you, add me to your friends list and put me on your top 8. Once you do that send me your button in a message. Once I see me in your top 8 I will whore you as many time as you send me a button up to 3 times a day so YOU WANT TO GET KNOWN I will do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey I W4W alot so if you post me and send me a button I'll post U. If U want me to whore U send me your button in a message and I will post it at least 3 times per button per day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !NO FAKERS I CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!