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What color is your soul painted?
Your soul is painted the color grey, which embodies the characteristics of elegance, humility, respect, reverence, stability, subtlety, wisdom, strong emotions, balance, and cancellation. Grey falls under the element of Water, and symbolizes the moon, tide, ebb and flow.
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ARE YOU A LEGALIST?Current mood: gratefulCategory: Religion and PhilosophyAre you a legalist?Or do you know someone like this that is affecting your life?I am writing this message simply to share the experience that I have had with legalists my whole life. Yes, I said my whole life!!! Religious Legalism was a very big part of the reason why I chased after the world and became a "rebel". I tell you the TRUTH."Religion" puts you in bondage…but "relationship" frees you to experience true grace.Do you want to know about legalism and what it is? Here goes:Legalism: (by dictionary.com)Strict adherence, or the principle of strict adherence to law or prescription, especially to the letter rather than the spirit.theology:The doctrine that salvation is gained through good worksThe judging of conduct of adherence to precise laws.WOW. I was actually shocked when I looked this up…because this is BLACK and WHITE! This definition itself is very clear on exactly what it is...of how people that are legalistic are only led by the rules and NOT God's Holy Spirit. If you don't understand this…maybe you can relate to this example below:For example: Is someone telling you in the church that you are not ready for ministry, that you cannot do something for Jesus yet, that you must wait on God…even though you had your healing with steadfast service to the church? Now I do understand the concept of waiting on God's timing...but not of man's own infringed timing! Are they "control freaks"? Do they give you a set of "rules"? Are they bossy with you, manipulative and demanding…do they flatter you and tell you that you have a high call on your life but it will only happen to you if you "submit" to their personal doctrine? Does this person have ulterior motives? Are they striving to succeed publicly by using you as their "fruit"?Could they possibly fear you and your true love for God…(after all, you might make them look bad!) and could it be because they have lost their love for Him because they are lost in all the rules???Below are some examples of legalism in Christianity that I believe will help you discern it's ugly little snake head when it tries to bite you!You must follow THEIR rules. Don't and you are rejected and most likely "cut off". They cannot handle intolerance—there is NO ROOM FOR MISTAKES—period!Legalists have a lack of compassion…especially when the person that they are dealing with has publicly sinned in front of the church. They will have an attitude of "You got what you deserved…it is the consequence of your sin."They are judgmental; this will be noticed as they put down others for not being "perfect" like them…or not as "super spiritual" as them. No one is excluded from their wrath of judgment…after all…they have attained the right of "Jesus in the flesh"!They are suspicious of others…they will even talk about others behind their backs! If you have a friend like this or know someone like it…watch out! This person is likely to talk about you too…as soon as you walk away!!!Perfectionism attitude. Everything they do and others must be perfect—or they will not be included in on activities, ministry, or friendships.Competetive…they must ALWAYS be the answer or final authority to everyone's problem or situation. This type of behavior results in a win at all costs attitude…no matter who gets hurt…as long as they win, they are happy! "It's all about me!!!" Underlying reason: Jealousy and insecurity.Exclusivity…you will ONLY be asked to join their "club" if you meet their strict standards. (kind of like the high school cliques) lol JThey seek after a badge of honor, and have a pride based attitude tinged with a dose of self-righteousness, self exaltation. In other words, a legalist might say: "I have been doing this type of ministry longer…so I deserve ALL the credit and respect—it's not fair that person that has only been a Christian for a few years and is getting all the recognition—after all, they are certainly not anointed like I am!"Legalists will use the word of God to manipulate and control you, conforming to "their" rules of religion. Basically, they are CONTROL FREAKS. They will frequently take the scriptures out of context to get their agendas under way.Legalist NEED the approval of men. No matter what…at all costs…THEY MUST LOOK GOOD. This makes them "feel" important and accepted on the inside.Man made rules are what legalists obey first before God. However, they will never admit this! They will continue to pull scriptures out of context to show others they are in God's will, and that they are RIGHT.Legalists will read and read the bible, all the while continuing to memorize scriptures to quote in public or write in their their essays or lessons, but never applying the scriptures to their own lives. They see the "speck" in your eye while the log is protruding from theirs! (and probably almost hitting you!) lolWhew…I know. That was a lot to take in! So…do any of you recognize these traits in others that you know…or more importantly, in yourself? Good! We are getting somewhere!Could it be that the many of the Christians of today have fallen away from true Christianity and became Modern Day Pharisees in the church???Yep…you got it! Jesus himself rebuked these very people…because they were living on this one principle: They wanted to be "holier than thou" by following MAN imposed rules and traditions. That way…they were in CONTROL…and others had to bow down to them. Call it heresy, call it a monarchy…I call it a major complex of INSECURITY."Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders (hypocrites)! For you are like tombs that have been white washed, which look beautiful on the outside but inside are full of dead men's bones and everything impure. Just so, you also outwardly seem to people to be just and upright but inside you are full of pretense and lawlessness and iniquity." Matthew 23:28-29 (amp version)Legalism judges instead of giving grace.Legalism condemns instead of convicting.Legalism is a satanic substitute for Jesus.Legalism is man made rules gone WILD!Sad, isn't it? Unfortunately that isn't all. This is what usually will happen to someone as a victim of legalism:A person will develop a low-self esteem…never thinking that they can measure up to the legalists perfect standards.Man pleasing. They will "fake the funk" In other words, try to look good on the outside, just to feel accepted and loved. Works of the flesh to "look" the part will come into play. They will put on a mask to hide their true identity…because they believe that they are not really good enough for their new legalistic friends. (funny…this is also a trait of legalists) lolGuilt and condemnation.Feelings of abandonment and rejection. Most likely they will leave the church and become isolated. Depression, suicide in some cases!!!Rebellion. From the rejection, they will turn away from God, and will go deeper into the sin they were once rescued from. They will use anything to escape this personal feeling of being unloved. Some will focus on sex, drugs, clubbing, or even put all their energy into a career and monetary success just to feel loved again.Unhealthy fear of God…they will think that God is going to punish them if they do not perform. Anxiety. God HATES them. God has a hammer…and if they do wrong, he will most likely "smash" them to pieces.They never really know who they are in Christ…because someone else has defined it for them by their mistakes. Personal identity is completely lost.How do I know this people? Because I have experienced this myself…in and out of church my whole life. Let me expain.This out of balance "RULE KEEPING" --void of real LOVE made me WANT TO SIN!!!Shocked??? IT'S TRUE!!! I actually WANTED to SIN....So, as a legalism victim, I became rebellious as a teen inside of "church". What I was seeing and experiencing resulted in very deep hurt…and I DID NOT WANT THIS HYPOCRISY IN MY LIFE!So I ran from it, and I in turn ran from God, because I thought He hated me.Could you blame me…or anyone for that matter?Because of Legalism, I could NOT draw close to God. Often times felt alone and rejected, because I was not perfect. I was taught that the only way Jesus could truly love you, was if you kept all the rules in place. There was no room for grace!Isn't it ironic that "keeping the law" will claim to bring you closer to God, (for you have the rule book in your hand, right?) but in reality distances US from the very person that is in the scriptures screaming GRACE??? Jesus!This is a huge problem in a lot of churches today…and it is not new. We all know that Jesus came to give grace to the law of Moses, and call legalism out for what it was:Complete bondage!Did you know that legalism is a sin? It's true! Check it out:"If you seek to be justified and declared righteous and to be given a right standing with God through the Law, you are brought to nothing and so separated (severed) from Christ. You have fallen away from grace (from God's gracious favor and unmerited blessing)." Gal 5:4 (amp version)How about you? Are you the victim of "legalism?" Or are you the "legalist"?If you are a victim:Do NOT, I mean do NOT give up on God. This is a devil issue and not a God issue. You are likely being treated this way because the devil sees a mighty call on your life, and he is really in fear of you! God doesn't hate you and He is NOT mad at you! He loves you so much and wants you to reach for Him and not "the world"! God will make it right…it is time to really seek Him with prayer, praise and worship.You need to know who you are in Christ…read the gospel of John (or any of the gospels) to realize who Jesus is inside of you and how YOU have overcome the devil through Him!!! After all, it is not the people doing it but the devil!Get Godly counsel (obviously NOT from the legalists--lol) from people that you know that you can trust who can help you.We must confront the legalists in love in order for them to realize what they are doing…giving them a chance to explain themselves. Love them in spite of the rejection they give you!Forgiveness!!! We MUST forgive these people for doing what they do, because many of them do not know that they are acting like legalists…the devil has blinded them. Check it out:"In fact, their minds were grown hard and calloused (they had become dull and had lost the power of understanding); for until this present day, when the Old testament (the old covenant) is being read, that same veil still lies (on their hearts), not being lifted (to reveal) that in Christ it is made void and done away.Yes, down to this (very) day whenever Moses is read, a veil lies upon their minds and hearts." 2 Cor 3: 14-15Finally, move on! You can find new friends that will not tear you down but lift you up and encourage you in your walk with God and your ministry!!! THERE IS HOPE BECAUSE YOU HAVE JESUS!!! Do not let the devil ruin your walk with God just because you were mistreated!!! It is just a LIE from the father of all lies!There ARE good people out there…trust me I know…I have MANY that surround me at my church and in my social circle—right now!!! This was because I persevered and did not give up…my hope was that if I kept seeking God though the lonely times of "churchie legalists" rejection…He would send me the right people to love me…and in turn have a healthy Godly relationship and love them back! I have never been happier…because I BELIEVED that Jesus would take care of me. And He did!If you are a legalist: Uh oh. WARNING! This might not be too good for you.Well, I am sorry…but I need to confront YOU in love. You being the "know it all" or the "rule-maker" is not helping anyone…in fact you are hurting many people that are Christians…and unfortunately many that could possibly come to Christ.The Great commission is not about memorizing scriptures and thumping the bible over peoples heads…it is to get as many souls into HEAVEN as possible! If you are constantly judging people and imposing "man made" rules on them on for what they look like, do or who their friends are…and they just do not fit into your little "God Box"...IT IS NOT WORKING…HELLO!!!You need to really look at yourself in the mirror and get to the heart of the issue….are you so fearful of what God will actually expose about your true self?Maybe you afraid you might lose your position of authority at your church or leadership role? Hmmm?Uh oh. Did I step on someone's toes?I tell you this…no role or position is worth going to HELL over!Has it become such a habit you don't know that you are actually doing it...because you were taught this as a child? Where your parents legalists?Could it possibly be that you were once a victim….and now you are an aggressor…because you never got over the pain the legalists you first knew put YOU through??? So out of fear you would "join them" instead of try to beat them?I implore you, my legalists friends, please understand that not only are you doing harm to the body of Christ as a whole…but you are doing even more deeper harm to yourselves by keeping this "role" you play!WAKE UP!!! You need to know the truth of Jesus! That He died also for the very people you are tying to "help"!By the way...most of these people you are trying to conform and "fix" already KNOW that grace does not give them the right to sin...so please do not take this thought out of contex!Don't you think that the HOLY SPIRIT might have enough power to change them? Come on...our God is more than able to do this!Give them a break already! After all, didn't Jesus give YOU a break too? All have fallen short of the glory of God!Legalists…I must stress, you NEED TO STOP IT!The only way you can do this is to realize that what you are doing is very harmful and to GET REAL with yourself...and especially God. He sees exactly what you are doing, you are not fooling anyone!"But whenever a person turns (in repentance) to the Lord, the veil is stripped off and taken away." 2 Corn 3:16This grace He has died for is for YOU TOO! God LOVES you! Ask Him to plant true compassion in your hearts and a deeper love for Him. Can you feel these people's pain that you have unknowingly inflicted? Ask Jesus to take the veil from your eyes and show you how it feels to be rejected, because, can I be honest…it hurts!Trust me…Jesus knows, because He too was rejected for bringing the very teaching of grace that you have long forgotten !I tell you the TRUTH. Again:Religion (legalism) puts you in bondage…but a real relationship (with Jesus) frees you to experience the true grace of Christ."It is He who has qualified us (making us fit and worthy to sufficient) as ministers and dispensers of a new covenant (of salvation through Christ), not (ministers) of the letter (of legally written code) but of the Spirit; for the code (of the Law) kills, but the (Holy) Spirit makes alive." 2 Cor 3:6And if we are to really walk in love and freedom...we cannot be just rule keepers...because this will put us into even more bondage that will be WORSE...for it is so self righteous!"In this freedom Christ has made us free (and completely liberated us); stand fast then, and do not be hampered and held ensnared and submit again to a yoke of slavery (which you have once put off)" Galations 5:1 (amp version)This promise is both for the rebellious victim and the legalists! And we can ALL be victors in Christ when we believe in Him and His power to set us FREE!!!"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom)" 2 Cor 3:17 (amp version)Get set free today from being a victim, or a legalist! Jesus didn't die for you to be in bondage! Because when it comes down to it...legalism AND rebellion are BOTH sin in God's eyes...Prayer for today:Lord, I love you. I don't want to be in bondage of the law anymore! Show me how to walk in true freedom! I am asking you to forgive me for breaking your statutes, set me free completely! Please teach me how to truly love You and the people in my life, so that I may be a witness to your true love and grace. Give me direction to walk in the perfect destiny you have for me. I need your help, Jesus, for I cannot do this on my own. I ask this in Jesus precious name, Amen.Oh, how I am thankful for this FREEDOM! This awesome forgiveness! I have been forgiven from so much…because I was once that "victim" of legalism that turned into a total REBEL…that only needed to be set free by my true love...Jesus!Thank you Jesus for coming to my rescue! I LOVE YOU!This lesson that I had to learn in my life was was so worth it! Because I walked it, I now can help others see the truth!I LOVE YOU all of my friends on myspace!I hope this blog blessed you today. If it has, please post your thoughts!God bless you and thank you all for praying for me and the ministry…the support…you are making a difference more thank you know!Please be patient, I am trying to answer all of my emailsJSincerely,Annie LobertHooker For Jesus J