sherry profile picture

sherry the act of getting married.

About Me

I just saw the Sherry Heart review and it was hilarious! I haven't enjoyed a laugh like that since milli vanilli's misfortunate record skip. The sherry heart review inspired a gut-busting laugh more along the lines of a baudy girlie review cum political satire, with lots of ribaldry and good fun. One of the best parts was the shooting scene where there were 30 or more gunslingers firing in rapid succession. The realism was...well it was down right unreal! The initial roller-coaster ride was exhilirating, but later on, when the thrill-ride slows and the champagne buzz starts waning, you're in for a bit of a let down. The slow parts can be...well, just downright slow. But then the hystrionics pick up at the end and you realize, this is a woman living outside the (this) box. Finally, the raucus good-time finished the show with an overall feeling of "i want more!"Jones Candy Pick-Up Review, December 2005 MyWackoSpace MySpace Layouts MySpace Graphics MySpace Icons Contact Tables
How I made my profile:
I used 's amazing MySpace Editor .

My Interests

plastic cake decorations, ultra suede, a good hand, a good grape, lotion, jenjo, substantial noses, veneers, chealse, apples, vegetables, foreigners, fondue, old spice, mustaches, nice skulls, taggin', hookin' (rugs), taxidermy, meager wages, throwing rocks at cars, sucking lollies, middle america, the word and the letter "Y".

I'd like to meet:


boston; kansas; asia; alabama; europe; chicago....."Too many Journey's for one life time..........


Xanadu, Mary Poppins, Tar Baby, Grease.....




anything by Jones Candy.

My Blog

Corporate America on Vacation

Posted by sherry on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 10:25:00 PST

Horrors of flying.

Ok, everyone knows that flying can be a nightmare.  Well, today I flew into Vancouver for work and I'm on Canada Air.  As I am making my way back to my seat I notice there are no pillows to ...
Posted by sherry on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 05:51:00 PST

Can you be inlove with your girlfriend? first kiss with my new friend Jennifer who I had met in Mpls. at a place Prince made famous, called First Avenue.  She was walking up the stairs and about ready to pass me when she w...
Posted by sherry on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 08:14:00 PST

The hungry Monster

I remember saying a couple of weeks ago that I was sooo grateful for my life and home here in Brooklyn. I had held on to this apt I was living in until my roommate moved out and I could take over the ...
Posted by sherry on Sun, 15 Jan 2006 07:10:00 PST

What is the truth?

Answer this question: If your religious beliefs tell you that you are going to a certain heaven under certain rules, do you think all other belief systems are wrong in order for yours to be right...
Posted by sherry on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 03:01:00 PST

my amazing 24 hours.......

Last Thursday my friend Erin and I went out to Dinner in the Lower East Side in NYC.  For those of you that don't know it's an area of lower Manhattan that has lots of bars and restaurants.&...
Posted by sherry on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST