Exhibit 1:
Exhibit 1: Section A: "Ascent and Descent", Oil on Canvas, 1992
Exhibit 1: Section B: "Schism", Acrylic on Canvas, 1994
These are part of a series of paintings I made in the early '90s when painting was my primary focus, but more recently also since I am turning my attention to painting once again (see below)Exhibit 1A:
Exhibit 1A: Section A: "The Lord of Misrule" , Oil on Panel, 2008
Exhibit 2:
These are montages (animated .gifs) I have made predominantly with images I find here on Myspace. I like to use the images that people post on my profile as comments and recombine them in novel and fanciful ways. To me it is a kind of "visual converstaion". Feel free to leave graphic comments and if it strikes me right then I will collage and animate them and comment them back to you. Also, if I am using your artwork or photography without permission and that is objectionable to you, do not hesitate to contact me and I will stop using the image. In my mental half-life glitters the sepulchral antiquity of rotting flesh circuitry. Coagulating in this substrate is restoration of knowledge from the talons of superstition.
Vestiges of the original ideas are rendered in light as wisps of burning entrailed plumes encircle the rising thoughts like the detritutus of meteorites.
Walking upright without using our tails to support ourselves . . .
I'd like to meet:
and . . . uh . . . "CHURCHVIXEN?"
. . . AND everyone and anyone else provided they have good manners.