Mighty Rex profile picture

Mighty Rex

What is the price of one piano, compared to the crime that has been committed here?

About Me

Le Bloge Recycleutuer

This month, a selection of recycled December blogs for you. Enjoy.
December 25
My Christmas Wish
Objet (One of my personal favorites.)
And on permanent recycle, 'cause it's important:
Five Thousand Voices
And the sequel,
Let's Expand The Federal Government
Writer, Stagehand, Designer, Left-leaning Centrist, Hater of Fear, Living by Example, Friend to the Environment, Lover of Animals No Not in That Way, Lego Enthusiast, Pancake Eater, Constant Learner, Somewhat Intense at Times but hopefully Generally Polite.
Total blogs: 241
Ratio of blog views to profile views: 4.07383 to 1
Weight: 186
Miles Run this month: 22
Miles Run last month: 16 (bizzy!)
Miles Run February: 19 (coltdt!)
Miles Run January: 29
Miles Run December: 34
Miles Run November: 32
Miles Run October: 19
Miles Run September: 0
Miles Run August: 52
Average mile speed (when running for speed): 7:40
Temperature in Brooklyn today: 45 and windy.
Temperature in Oakland: 57 and showers.
Awesomeness Factor: 6.7 and advancing
Number of insufferable idiots I have suffered:109
Pants: 33/34
Uninterrupted pushups: 40
College GPA: 2.44
Current Experimenting Adult Bev of Choice: Snakebites
Recent consecutive work days: 25
Current About-To-Run-Out-Of Item: Sleep time
Propositions from Las Vegas hookers: 4
Number of people of color seen during 5 days
in Phoenix, AZ: 19
Percentage of these at bus stops: 80
Recently paid extra debt pay-down: $4000
Hours of television viewed this month: 0
Number of cups of coffee out of one-pound bag: 39
Cost of cup of brewed coffee, retail: $2.11
Cost of Gorilla Deep Roast 1lb ground: $11.00
RIP Top Bloggers of Myspace, best source of best blogs on Myspace. Killed by mysterious radioactive Myspace element Dumbassium-235.

My Interests

Writing, must publish soon.
Climbing trees.
Foreign affairs, history, politics.
Dance and theatre.

I'd like to meet:

A collection of specific blogs from people at the top of their game.

Janelle spells her name all funky-like but that doesn't stop her from delivering some excellent, even poignant, travel advice.

Check out Iris , a new find. I think this particular offering, "The Girl and The Giant", is especially wonderful. I look forward to reading more!

Melancholy Fae delivers the shockingly true life and funny tale of the Bunny From Cell Block C.

Reggie has a photo-interpretation of 1986 Paul Simon that is even funnier if you, like I, got the Graceland album and said WTF Are You Mumbling About Paul Simon You Crackhead.

Dabi lays it down, really tells it how it is, regarding Michael Vick and his atrocious dogfighting habit. Asshole (Vick, not Dabi).

moe moe speaks of icepicks, Trotsky, and doubt... she is like a bite-sized 3Musketeers bar when it's not even Halloween.

I love the way H writes in general, but this comic of Paul and Mary is absolutely To. Die. For. You have to be her friend though, so send her a message to be added!

Vincent makes a big leap and a poignant tribute in Boxes of Love. Of course it has funny moments, too. It's Vincent.

Aaaaaaron wrote this blog about interconnectedness. I adore it.

Why do I love New Zealand? Just read ret's blog , "I just got attacked by Jesus!!"

Adam can and will throw down the thought-provoker from time to time. Won't hurt a bit.

R.H. talks about what should be a non-story, a gay NBA player.

Hau Ab . I can't even begin to introduce this. Ack. HAHA.

Trendon's blog about Death By Lite-Brite is absolutely hilarious and spot-on!

Be glad your morning ain't starting like CC's.

A sobering look at the State of the Union , in light of MLK, from Nicholas.

The mean Dad brings you the Iraq war from a slightly different perspective. Seems it might be about money. Who knew?

His blogginess 'A' brings the beat in his oddly hilarious and hopefully one of many Hip-Hop Moments, Vol. 1

You might want to empty your bladder and find a quiet place where people will not be offended by your peels of laughter when you read Cow Tongue by the very gifted Emma.

May We Live Long and Die Out is a great blog by Desi on world population growth, just in case you're ready to start worrying about more important things.

Vincent delivers a tragically funny comment on world affairs and the reactions of Americans... or at least one American. Brilliant.

You only WISH you could be as cute and pitiable as Inga when you're sick. Awww.

You can learn a lot about emotions from a woman who loves bears!

Over Unity brings you a mind-boggling tale of his encounter with Agents of Hank!

Emma tells the story of the funeral for Calvin's fish.

The Judge , on the history and relevance of habeas corpus.

CC , on the new 'Red' campaign to bring attention and relief to the AIDS epidemic in Africa through American consumerism.

Nathan rips on the immigration debate and the state of the American teenager.

Isaac Moore as usual combines brevity, hilarity, and patriotism in his latest protest strategy.

Freckleface is a great person to visit whenever you need a smile. In this case, you can read about her ultra-cool friend The Munchkin and feel reassured that everything is right in the world.

SpiltMilk has an intelligent and carefully layered Thoughts on a Funeral... you can see the world as he describes it and feel better that you're not alone in all of those thoughts you've had at such gatherings.

more to come...

More Than One Ninth of My Friends Have Been Independently Verified To Exist:

I wish I could put all of my Verified Existance Friends up, but for now, this is in the order of most recent verfication. 'Tis not so wide as a church door, but 'twill serve.

Top 24 Theme provided by Ronco


This is a song Katy wrote for me, with lyrics taken from traditional Irish blessings. It was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. Blessing


Best movies of 2007: Ratatouille and The Darjeeling Limited. I highly recommend both.

Just saw No Country For Old Men, Tommy Lee Jones fantastic, movie gory and violent but in an absurd way. Be prepared. Pretty good complex layers to the story.

Then there's Pirates of the Caribbean.. Man, was that phoned in. I didn't really like Children of Men.
Pan's Labyrinth
was okay but I wasn't prepared for the amount of graphic violence. Strange trend, that.

Eragon was the most laughable idiocy I've seen since Battlefield Earth. Oh my God, who greenlights these pictures?

Every American should see An Inconvenient Truth, Why We Fight, Good Night and Good Luck, Who Killed The Electric Car?, and Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room. Oh, and Jesus Camp. Then you should use your brain and take some interest in the world. I'm not saying become a crusader, just pay attention.


Television may in fact be the greatest waste of a revolutionary technology in the history of mankind. The great irony is that it could be different tomorrow, if people just wanted to change with it.

I think what antagonize's me the most is when people use egreegiously large words in debate to show there not stupid and should be taken seriously.

Here me out, its rediculous how egnorant people are of language onest the spellchecker is'nt on.

Special bonus points if the above is employed while rediculing other's for they're bad grammer. Why people do that, totally alludes me.


Currently reading a Spanish phrasebook .

Just finished World War Z by Max Brooks.

Other recent reads:
Failed States
The Great War For Civilization
The Persian Puzzle
The Tailor of Panama
See No Evil
Founding Brothers again.
The God Delusion
Guests of the Ayatollah
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

Currently working on my own novel and two collections of short stories.

Also, I read a ton of blogs; if I haven't got to yours in a while, sorry, I'll try.


Michael Berg, Hunter S. Thompson, Wallace Shawn, Jude Law, Madeleine Albright, Bubba Clinton, My Old Man, Underdog, Tennessee Tuxedo. Louisa, that myspace pioneer. And Al Gore does some good work. Want to be my hero? Engage in thoughtful, polite, open-minded debate on whatever topic you see fit. Thanks.

My Blog

Health, Wellness, and Silda Spitzer

Thanks to everyone for the empathy around my sick cat, Boo. I figure she's got three months or less. She has a large mass on one nipple that is oozing and bleeding a little... basically it's gotten so...
Posted by Mighty Rex on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 01:44:00 PST

Benign Neglect

I am talking with Rosco, the Cat of A Thousand Issues.Rosco is sitting on my chest, as is his custom. He settles deliberately, stretches out his paws until the tips of his claws rest just above the c...
Posted by Mighty Rex on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 12:11:00 PST

Things I Have Learned Since I Grew Out My Tail

Rejecting who I am is an unhealthy habit that ultimately has led to low self-esteem, depression, and misery. My therapist has been spelling this out for me since the beginning of our sessions. I don'...
Posted by Mighty Rex on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 01:01:00 PST

Chapter Two

Chapter Eight.I made the decision to be a brilliant scientist very early. I collected rocks. I collected stamps. I mapped the neighborhood hidey-spots and figured fields of fire in case of German i...
Posted by Mighty Rex on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 01:04:00 PST

Chapter One

Chapter 1I woke up in my childhood home, the Rex Estate, where apparently I fell asleep in the den. I was wearing my dark blue shirt, the one with the thin vertical black stripes, and my ripped grey ...
Posted by Mighty Rex on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 11:55:00 PST

Star Wars Guide To The Candidates

Hello America!As you may know, 2008 is going to be a g-rate year. I am so excited! There is to be a presidential election this year! Hoo-ray! Exciting times, exciting times. And whoa... so confusing...
Posted by Mighty Rex on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 04:20:00 PST


That sound in your ear when you can't get the last little bit of water out? That sort of spongy crusty sound of a sense impaired for no good reason? I've had that on and off for several days now; mak...
Posted by Mighty Rex on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 12:33:00 PST

Final Holiday Window Wrap-ups with Missiles and Toads!

Last big Christmas window photo blog, I promise.This is actually my favorite part of Bergdorf Goodman's display this year. It could easily be duplicated on a small budget by a talented artist, it's n...
Posted by Mighty Rex on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 08:17:00 PST

More Holiday Windows!

Moving on to Part Two of Bergdorf Goodman's themed holiday windows... a series of choices to contemplate. Some of them are thought-provoking, others, like "Empire or Regency?" sort of require a "I do...
Posted by Mighty Rex on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 02:30:00 PST

Whee for Christmas! Lotsa Photos!

When the end of the year rolls around and we secularists give thanks for the religious freedoms that result in suspension of alternate-side parking regulations on all those "holy" days... I can't help...
Posted by Mighty Rex on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 03:32:00 PST