Hello! Nice to meet you! This profile is my diary, my little life and times. I have worked as a PSO for over 6 years. It may not be a glam job, but it pays my bills. No fuss, no muss.
You can probably tell I am not a professional writer, thing is, I AM a professional talker... as I am an Adult Phone Actress.
Very few people in my life know this fact.
You have probably already heard my voice during late night commercials! Yep, I do a little voice over work for those fun companies too. I won't tell which one but I know if you call you will have an awesome time!
Hopefully, through this profile I'll be able to let off some steam or gush about work, friends, callers. Maybe even give a few phone sex patrons some tips on how to make a call better for themselves and the lady on the other end of the phone.
I am NOT soliciting callers nor telling you which company I work for.
I am looking for ONLINE friends ONLY with this profile. It is my WORK profile (btw guys, I DONT WORK FOR FREE), and I would like to maintain a shred of privacy. That means if you don't heed this warning, I will post a blog with whatever stupid "hook up" line you emailed me. Anyways I am a phone actress, I pretend to like it....snicker. (10/23/07)
Who would I like to meet online? Well....Everyone and anyone! Please be over 18, have a sense of humor, and some tact. And NO I am not looking for a date...:)
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