I think, therefore I am dangerous! profile picture

I think, therefore I am dangerous!


About Me

I live in light and play in the dark...

I am an Aussie Gal who lives on the East Coast of Australia. I am a computer and Internet junkie, although I use Winblows XP a fair amount of my time (for work), I am a Linux grrl for the record. Put these two together and you get utter chaos for unsuspecting abusers of our beautiful earthly critters.

I work in the entertainment industry (for more years than I can count on my fingers & toes) as a journalist/reporter/TV presenter. I currently report for various media in Australia and the USA.

EARTHLINGS (seeing is believing)

Post Comments Here!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People of a compassionate nature to all living things on this earth, from people to pigs!
Free Rangers: People who consume meat, fish, fowl, eggs and dairy but buy "free range" products which are products that come from animals that were roaming freely and were killed humanely.
Lacto-ovo vegetarians: people who do not consume meat, fish or fowl but eat dairy and egg products.
Ovo vegetarians: people who do not consume meat, fish, fowl or dairy products but eat egg products.
Lacto vegetarians: people who do not consume meat, fish, fowl or egg products but eat dairy products.
Vegans: people who do not consume any animal products including meat, fish, fowl, eggs, dairy, or honey. Most vegans do not use any animal bi products such as silk, leather, wool, etc. as well.


+ Rise Against
+ Prata Vetra
+ Ziggy Marley
+ Thomas Dolby
+ That1Guy
+ The Waifs
+ Haysi Fantayzee
+ Ash Grunwald
+ Alan Parsons Project
+ Wa Wa Nee
+ iOTA
+ Marilyn
+ Xavier Rudd
+ John Butler Trio
+ Tommy Emmanuel
+ Boom Crash Opera
+ Rufus Philpot
+ Brett Garsed
+ Tony MacAlpine
+ Billy Sheehan
+ Devin Townsend
+ Steve Vai
+ Eric Sardinas
+ Caligula
+ Healing Waters Band
+ Joe Satriani
+ Virgil Donati
+ Jeremy Colson
+ Dave Weiner
+ Skunkhour
+ The Cure


+ Da Vinci Code
+ Narnia
+ Children of the Corn
+ The Seventh Sign
+ ET
+ Firestarter
+ War of the Worlds
+ K-Pax



+ Dead Like Me
+ Medium
+ Monk
+ Fat Cat and Friends


+ The Da Vinci Code
+ Calvin and Hobbes
+ Angels and Demons
+ Dude Where's my Country
+ Cloak of the Illuminati
+ The 20th Century Art Book
+ Captian of My Ship, Master of My Soul
+ Power vs Force
+ Liber 777
+ Diary of a Drug Fiend


+ My Fam
+ Kristine Virsis
+ Emma Leontine Virsis
+ Animal Liberation Front
+ Akhenaton
+ Marquis De Sade
+ Nietzsche
+ Francis Bacon
+ John Dee
+ The Irwin's
+ Leonardo Da vinci
+ Anton Szandor LaVey

My Blog

Updated list of cruelty products

..tr>A    Ace ~ laundry Always & Alldays ~ feminine hygiene Ariel ~ laundry Anna Sui ~ fragrance ...
Posted by I think, therefore I am dangerous! on Wed, 21 May 2008 05:28:00 PST

Reward offered!! (I will also throw in)

Kahlua was a sweet pony who gently carried children on his back and was always the first equine in his pasture to trot up to and greet visitors. His friendliness was all the more touching -- and unexp...
Posted by I think, therefore I am dangerous! on Sun, 04 May 2008 06:35:00 PST

Mugabe and the Devil

And Mugabe awoke with a hoof on his throat and he struggled and howled to be free, And tripped on the racks of his English shoes and clawed at his English suits, And crashed down the unlit corridors w...
Posted by I think, therefore I am dangerous! on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 11:40:00 PST

My life is complete!

My life is complete.... I MET SUZI QUATRO!!! Yeah yeah I know I meet celebs all the time but this is SUZI QUATRO!!! Can you tell I am a fan?
Posted by I think, therefore I am dangerous! on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 06:41:00 PST

R-I-P OPIE (my sweet friend)

R-I-P OPIE (my sweet friend) >...
Posted by I think, therefore I am dangerous! on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 06:28:00 PST


The video of a US soldier hurling a defenseless puppy from a cliff top in Iraq has continued to stir outrage and repugnance amongst online communities across the world. But, it doesn't stop there.Sol...
Posted by I think, therefore I am dangerous! on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 02:41:00 PST

On the go!

I finally got around to settng up my Yahoo on my cell fone. Now friends can contact me while I am on the go, which is all the time lol. I have been VERY busy lately but loving every minute of it doing...
Posted by I think, therefore I am dangerous! on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 10:15:00 PST

US Abattoir workers filmed ’waterboarding’ cows

The Humane Society says a California slaughterhouse has been using a range of torture, including 'waterboarding', to force unfit cattle into the slaughterhouse. The Society has shown a video from its ...
Posted by I think, therefore I am dangerous! on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 02:10:00 PST


Some of my friends may have noticed that I re-added you to my Yahoo Messenger Friends List. Don't worry I had not deleted you from my friends list. I recently got a new laptop (WOOHOO) and I installed...
Posted by I think, therefore I am dangerous! on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 05:15:00 PST

Disney kill animals for profit!

FreeVideoCoding.comCruel Camera Twenty-five years ago, Bob Mckeown and a fifth estate crew stunned the country with an investigative report that showed that many ...
Posted by I think, therefore I am dangerous! on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 01:14:00 PST