Rainfall erosion testing dates the Sphinx of Giza to circa fifteen thousand years before christ. Humanity scurries within the shadows of this great monument ignorant of the vital testament passed on to us. Looking over arrogant shoulders, human kind assumes our ancestors primitive, and pridefully fixates on progress for the sake of progress. How long until Mother Earth once again grows weary of the wayward childe? Where is the point of no return?
Excavated temples around the world contain glyphs of precursor tribes who constructed mathematical monuments to outlast flesh and bone. These writings share horrific similarities, depicting Fallen Angels who hunt in the night performing Vampyric rites, to usher in a Bloodmoon that would annihilate civilization and reset the natural order. Numerous prophecies and arcane calendars outline an Armageddon clock on a countdown extinction agenda that ends in our own lifetime.
Born on the chaos fringe between the Bible Belt and the capital metro sprawl of America, Cult was born in 2008. Blood Moon Cult grows stronger with each passing moon from the chalice of crimson truth passed amongst a circle of many whom like you seek out the winds of change. Let us cleanse one another through a violent storm of dance and music.