*¸.·´¯)DiVine EnVy *¸.·´¯) profile picture

*¸.·´¯)DiVine EnVy *¸.·´¯)

~HaTiN mE wOnT mAke YoU pReTTy~

About Me

HoMe!!!  |  Mail  |  *Blog*  |  FaVs!!!  |  GrOuPs  |  Br0wSe  |  MuSiC  |  ~*RaNk*~I am a true new yorker- born and raised here and would never leave..its incredible! Im currently attending columbia in nyc for a post-bacc pre-med program (yes maybe ill be ur doctor someday ;-) I went to binghamton U as an undergrad and got my BA in psychology- that was such an amazing time i wish i could go back...def the best years of my life! Im a NYS certified EMT as well as an aerobics/kickboxing instructor altho i wish i was born in the 80s so i could wear big frizzy pony tails, leotards, tights, and LEG WARMERS!!!! Avacados and GODIVA choc covered strawberries will win my heart. Im obsessed with sushi- esp alaskan rolls..mmmm...I love and appreciate beauty and cant stand people who dont. Keep it real. I luv to gossip...but noone wants to deal with DrAmADunkin Donuts hot chocolate is orgasmic. Beaches and sunsets are romantic. DD hot choc ON the beach DURING a sunset is DiVine!I love singing (def my passion), acting, dancing and of course partying with the crew...my friends and family are EVERYTHING to me! I would do absolutely anything for them...completely my life! *I live for the nights i cant remember with the friends ill never forget*Confidence is the most important thing in life- know who u are and what u want, that will get u everywhere. Dont try to be someone ur not LooK DeeP InTo
my EyEz
Love hurts
Thats why u fall into it

My Interests

Dancing, singing, cluBBin,partyin with the crew, being a TeAsEteaching aerobics cause its the hottest job u could ever have, (How hot are my aerobics girlies!? psychology cause its my major, r0ses and their petals, SAND AND SUN, OBSESSED with OBSESSING


Ill try anything once...and twice if i like you ;-)

I'd like to meet:

Make me laugh, love urself, and love ur friends. People with goals and aspirations. Have confidence, be spontaneous, and full of sarcasm. Have self respect but be selfless. Someone who loves life and takes full advantage of every opportunity. Dont believe in regrets...life is too short. Above all, people who know what they want, and what they want is to have a fuckin fun time!!!!!!!!! *sorry boys, this chica is happily taken

M a S t E r * P i E c E


Please read the following before messaging me...i will not reply to messages of people who obviously didnt take the time to read my profile! Q. Do you have aim/yahoo/msn messengers and whats ur sn? I do have aim but do the the amount of people on myspace and the number of requests i get for this it is impossible to give my aim name out to everyone. Feel free to message me or leave comments and i promise to get back to u as soon as i can...if all goes well then who knows- maybe ull get lucky ;-) Q. What is ur real name? Allison...u can call me Alli Q. Can i add you as a friend? Sure! i love new friends and accept most people who request me..that is unless ur a guy with a default pic of ur dick hanging out. Also guys who try to show off with pics of their car really irritate me. Just dont be shady or sketchy and we will have a fabulous friendship :-) Q. It says ur "online now"...and ive messaged/commented u! How come u havent responded yet!? A lot of times i leave the myspace page up on my comp while im not home...SO even tho it says im online, i may in actuality not be home. Some days it takes longer then others to answer mail and reply to comments...i usually get quite a bit of mail

***IF YOU MESSAGE ME SAYING "sup" "hi how r u" "Wuts goin on" or something along those lines, as well as anything sexual, I WILL NOT RESPOND. I get waaaay to many messages like that and responding is a waste of time..if u want to talk to me, write something substantial***

Q. Do you have a webcam? No...and even if i did i wouldnt want u watching me. I will not cyber, cam to cam, or any of that other shit you guys r into so dont even ask. Thats a side of me only my boyfriend gets to see...lucky him ;-) Q. Do you wanna trade nude pics? No... i dont have nudes nor care to see urs...i hope theres a lot more to u then ur dick so lets do me a favor and keep it to ourselves Q. Do you have more pics i can see? Are u really serious? There are tons of pics on this page...plus im always adding more. You should be satisfied and greediness gets fuckin annoying fast! Q. What is ur bust size/ what are ur measurements? why u want numbers when u have pictures is beyond me. maybe i should just make a myspace profile filled with my measurements instead of pics...come on guys Q. Can i leave you comments? OF COURSE! I absolutely love comments and love hearing from u guys! However i HATE "thank u" comments like "thanks for the add", "thanks for stopping by my page", "thanks for leaving me a comment"...those really annoy me!! ALSO do not bother trying to post comments advertising ur web page (besides select bands), or advertising anything for that matter- including URSELF or OTHERS...i will not accept "add me" comments...those are beyond the worst! With all that said, use the comment box just below to leave me some love!!! I always try to respond back asap!!Leave me a comment here:

   Feel free to leave comments but try to come up with something more interesting then "thanks for the add"...dont thank me, prove to me i made a good choice in accepting u and entertain me!


im very openminded- all about variety- christina Aguilera is crazy talented!
*CaNdY CoAtEd SuGaR SeX*


Chillen at sports bar with BILLY BALDWIN!Im a wanna be movie buff but am nowhere close haha.. Life is Beautiful, American History X, Primal fear, fight club, requiem for a dream, pulp fiction... but im def a comedy chick- 3 Amigos, Billy Madison(altho anything adam sandler kicks ass),waynes world, Dumb and Dumber, HALF BAKED, austin powers


I gotta admit i totally get into ReALitY TV, but as for my favs- the SIMPSONS, southpark, grey's anatomy, friends, sex and the city, the sopranos, the fresh prince of bel aire, saved by the bell (highschool yrs of course!), the NaNNy and i totally watch The View every morning haha

You Are Most Like Samantha!

For you, dating is the ultimate sport
You're into guys with power, looks, or a lot of money.
You rather have a great two weeks than a great forever.
But even you fall victim to love from time to time :-)

Romantic prediction: You'll find love in the next few months...
But you'll be the last one to realize it.

Which Sex and the City Vixen Are You Most Like? Take This Quiz Right Now!

Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.


Robin Cook is just incredible!! (hey im pre-med...what can i say?)
You Are From the Sun

Of all your friends, you're the shining star. You're dramatic - loving attention and the spotlight. You're a totally entertainer and the life of the party. Watch out! The Sun can be stubborn, demanding, and flirty. Overall, you're a great leader and great friend. The very best! What Planet Are You From?


ChArLiE*s AnGeLs...and of course my family- i owe everything to them

My Blog

HALLOWEEN PICS 06!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lots of pics from my crazzzzzyy halloween night in the village!!! ENJOY! ...
Posted by *¸.·´¯)DiVine EnVy *¸.·´¯) on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 08:31:00 PST

Guys want my legs, Girls want my shoes ..pics :-)

Lots of requests for this so i decided to just post a blog...enjoy! ...
Posted by *¸.·´¯)DiVine EnVy *¸.·´¯) on Thu, 25 May 2006 08:56:00 PST


People in general are just really iritating me lately..and it takes a lot (hey im a psych major) First off..lets discuss the fabulous people that eat at my restaurant- Table 1...there bill: $250..the ...
Posted by *¸.·´¯)DiVine EnVy *¸.·´¯) on Sat, 11 Feb 2006 11:04:00 PST

*~*Xmas PaRtY PICS*~*

It took them long enough but cresthollow country club finallu thru its annual holiday party!! Def missed all of u who had to go back to school and couldnt make it but it was so much fun!! Have fun wit...
Posted by *¸.·´¯)DiVine EnVy *¸.·´¯) on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 10:19:00 PST


Why do people think its ok to post comments that redirect ur page to theirs OR cause a friend invite to automatically pop up making it impossible for u to see the profile. People are really pissing me...
Posted by *¸.·´¯)DiVine EnVy *¸.·´¯) on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 08:49:00 PST

FAQ's- please read before messagin me

Hey guys...due to the number of repeated messages i get i figured this was a much better way to save everyones time (and i dont feel like typing the same answers 50 times a day). Here are some commonl...
Posted by *¸.·´¯)DiVine EnVy *¸.·´¯) on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 10:57:00 PST

IMPOSTER...this pathetic bitch stole my pic!!!

IMPOSTER!! Oh my fuckin god!!! I see it all the time and i think its the most pathetic thing ever. Using other peoples pics as your own so people think ur something ur not is as low as it gets! Check ...
Posted by *¸.·´¯)DiVine EnVy *¸.·´¯) on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 08:52:00 PST

You think u know, but u have know idea- THE SURVEY

So i finally gave in and filled out one of those all about me's...check it out for an inside peek at one of my favorite things- ME! haha TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:aLLison JiLLBirthday:3*...
Posted by *¸.·´¯)DiVine EnVy *¸.·´¯) on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 06:43:00 PST


FLORIDA PICS!! with the wizard at universal! to infinity..and beyond! how cute r we!? OH NO! opera time! at mannequin dance club aka gay club..OOPS! oh well still fun! mmm burgers...i was mad hu...
Posted by *¸.·´¯)DiVine EnVy *¸.·´¯) on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 05:23:00 PST

I graduated college!!!

wow i am no longer an undergrad...this was my last semester at bing :-( Sooo sad...i already miss all my bingers, esp lakeside 101 (u girls are pretty fuckin unique bunch but i love u for it!) Everyon...
Posted by *¸.·´¯)DiVine EnVy *¸.·´¯) on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 02:27:00 PST