art, photography, books, nature, the Nature Channel, monkeys, travel, a good road trip, bad karaoke, bowling shoes, bicycles, old things, old buildings, arrowheads, snowboarding, surfing, hawaii, novelties, my friends dropping by myspace (Ok, let's get with that, kids) cool landscape pictures, good food, service with a smile, and a nice SPANK where it counts sunshine.
Homer, Dali, Knut Hamsun, Jeff Mangum, H.P. Lovecraft oh, on here?! Friends, i guess.
Anything from The Kills to Ali Farka Toure. First 10 songs off my I-Pod shuffle: Buddy Holly, Breeders, Billie Holiday, The Specials, E.T. Mensah, Immortal Lee County Killers,'s, Sonic Youth, Superchunk, Gorillaz, EL-P. I think that's more than 10, oh well...Here's 4 words that sum up my taste in music: Loud, soul, smart, pop.
The Killing, Royal Tennenbaums, City of Lost Children, Kung Fu Hustle, Shaun of the Dead, Sin City, Big Lebowski, Reservoir Dogs, The Long Ride
English Office. Old Star Trek. Dr. Who. Dark Shadows. Rome, Carnivale, CHips, Fall Guy, Miami Vice. Ok,...Law and Order.
Phillip K. Dick, Donald Westlake, Cormac McCarthy, Italo Calvino, O. Henry, You pick a story, they're all good.
My dad. Although he probably never knew it. Beck. Frank Black. Buckminster Fuller. Peaches. Riley Martin