Screw the Bastards is a pure solo album in progress. I played all the instruments myself for these recordings, represented by Lady Godiva and the 2 Milo Suite sections presented above. The album is dedicated to my former bandmates, without whom I would never had to do this all myself in the first place. It's been a learning process throughout, especially the guitar parts. The Milo Suite is a seven part opus about a painter who steps into one of his own paintings into an escapist world that mirrors (or parodies) our own. This is my music pretty much as I've been hearing in my head for many years.
Welcome to Your Doom is a collaboration with James Oylen of Interrogation, who wrote the music a few years ago. The original title was Sinister Sam... and that was before he met me. More to come in the future from this project. That's James on all instruments, I just sing this one
For bookings and business enquiries, Vice Queen Productions is my management agency. She also does my spiffy graphics.
New! T-Shirts and such.
The Download Store - More downloads to come!
This isn't the only place on MySpace to hear my music. This is for solo material and some odd projects. Check out these sites for the bands I'm currently in, and yet another site of oddities.
Happy Room Studios is the home base. This is Steve. He provides the magic ears. He's also the best harmony vocalist I've ever worked with. Check out his amazing harmonization of the Star Spangled Banner. Here you can hear a track from the Humwawa CD from 2001, Blake's Spring. There's a new Legend of the Bat track, and a cool solo suite from Alex Volkonsky, Legend guitarist.
Legend of the Bat is a rock band, heavy with lots of prog elements. Expect this band to play a guitar-oriented version of Welcome to your Doom live. I sing and play flute, tambourine and keyboards.
DragonSong is a progressive folk rock band, primarily acoustic with strings and lots of percussion. I sing and play flute, keyboards and various drums and percussion. I left the band in April 2007, but I'm still working on the album.
Bill C and the B's are a fusion band backing Bill Chace, a jazz/pop street performer/songwriter from DC. I played flute and sing harmonies.
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