Luna. Music. Writing. Rocky. Fantasy Art. Anything with wings. Animal rights. The way words can evoke tears, soothe distress, ignite rage, stir creativity, induce misery and inspire laughter with equal intent. Human nature. Peace. Spiritual issues. Exotic foods. Thought. My animals. Psychology. Rocks. Photography. 2012. The abstract. Conspiracy theories. Crop circles. Stonehenge. Tattoos. Poetry. Cheap Wine. Intellectual conversation. Climate issues. Crystals. Pleiadians. Alternate Evolutionary theories. Prophetic dreams. Unidentified flying objects. EVP. My Pendulum. Philosophy. The supernatural. World disasters. Prophecies. Paranormal phenomenom. The higher Universal energy wherein we all derive from. Astrology. Astronomy. Dreams.
People that can sustain interesting conversations, have a point to their existence, even if it be to simply share their story. Everyone has a story. Everyone is who they are as a result of what has happened to them in this journey called Life.
We all, at some point smile, frown, love, hate, scream, whisper, succeed, fail, learn, judge, struggle, embrace, push away, rise above and sink below to depths we would rather not go. Only to grasp onto the light and elevate, always higher....always higher.
I want to find people whom I have things in common with whether it be my love for music, words, animals, peace, philosophy, the earth. paranormal phenomenon (you can look at General Interests for more info). I also am open to all artists and will show my support for all artists that happen to find me, or me them, along the way. As far as famous people, or people that have made an impact to humanity on a larger (than any of us) scale, I'd say perhaps I'd like to sit and chat with Edgar Cayce, The Pleiadians, Nostradamus, Linkin Park, Criss Angel, Luis Royo, Mahatma Gandhi, His Holiness The Dalai Lama.
FYI - Sending me a message that says nothing but some shallow comment like "dAm ur hOt" is not the way to get my attention. If that is all you have to say, then consider yourself blocked. Don't be an idiot and we can be friends. After all, networking and friends is what I am here for. Nothing more.
A few select favorite titles that I can remember at this time.... Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Independance Day, The Dark Crystal, Stargate, The Lost Boys, 300, Gladiator, Fahrenheit 911, X men, Underworld, The Day after tommorrow, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Transformers, Napoleon Dynamite, The Last Navigator, The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy, Men In Black (all), Planet Earth Documetary (which I have in Blu-Ray--it ROCKS), The Last Samurai. Ok, really anything Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Dark, Gothic, Paranormal, Action, some comedy, some love stories depending if there is a twist to it (like Ghost) but honestly, I'm not the best at remembering movies.