~Tainted Halo~ profile picture

~Tainted Halo~

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

It is almost as if I am a bitterly sweet tangle of all that is, has been, will be and will not be. That may sound like a self-important statement, but it is not. Give it some thought, most of what is, has been, will be and will not be is of quite a large insignificance. Hence, I am part of that insignificance, only becoming significant to a select few. And that is enough for me.
I am a chameleon of sorts, I mesh into any environment and learn something from every being I meet and I always find something in common with others. I can relate on all levels with all types of people providing they are void of ignorance, greed, selfishness and cruelty.
Some of my traits that I exude include being kind, open, gentle, sensitive, patient, deep, spiritual, philisophical, enlightened, diplomatic, poetic, artistic, humble, selfless, peaceful, imaginative, inquisitive, loyal and intuitive. As proud as I hold these traits which are woven into the fibre of who I am, they are in a fairly constant struggle with the more pressing traits such as being wary, indecisive, sarcastic, pessimistic, shameful, paranoid, fiery, dark, bitter, lazy, defensive, protective and sorrowful.
Simply said, I live a life of suffering, rejoicing, loving, loathing, crying, laughing and dying. With most of those things happening at least once a day.
My Element: Air
Sun sign: Libra
Chinese Astrological sign: Tiger
Celtic Astrological sign: Ivy tree
All life-all existence-is the manifestation of Spirit, of the Unknowable, of that supreme consciousness known by many different names in different cultures. The purpose and dynamic of all existence is to bring Love, Wisdom, Enlightenment into full manifestation. All religions are expressions of this same inner reality. All life, as we perceive it with the five human senses, or with scientific instruments, is only the outer veil of an inner, causal reality. Similarly, human beings are two-fold creatures-with an outer temporary personality and a multi-dimensional inner being (soul or higher self). The outer personality is limited and tends towards materialism. The inner personality is unlimited and tends towards love. Our spiritual teachers are those souls who are liberated from the need to incarnate and who express unconditional love, wisdom and Enlightenment. Some of these beings are well-known and have inspired the world religions. Some are unknown and work invisibly. All life in all its different forms and states, is interconnected energy-and this includes our deeds, feelings and thoughts. We therefore work with spirit and these energies in co-creating our reality. Although held in the dynamic of cosmic love, we are jointly responsible for the state of ourselves, of our environment and of all life. During this period of time the evolution of the planet and of humanity has reached a point when we are undergoing a fundamental spiritual change in our individual and mass consciousness. This is why we speak of a 'New Age'

My Interests

Luna. Music. Writing. Rocky. Fantasy Art. Anything with wings. Animal rights. The way words can evoke tears, soothe distress, ignite rage, stir creativity, induce misery and inspire laughter with equal intent. Human nature. Peace. Spiritual issues. Exotic foods. Thought. My animals. Psychology. Rocks. Photography. 2012. The abstract. Conspiracy theories. Crop circles. Stonehenge. Tattoos. Poetry. Cheap Wine. Intellectual conversation. Climate issues. Crystals. Pleiadians. Alternate Evolutionary theories. Prophetic dreams. Unidentified flying objects. EVP. My Pendulum. Philosophy. The supernatural. World disasters. Prophecies. Paranormal phenomenom. The higher Universal energy wherein we all derive from. Astrology. Astronomy. Dreams.

I'd like to meet:

People that can sustain interesting conversations, have a point to their existence, even if it be to simply share their story. Everyone has a story. Everyone is who they are as a result of what has happened to them in this journey called Life.
We all, at some point smile, frown, love, hate, scream, whisper, succeed, fail, learn, judge, struggle, embrace, push away, rise above and sink below to depths we would rather not go. Only to grasp onto the light and elevate, always higher....always higher.
I want to find people whom I have things in common with whether it be my love for music, words, animals, peace, philosophy, the earth. paranormal phenomenon (you can look at General Interests for more info). I also am open to all artists and will show my support for all artists that happen to find me, or me them, along the way. As far as famous people, or people that have made an impact to humanity on a larger (than any of us) scale, I'd say perhaps I'd like to sit and chat with Edgar Cayce, The Pleiadians, Nostradamus, Linkin Park, Criss Angel, Luis Royo, Mahatma Gandhi, His Holiness The Dalai Lama.
FYI - Sending me a message that says nothing but some shallow comment like "dAm ur hOt" is not the way to get my attention. If that is all you have to say, then consider yourself blocked. Don't be an idiot and we can be friends. After all, networking and friends is what I am here for. Nothing more.



A few select favorite titles that I can remember at this time.... Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Independance Day, The Dark Crystal, Stargate, The Lost Boys, 300, Gladiator, Fahrenheit 911, X men, Underworld, The Day after tommorrow, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Transformers, Napoleon Dynamite, The Last Navigator, The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy, Men In Black (all), Planet Earth Documetary (which I have in Blu-Ray--it ROCKS), The Last Samurai. Ok, really anything Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Dark, Gothic, Paranormal, Action, some comedy, some love stories depending if there is a twist to it (like Ghost) but honestly, I'm not the best at remembering movies.



My Blog

Wrote this one in a meeting a while back

Papers rustling, pens scratching, among the jabber of unconscious lips which are reduced to a mechanical laughter. I ponder this waste of human destiny. They make the most of nothing. And it all means...
Posted by ~Tainted Halo~ on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 11:02:00 PST

To those recently invited to my blog...

For those of you who accept my invite, and those of you who are already part of this tiny blog, thank you for doing so.  Rest assured you will not be inundated with worthless material&as I tend t...
Posted by ~Tainted Halo~ on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 10:50:00 PST

Apocalyptica I Dont Care Ft Adam Gontier VIDEO [OLD VERSION]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znhSLyuQt6w Another great one!...
Posted by ~Tainted Halo~ on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 10:07:00 PST

Apocalyptica - Hope Vol II (Vidocq BO)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsYgcACfWTw Heavy cello quartet Apolalyptica...this is an amazing song and video, Deep, dark and riveting. Thought I'd share!...
Posted by ~Tainted Halo~ on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 09:26:00 PST