* In his book The Coming Revival, Bill Bright reported that "only two percent of believers in America regularly share their faith in Christ with others" (NewLife Publications, p. 65).
* "A soul at the altar does not generate much excitement in some circles because we realize approximately ninety-five out of every hundred will not become integrated into the church. In fact, most of them will not return for a second visit." Charles E. Hackett, the Division of Home Missions National Director for a leading U.S. denomination.
* In 1991, organizers of a Salt Lake City concert encouraged follow-up. They said, "Less than five percent of those who respond to an altar call during a public crusade . . . are living a Christian life one year later."
* A mass crusade reported 18,000 decisions, yet according to Church Growth magazine, ninety-four percent failed to become incorporated into a local church.
* In the March/April 1993 American Horizon, disclosed the fact that in 1991, 11,500 churches of a major U.S. denomination had obtained 294,784 decisions for Christ. Unfortunately, they could find only 14,337 in fellowship. They couldn't account for 280,000 of their decisions.
This happened despite the usual intense follow-up. What's wrong? We think that we have discovered the answer...
Why do 80-90% of those making a decision for Christ fall away from the faith? What is the principle that Spurgeon, Wesley, Whitefield, etc., used to reach the lost? Why have the Church neglected it? Don"t let anything stop you from listening to this incredible teaching.
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