Music,surfing,Bad books by great writers,3 day orgasms,playing punk rock and jazz at the same time,driving my t-bird down the 101 at 140 mph late at night while praying to the souls that time has forgotten.
Real people,nice ladies with a little naughty,something like a cross between Betty Page and Elisebeth Taylor on a quart of good scotch in a Las Vegas penthouse on a Saturday night.People that like good music whether its Black Flag or Bob Dylan ,Jonny Cash or good old Beethoven and of course Thelonious Monk Hip Hop Style.Fast Cars,smooth ladies,koolade female casanovas that arn't afraid of anything !!In brief if you like to dance ,rock out,and drive fast at 4 am with the music blasting whispers in your soul,thats the person for me to if the shoe fits drop me a line and put em on....dig ?
Anything good,Johny Cash,Black Flag,Charlie Parker,Thelonious Monk,Nirvana,Audioslave,Distillers,Bob Dylan,Sublime,Bob Marley,Foetus,Sex Gang Children,Bau Haus,My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult,Ludwid Van Beethoven,Vaugner,Paganinni,Sub-Humans,Circle Jerks,John Coltrain,Rage Against The Machine!!,Tom Waits,AC/DC,Black Sabbath...hell if it has soul I can get into it....dig ?
Streetcar Named Desire,Lawrence of Arabia,Baby Doll,Matrix,Gangs Of New York,Evil Dead,Black Hawk Down,Decline of Western Civilization,Thirteen,Amelie,La Femme Nakita,Sling Blade,Wild At Heart(#1 on my list),Blue Velvet,Dracula,The Proffesional,Spirited Away,Animatrix,Enter The Dragon,The Hunger(2 on my list)
Kill your Telivision! But If you can't..Law and order(all of em )Sopranos,Sex and The City,Laker Games,Adult Swim on cartoon network,TCM,AMC, ...but above all I prefer to play my guitar or the stereo or just get the fk out of the house and enjoy the South Bay!!!!
All Dostoyevski,All Bukowski,Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles,William Burroughs,Jack Kerouak,The Beat Writers,Shakespere(Titus Andronnocus my fav),anything with substance and soul that makes me think a little different after reading it.
hmmm...Alexander of Macedonia,Superman,Darby Crash,Joe Strummer,Johny Cash,Napoleon,Martin Luther King Jr.,Ghandi,......I suppose all great leaders warrior and humanitarian and musicians that don't give a fuck whether they sell cd's or not but play what they want how thay want because their soul tells them they must.