All artwork copyrighted by dzaet belongs solely to dzaet and is not to be removed under any circumstances whatsoever. Thankyou.
Hello! I am an artist. An artist in a hurry. I have spent most of my life suffering with panic disorder. It was completely debilitating in my case, and it left me an empty shell of a human being. Every day was spent trying to control the fear that ruled me. As I have become older, the fear has all but subsided, and instead of spending every day of my life controlling fear, I yearned to turn back to the art that kept me alive as a child. In February of this year, I did a painting. And 12 more have been born in the last 2 months. I am home. I am finally home...But, I am in a hurry! I have lost most of my life to a mental disease, and now I have a lot to make up for in a smaller amount of time than most artists have. My mind is whirling with all of the wonderful things I want to do. Every single day is a miracle, and I am thankful for each and every one of them.
copyright dzaet
We are so limited on this earth with these human hands. If only the mind could hold the paintbrush.
Abandoned Soul
Copyright ... dzaet
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Welcome to my cave. I go batty over art, fashion and the whole goth world. Music gives me life.I am a typicalsagitarian, but I don't take astrology seriously. I have a tendency to be lonely, even when I am surrounded bya ton of people. I tend to only paint and sketch people...maybe it is the lonliness. I prefer to make my ownclothes, but I can be lazy about it. I do have a big heart and tend to trust everyone, even when I know it isnot a good idea. I enjoy when people like me and accept me for who I am. I also enjoy being different. Likemost of us, I want love and happiness in my life.
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