Extremo profile picture


I was gonna run away and join the circus, then I realized...I am the freakin' circus.

About Me

I am a artist and a clown. Although I don't do birthday parties. I paint window splashes for a living. I live and work in Portland Oregon. I love the Northwest. I enjoy designing artcars. Below and to the left you will see some of my more recent artcar creations. They have been featured on various programs including ABC News, The Travel Channel, Discovery and many more. If you go to youtube ("extremo the clown") there is a video of me on OPB's Oregon Art Beat Program. In my blog section you can read about the progress of my present artcar project "The Never Never Van" You might want to subscribe to it, it's kind of interesting. I really like doing puppet shows and singing while driving these vehicles that I create. It's exciting and fun! If I see you on the streets of Portland I will sing you a special song. I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)

My Interests

I am starting to experiment with fine art painting , I am trying both oils and acrylics, below is a painting I did recently. I also like sculpture, mold-making, singing and producing music, puppetry, roller derby and art cars...below is a snapshot of my new art car/van I have started. If you would like to know more about it, you can email me at [email protected]

I'd like to meet:

My purpose in life is to entertain people whether they like it or not. As long as an individual is not violent toward me or my puppets, and they don't smell to terribly bad, I include them as part of my audience. I like old people, young people, fat people, skinny people....purple and pink people. I like men, woman, boys and girls, robots, aliens and most animals (again as long as they are not viloent and don't smell). Your enjoyment is my joy. I accomplish my mission in life through my art and music.


I like a variety of music and my musical taste changes quite frequently. When I sculpt, draw or paint I listen to jazz or classical. When I am clowning around doing my drive-by puppet shows I listen to everything! Trance, circus, oldies, newies, you name it.


Sin City, Donny Darko, Dead Alive (unedited version), Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (both versions), Wizard of OZ. Saw, The Crow, Dark City, Santa Sangre, Killer Clowns from Outer Space. The Original Night of the Living Dead. Both Cube films. The Warriors


Bill Maher, Dexter, Weeds, Countdown with Keith Oberman, Turner Classic Movies, Rollergirls


ICE SCREAM YOU SCREAM WE ALL SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM! Commissioned by Lucky Larry the Ice Cream guy. HALLOWEEN WAREHOUSE TRUCKTHE FORD DERANGER. This is a detail of the driver's side front fender. If you look closely you will ses an alienesque creature, this head was mounted on springs so as I drove by people it would shake up and down. Often times people would scream at me "fuckin' satan worshipper" it was great fun!MSV (Mirabils Statuarius Vehiculum) Employed a working waterfall in the back.This was a vehicle I was commissioned to do for Reverend Bill's Vacation Bible CampThis is my present project THE NEVER NEVER VAN (see blog)

My Blog

Never Never Van NEWS 5-11-08

Well everyone, it's overcast here in Portland Oregon, with occasional sun breaks and light rain. It's also Mothers day, so congratulations to all you Mothers out there. Tommorrow is my anniversary, fi...
Posted by Extremo on Mon, 12 May 2008 09:00:00 PST

NNV NEWS 4-21-08

All things must end. April 21st 2008 marks the finality of one of my most treasured art cars, Mirabilis Statuarius Vehiculum (MSV).  MSV brought me many years of excitement, creativity and recogn...
Posted by Extremo on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:09:00 PST

NNV NEWS 4-19-08

It's saturday, damn it got cold here again in Portland Oregon. Last week , there was one day it was almost  80, but now some dumb ass artctic blast has hit the area and it's back down in the 40's...
Posted by Extremo on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 11:03:00 PST


Hello everybody, Every week or pretty much every week I upload new designs to CARTATZ.COM. I have over 200 designs now that I have put together. I love making these cartatz designs and Audrey and...
Posted by Extremo on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 12:04:00 PST

NNV NEWS 4-11-08

It's friday night and I finally have a bit of time to upload some new images. I will take you through the finished model of the comedy mask sculpture to making the plaster mold itself. Here is the fi...
Posted by Extremo on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 09:43:00 PST

Ill show you mine if you show me yours.

In my Never Never Van Blog one of my friends responded by saying how they love the comedy/tradgedy image. It reminded me of an incident that occured in my life when I was nine years old. I was living ...
Posted by Extremo on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 09:51:00 PST

NNV NEWS 3-29-08

  Well these past couple weeks have been challenging. The weather has been unseasonably erratic. I scream at thee Mother Nature, I curse you!! "WHERE IS SPRING BIATCH!!! Yes these early Spring da...
Posted by Extremo on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 01:05:00 PST

NNV NEWS 3-17-08

  Well I have begun working on the back window of the van I am using waterbase clay. I picked up a bunch of 25lb. bags for an incredible $2.50 a bag at ceramics/art store here in Portland. When I...
Posted by Extremo on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 12:43:00 PST


  The Never Never Van will be created over a period of at least 4 years, some of my art car projects have spread out  over an enitire decade. It can take an overwhelming amount of time...
Posted by Extremo on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 10:09:00 PST

Art Exhibits

Willoughby's Frame Shop - Fallon, Nv. Parkside Gallery - Reno, Nv. Warehouse Gallery - Honolulu, Hi. In Good Taste - Fallon, Nv. Basil Hallward Gallery - Portland, Or. Robert Berman Gallery - Santa Mo...
Posted by Extremo on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 11:02:00 PST