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Mmm,..so YUMMY in your TUMMY !
,.. Klakkin here, glad to meet you
I want to meet someone to pick the bones out of my fish... hate getting pricked by those damn things during dinner. I also want to meet someone who can tell the difference between Red Vines and Twizzlers based on taste alone,.. They're not the same dammit!
Sometimes what you're looking for is staring right back at you...
Vitals /////////
Age :: Twenty Nine
Body :: Six Average
Status :: Nag-iisa
Here for :: Friends / Networking
Orientation :: Male
Hometown :: Shiprock, New Mexico
Ethnicity :: North American Indian
Occupation :: Navajo
Music :: The Klakk'n Klang of pots n' pans or random nonsense humming ,... ..
Books :: Huh? Don't people give these to short friends to sit on?
Movies :: The Incredibles
Television :: FoodTube
whatisimportant :: whatisimportant
www.worldwildlife.org :: www.worldwildlife.org
Flickrstream :: Flickr photostream
del.icio.us :: Mmm so yummy in your tummy
Eh?"Practice safe lunch....use a condiment"
The JunkyardI'm never content with whatever I'm working on. Aesthetically, anything I tweak is a direct reflection of my personality and tastes. Consider this profile - which I dub Klakkleeshis - an ever changing work in progress. The layout has some minor issues with IE, Safari, and Opera. Can I recommend Firefox or Flock ? Use Intercrap Explorer as a last resort.
Best viewed in Firefox :: Layout by klakkin :: Ask First