Welcome to Antiland :
A small planet which orbits just above the Earth.Let us show you around !
-Atmosphere: A strange mix of smoky air from an Irish pub (like before the law prohibiting smoking in public places was passed !)
-Air: breathable
-Population: 5
-Ethnic group: musicians
-Temperature: dry, 40°C in the shade
-Local custom: examining the Earth in all its forms
You may wonder: what can we do on such a small and sparsely populated planet ?
We express our feelings thanks to our instruments. And after all these journeys on Earth we feel really dizzy!!
We recently realized that we have mixed so many cultures in our music that it feels as if we are swimming against the mainstream musical trend !
But there's one thing we can say for sure: we can't stand being on this planet anymore! We are about to land; ready to invade your daily life !
Beware ! Anti-Hype's coming !!!