Greg profile picture


The Chic Geek - Part Ladies Man, part guy that can make your VCR clock stop blinking.

About Me

I'm tall... and uh, tall. Yeah, that's the ticket. I'm a transplanted east-coaster living in Los Angeles, just waiting for the "big one" to hit and all that property I bought in Arizona to become beachfront paradise. Ok, so I don't own property in Arizona (it's Nevada), but I am living in LA and acting. Yep, I'm one of THEM. Damn dirty actors. Can't stand 'em. 'least they scatter when you turn the lights on.
My latest vLog:

My Interests

acting, adventure, AEA, AFTRA, animation, art, astrology, Avalon, Black Belt, books, Boston, Boston Red Sox, cartoons, chess, coffee, computers, concerts, creativity, directing, DragonCrest, driving, Dungeons & Dragons, Eagle Scout, ECW, Emerson College, family, fantasy, film, Final Fantasy, food, Forgotten Realms, The Fourth Wall, games, geminis, ghosts, Ground Control, Guitar Hero, heavy metal, hiking, Homestar Runner, improv, internet, ipods, larping, lazer tag, literature, live action roleplaying, Los Angeles, Machiavelli, martial arts, mash-ups, movement, movies, mythology, natural 20's, Neverwinter Nights, Omaha, philosophy, photography, photoshop, poetry, producing, PS2, reading, renaissance faire, Ring of Honor, role-playing, romance, RPGA, SAG, sci-fi, sex, Shakespeare, shameless self-promotion, sleep, slurpees, soda, sparring, spirituality, spoken word, stage magic, stunts, Sun Tzu, supernatural, swing dancing, swing music, swords, Tae Kwon Do, teaching, technology, Terry Prachett, Texas Hold'em, theatre, TNA Wrestling, travel, UFC, Unions, video games, voice overs, wargaming, Washington DC, web comics, web design, women, working out, Write Act Repertory, writing, WWE,

I'd like to meet:

Cool, intelligent and down-to-earth people to hang out with over coffee or go to movies with.






Anyone who stuggles against adversity in their lives, rises to the occasion and overcomes all odds. My heroes are my family and my friends.

My Blog

My Web Site

Link to my web site (for those of you interested in following my acting career).
Posted by Greg on Fri, 26 May 2006 10:04:00 PST

My LiveJournal

Link to my LJ (what's *really* goin' on in LA... whenever the fuck I have time to update the goddamn thing).
Posted by Greg on Thu, 25 May 2006 09:34:00 PST