Simone Foster, Fictional characters asside, that transendant soul, from which emminates truth, that or has a nice ass, I am thinking Jessica Alba nice, Like in Sin City, now that was a nice ass. Beyond the banality of sex and romance, I got that backwards. Anyway, Living people I would like to meet, none of my heroes, I don't wanna be disapointed, though I did meet Larry Elder, a nice man, and Jane Goodall, Awesome, radiated compassion, the only great person I ever met, well, that has achieved greatness, I know some that I am sure who will. If not in deeds then surely in spirit. And all the politions and celebrities in Hollywood, they always look better on TV or film. It was a little odd that I am taller than Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I voted for him anyway, [enough name dropping] though for you trekkies I saw Odo, to us not so good at math, Clayton from Benson, Rene something french, not aubergine that means eggplant, outside a theatre in D.C., he was wat too artzy, silk scarf et al, but he di say hi back, good people. I genuinely like people, so most people fascinate me, it's like the line in Joe Versus the Volcano, "My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know. Everybody you see. Everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake and they live in a state of constant total amazement." Though I could blame the insomnia. Dead People, the guy that invented fire, [I am old school] but he or she prolly only speacks in grunts and has no capsity for abstract thought, reminds me of high school, abstraction is so overrated. well, my Grampas that I never got too meet, Tacititus, because he was so tacit, Arminus, Cleopatra, I heard she could do things, Lao Tze, he kew his Way around, Zoroaster, sometime you need a little duality, The Bede, for some stories. Charlemagne, Just to slap around, That's for Widukind, A paragraph and I am not even i the nineth century. OK skip ahead, highlights, john locke, adam smith, thomas paine, washington, des carte, Kepler, newton, skipping samuel clemens, kierkagarde, nietzche, de tolcville, Abraham lincoln, skipping, Pershing, albert schweitzer, skipping, john dewey, skip, ronald reagan and te where's the beef lady, again for widukind. Type of woman, jane goodall's souls in uma thurmans body.
except for corporate country and nongangsta rap, impovisational jazz and chinese folk music, I can groove to any tune, but if you see me start to dance,RUN! a spectical not fit for decent folkes. Rocking to james blunt and Naked Trucker, and Xtina, she can sing. but some old school punk and southern rock will usually do.
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