PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE profile picture


Read it for the articles--and the cocks.

About Me

Playgirl interview on Domestic Bliss Radio!

Playgirl has provided erotic entertainment to women for more than 30 years. We've been through (ahem) thick and thin, and like any hot thing in her early 30s we are reinventing ourselves again, with much love for the coolest things we've done (the '70s!) and moving on from others (um, hairless greased-up hunks). But one thing we've always had is cock! How many other mags for women have that? (We're sorry, Cosmo, but no amount of sex quizzes will equal a full monty.) Basically we're a sex-positive, woman-positive magazine in celebration of hot guys staffed by a bunch of funny-ass women who love them.

If there's a back issue you'd like to get your hot little hands on, call (800) 458-9640. Or, you can check us out in all our glory at

My Interests

Sexual intercourse, erections, the Rabbit, using the word "hunk" and its variants, models who don't have the standard ugly sun tatt, bad double entendres, the party zone, the VIP zone, TCB, and (on that note) finding new models, photographers, and writers to work with.

I'd like to meet:

People who love hot dudes and dudes who are Playgirl-approved. (This means be awesome and take it off.) Also Dicks, Peters, John Thomases, Willies, and Johnsons and other cool myspace MEMBERS.If you think you have what it takes to be a Playgirl model, send your photos (including nude and erect shots, duh) to: [email protected]. Editorial questions, embarrassing sex stories, sex advice, or anything else sex- or women-oriented can (and should!) be sent to [email protected].


Over the years we've exposed rockers like Keith Richards (I know--ew, but it's a freaking Rolling Stone rig), Billie Joe of Green Day, and (much more impressively) the aptly-named Peter Steele of Type O Negative. April of 2001 graced us with the gorgeous Keith Urban; and in Rocktober 05 we featured tatted Southern dirty-birdie Hank Williams III, who dished all about his taste for the groupies, group sex, and his judicious use of sex toys. In December 05 we had the Dresden Dolls getting off on their own jams with an ipod-vibrator. In January 06 we convinced HUNX & JUNX of GRAVY TRAIN!!!! to drop trou. (It wasn't that difficult!) In Febuary 06 we objectified a lanky heir to the storied L.A. sleaze-rock legacy, London LeGrand of Brides of Destruction. In March, we introduced dreamboat Keith from the 88. In January '07 we profiled a bunch of sexy Scandinavian rockers (Norwegian wood, anyone?) in our cock 'n' roll issue. Don't even get us started on July 2007 when Darryl Worley got into the swing of things. And so on...


Anytime Ewan McGregor shows his Groundskeeper Willie. Anything with Gael Garcia Bernal. 28 Days Later when Cillian Murphy is nakes.


Marcus Patrick (of "CSI" and "Days of Our Lives") made a significant impact on Playgirls everywhere in our September 2007 issue. And you might want to check out this season of "Nip/Tuck" (we hear Julian McMahon's character throws down for him dishing all about it in Playgirl's October 2007 issue). And for those of you overseas, the reality show "Try Before You Die" has this really hot host, Dennis Storm, who's totally nekkid in our October 2007 issue. Got other TV stars with full frontals you'd care to see? Let us know!


Hey, did you know there are words interspersed with all the wangers? It's true! We're proud to have Margaret Cho, Pamela Des Barres (she writes a monthly column, Plus One), Sex.Ed columnist Jamye Waxman,, and intrepid reporters Kelly Rouba, Lisa Gentes, Margot Leitman, Kristina Wong, and Kim Alvarez among our recent contributors. We also review tons o' books. Not so much chick lit and romance...we dig the more badass titles.Also erotica writers are invited to submit to our popular reader-written "Erotic Encounters" section, which provides a warmup for less visual types (i.e., females). E-mail stories or questions to [email protected]!


Cynthia Plaster Caster! (check out our Feb 06 interview) And speaking of groupies, Pamela DesBarres writes about hot musicians for us! And she should know. You know what we're saying?

My Blog

Official Playgirl Blog is Up and Running!

Our blog is up, it's pro, and it's
Posted by PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE on Tue, 13 May 2008 11:29:00 PST

One Hot, Naked National Guardsman; One Hell of an Outcry

Stewart Zamudio: American hero or guilty of treason?People are so uptight, it kills us. Since when is naked-time unpatriotic? Stewart Zamudio, a former member of the National Guard, showed his stuff i...
Posted by PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE on Thu, 08 May 2008 09:19:00 PST

Updated: Playgirl Subscription Info

PLAYGIRL SUBSCRIPTIONOrder now, and get your subscription started today!!!Simply complete this order form and email, mail or e-mail it back to us. Please enter my subscription for 6 issues for just $...
Posted by PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 08:51:00 PST

Model Forms and Photo Submission Guidelines

Okay boys, here's your chance to make it big.Think you have what it takes to be a Playgirl model?If you are interested in professional modeling and think that your body, skin, frame, smile, and of cou...
Posted by PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 11:27:00 PST

Julian Fantechi on The Insider!

Posted by PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:10:00 PST


Come check out our April issue release party! In addition to celebrating our hottest muscled men of April, one of our favorite Centerfolds is celebrating his birthday. To honor him, the Erotic Bakery ...
Posted by PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 09:49:00 PST

Media Madness Over our Man of the Year

It's a sorry state of affairs when, amidst international crises, political quagmires, and more specifically, a metropolis chock-full of corruption, crime, and vagrancies, a newspaper goes after a man ...
Posted by PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:26:00 PST

Playgirl wants your stories!

Hey every body...Playgirl is in the midst of a gorgeous redesign that will have you all swooning over the June issue. One of the new features in the revamped magazine will be a special section for our...
Posted by PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 11:54:00 PST


Posted by PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 10:29:00 PST

Bloody hilarious!

Check out our favorite West Coast funny lady/frigging awesome activist/PG comedy issue contributor Kristina Wong, talkin' bout Playgirl and going all Carrie style.and here is her regs website:www.kris...
Posted by PLAYGIRL MAGAZINE on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 09:20:00 PST