Besides loving everything to do with nature, I sweep, dust, sew loose buttons, cook, wash dishes, do laundry, watch over pets and children, cobble and mend, tend the garden, chase away mice and ants and spiders, empty the trash, organize clutter, milk the cow, churn butter, make baskets, light the fire and keep it lit, plow the fields, fetch water . . . gosh, what don't I do! And I read, read, read books!!! I also love to dress in garb for Ren Faires. Huzzah!
The Brownie
In a corner of the bedroom is a great big curtain,
Someone lives behind it, but I don't know who;
I think it is a Brownie, but I'm not quite certain.
(Nanny isn't certain, too.)
I looked behind the curtain, but he went so quickly--
Brownies never wait to say, "How do you do?"
They wriggle off at once because they're all so tickly.
(Nanny says they're tickly too.)
Alan Alexander Milne (author of Pooh stories)
Other fae folk who are living magickal lives. Anyone with a kind heart.
Sandra's Specialties
Lady Narf's Wigs n' Wear
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Anything with the harp or flute in it! Some favorites include Blackmore's Night, Enya, Mediaeval Baebes, Loreena McKennitt, Stevie Nicks, Evanescence, Priscilla Hernandez, Jehtro Tull, Solas, Clannad . . . Celtic, Romani and Middle Eastern.
My, my, my . . . there are sooo many: Here are a few favorites: Grimms Fairy Tales, The Collected Tales of Hans Christian Andersen, 1001 Arabian Nights, Gulliver's Travels, Peter Pan, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, Alice In Wonderland, Alice Through The Looking Glass, Mists of Avalon, The Hobbit, Wizard of Earthsea, The Never-Ending Story, The Princess and the Goblin, the fourteen OZ books, Wind In The Willows, Poe's works, Shakespeare--especially A Midsummer Night's Dream, any mythology, folklore or fairy tale compendium and anything Celtic!
You--when you indulge in random acts of kindness, and
Santa Claus and all the North Pole Elves and
Buddy the Elf
You are Mahogany
Stable and decisive, you lack the hyper energy of most orange colors.
You're still energetic, but you tend to project a peaceful, relaxed vibe.
You love to feel cozy. You often rather wrap up in a blanket than go out for the night.
What Color Orange Are You?