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Mystic Chalice Magick

Where everyone is Magickal...

About Me

Greetings! Welcome to the official Mystic Chalice Magick Myspace page. Mystic Chalice Magick is a family run and operated business specializing in retail and wholesale Witchcraft, and other enchanting items. Located in Salem, Ma, Mystic Chalice Magick offers authentic spellwork, collectibles, jewelry, etc. Everything we carry is handmade and Magickly charged by real Salem Tradition witches.
Co-Founder Melissa Medley is an established Witch and was an apprentice and personal assistant to the Official Witch of Salem, Laurie Cabot and her daughter Jody Cabot for 3 years. Melissa was the Manager and Senior buyer for The Cat, The Crow and The Crown, the Cabot family shoppe, before venturing off on her own. Melissa earned her 1st and 2nd Degree certificates in the Cabot Tradition of Witchcraft and has been taught the Cabot family methods of Ritual Spell Casting, Psychic Reading, Astrology, Tarot, Scrying, Herb Magick, Candle Magick, Mineral Magick, Potion Creation, and Incense Creation. Due to Melissa’s special abilities, she was asked personally by Laurie Cabot to teach her Ritual Spell Casting workshops. Melissa combines Cabot Tradition with her own personal way of doing Magick and has studied many differant religions and techniques.
Co-Founder Jessica Weaver, is a trained and certified massage therapist specializing in holistic and meditative spirit relaxation massage, and chakra cleansing. She is a hereditary Witch with special healing and psychic abilities. Jessica’s training includes Herbal Healing Magick, Touch Healing, Familiar Magick, Faerie Magick, Tarot, Astrology, Ritual Spell Casting, and Candle Magick.
We make REAL Magick. Everything we create is made from organic herbs and essential oils. Every Potion, Candle, Spell Kit, Incense and Spell Bottle is charged in Ritual during the correct phase of the Moon. Our Magick WORKS! Please use your own discretion when selecting and using your Magick Item.

My Interests

~~~What is Magick?~~~
Magick is the science of manipulating energies to manifest your desires. Everything has an energy; a rock, a plant, a person. The universe is made up of different energies. Learn how to use those energies combined with your will and intention and you can do anything.
Hold an object in your hand. After a while you will notice the object is warm or even hot. You just transferred your body heat ( a type of energy) to that object. The same applies for Magickal energy.
Magick is also an Art, a Religion, and a way of life. Once you experience proof that Magick is real, it changes the way you see the world and yourself.
~Is Magick Dangerous?~
It can be. Magick is VERY real and should always come with a warning. You are ALWAYS dealing with Karma and Cosmic Energy. "Do what ye will and harm none shall be the whole of the law" is a warning. If you abide by that rule, your spells will work with no "bounce back effect". If not, well you will get what you want and pay for it too. If you feel that it is worth it to you, it is your choice. Just remember, there are ALWAYS consequences with harmful Magick. Please be wise.
~What is the "bouce back effect"?~
This is a simple lesson. Do something harmful, and you will get harm back, usually 3 fold (3 times as bad). Who can really explain why this is? I can not. But I know it is real and true, and my goal as a teacher is to help you understand your limits for your own happiness. CURRENT MOON moon phases..~Why the Moon matters~
“Things are so crazy lately, is the Moon full?” This “assumption” has become part of our culture. “Beware the full Moon, people get crazy!” Sounds familiar? The truth is that this “assumption” is really based on scientific fact.
The gravitational forces between the Earth and the Moon (other wise known as Tractive Force) physically affect our planet. The most obvious being the change in the Earth’s bodies of water. Other changes include plant development and animal behavior.
Changes are created because the Earth and the Moon are attracted to each other, just like magnets are attracted to each other. The Moon tries to pull at anything on the Earth to bring it closer. (aww she just wants a hug!) So Lady Luna, in all her beautiful and Magickal splendor, affects our bodies of water.
~What about us? Are we effected?~
Absolutely! After all, our physical bodies are made up of between 55% and 70% water! Like the seas, we are also bodies of water and therefore our behavior sways back and forth with the ever-changing phases of the Moon.
~How does the Moon effect Magick?~
The Moon phases along with Astrology are essential elements to successful Spell-Casting. We have already discussed scientifically how Lady Moon affects us physically, it also effects us mentally and psychically. If we tune ourselves and our Magick to the same energy level as the Moon (based on the phases), our spells are sure to be powerful!
~The Phases and what they mean Magickally~
~The Waxing Moon~
This is the period between the New Moon and the Full Moon, when the Lady is increasing in size. The Moon, night by night is growing towards the glorious Full. This is a time to bring your desires into your life or increase what you already have. Money, Love and Success, for example, are intentions that you would focus on at this time.
~The Waning Moon~
This is the period between the Full Moon and the New Moon, when the Lady is decreasing in size. Lady Moon, night by night is slowly transforming into the New Moon, and eventually will no loner be seen. This is a time to banish or decrease what you have. Banishing people, negativity, and addictions, for example, are intentions to be focused on at this time.
~The Full Moon~
This is said to be the most powerful point of the Moon’s Journey through the phases. Lady Luna lights up the sky with brilliance and you can feel her power all around you. This Moon effects us the most. Generally you can do any spell to give it that extra intensity. Love, Money, Protection and Power are some of the most common intentions to be focused on.
~The New Moon~
And for a moment she is gone; out of sight but still there. The night sky is black and filled with stars. Her beauty and power still remain. This is the time for blessing new projects. A New Business, Job, Love, Body, House, for example are intentions this phase will bring you. And her cycle continues; She will begin to grow night after night and as her power increases, so too will your spell.
~Blessings and Magick~
~Melissa C. Medley~

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My Blog


Saturday night around 6:20 experience the FULL MOON ECLIPSE. Look to the East and you shall see this beautiful, Magickal and powerful sight!Also take advantage of her power by doing some spell work! Y...
Posted by Mystic Chalice Magick on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 11:09:00 PST

Full Moon Love Spell

Full Moon Love Spell A simplified yet intensified Magickal Spell to Draw a lover to you or increase the love that is there already.   You will need:   Two pink candles Love Potion Black or R...
Posted by Mystic Chalice Magick on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 12:59:00 PST


Comming soon.... we will be updating as we get started up.
Posted by Mystic Chalice Magick on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 09:15:00 PST